DNA Activation and some observations

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I originally was going to post this in answer to OpenMind's thing about DNA activation-but it turned into another rant so...I thought let it play out and if someone wants to respond that's o.k.-if the Mods thinks it is noise they can delete it.

Seriously-I have not read any of Ickes' stuff (books I mean)-I went on his website to see what all the fuss was about and he seems like he's pretty much starkers (crazed) seeing lizards everywhere...his tag line about "Mighty oaks are just nuts that held their ground" kinda says it for me.He might be right about some of those folks tho' :)

I wrote in another post-and I don't think there were any respsonses, asking if anyone out there was noticing anything different about themselves-anything that was tangible, measurable that perhaps even other people might be aware of? Physical changes, you know?

I mean-if our DNA (or whomever's DNA) IS changing from 2 strand to 12 strand or whatever, I think that would be pretty noticible, right? Kind of hard to miss something like that I would think.

What kind of things could we expect from these changes-are there going to be weird mutations ala X-Men or something?Anyone out there becoming super psychic or anything?Does anyone FEEL the WAVE is getting closer?

Does anyone feel ANYTHING?

Is it just going to show up and take everyone by surprise-maybe we'll think it is just another Aurora Borealis and suddenly-WHAM- everything goes blinky and we are somewhere else?

I have noticed what seems to be an increase in synchronicity and hunches that are right-but supposedly we ALL have that ability and just have to "train" it to function (gotta work on those Lottery numbers) And I seem to recall that the C's said synchronicity was not neccessarily a GOOD thing-that it was STS driven.

There certainly DOES seem to be an increase in Looney Tunes episodes-folks going wacko and shooting up kids in schools and doing horrendous things (seems like innocent kids are the targets in a lot of these incidents-why?)

All we really have is channeled stuff, some of which can be checked out-but there's an awful lot that just could be-well-BS right?

We are supposed to use discernment and "learn" and "discover" what things are true and which are not-research and read Gurdjieff, Oupensky et al to arrive at the conclusion that we are all the dross of hyper dimensional bad guys that want to suck our souls and eat our flesh and make us their slaves when a transition occurs in our reality that will literally put us right in the play pen with these monsters. Charming.

I mean these entities could pretty much say whatever-I mean how do we know THEY are not lizzies and are not messing with our heads?Wouldn't that be just like hard core STS? To lead us on and pretend to be friendly-give us tidbits of truth mixed in with fertilizer-knowing full well we could never check it out-like a transdimensional molecularizer being buried on Oak Island-how could we ever verify that without physically digging? Or that the Hall of Records is below the Sphinx? Unless the Egyptologists get a case of conscience and decides to share REAL discoveries we may NEVER know. My company is doing work at the Smithsonian WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO BE GUILTY of hiding much arcane knowledge-what I wouldn't give to peek into their hidden archives and artifacts rooms! History is manipulated by such people so our true story is all garbage and distortion.

I have noticed there seems to be notes of doubt creeping into some of the posts-folks are getting antsy-wondering just if and WHEN the stuff will hit the fan. I mean look at Y2K-Everyone was CERTAIN the whole thing was gonna go to hell and we were all gonna die-and what happened? Nada. Not to be complacent or anything-Boy Scout motto-"Be Prepared" never hurts anyone.

There are some nasty things going on right now-and there are definetely some nasty things in outer space that could come and ruin our days real quick-and I don't mean ETs in space ships-it'll be the one we DON'T see that will get us. Lizzies not withstanding though, I think WE are our worse own enemies more often than not and play right into their traps-and nary a thought about how WRONG it is to do these things to one another. It doesn't take a God or religion of any kind to tell you these things are BAD. If you have a conscience it will tell you.

But the rub is-it is supposed to be a free will Universe-and ALL things are permitted so the Prime Creator may experience ALL.

Evil is merely a matter of perspective-what is Evil to one may not be to another-and as it is free will to engage in activities which the "majority" find objectionable-well that is just too bad. Accept it as what is. I guess that pretty much covers the asses of the Nazis, Communists, Zionists, Pathocrats et al, huh?

Same with the state of the planet-it is not broke according to the C's-it is at the point in the cycle where it should be and it just is-accept it as such and get on with your lessons. RIGHTO. Chin up and all that! Don't mind that child starving on the street because his mom is a crack whore and who knows where or even who daddy might be. Everything is hunky dory, a-o.k. No problemo. Just free will, doin' it's thing.

Look around-we talk about OP's and psychopaths-I often think the estimated number of them is way low. It's more like who ISN'T a psycho or empty robot creature that feels absolutely nothing and reacts only to external stimulii just like the animals they bridge to 3rd density. You walk down the street and wonder if some Greenbaumed bozo isn't gonna whip out an Uzi and start blasting-or maybe even YOU might suddenly "go off" and run your program...

The Earth is going through changes-but then it is living, dynamic system and has been changing for billions of years-there are just more of us living in areas where those changes can affect us (some quite stupidly, I think-I mean if you live on island that gets washed away by monsoons and typhoons on a regular basis wouldn't you think the inhabitants would finally say "Gee, our houses keep getting washed away-maybe we should move somewhere safer" of course for economic reasons or just plain cannot for whatever reason they may NOT be able to do so-but really. Common sense says move to higher ground, right?

Humans have definetely added their efluvia to the mix and done much to alter the Earth and her ability to sustain us. We generate untold tons of waste and toxins and spew it into the air, water and soil-I mean why didn't anyone ever think this crap was going to come back to haunt us?

It had to go somewhere-and eventually that somewhere was gonna expand into areas where it really wasn't wanted-or was gonna overload where it was being dumped and start seeping out or backing up-causing anything from merely unpleasant odors to horrifying diseases and mutations. The effects of depleted uranium / plutonium we are using in our weapons will be around for millenia-the gift that keeps on giving. Maybe someone KNOWS WE WON'T BE AROUND to "enjoy" those thoughtful gifts?

I am paying attention-trying to adhere to the Way (of the Fool-most likely) and just making observations-and which direction to go in-"It ain't broke so don't fix it" doesn't seem RIGHT-How can we just simply ignore EVIL and accept it as just what it is? A byproduct of a free will Universe? If that is a normal thing then WHY do we have FEELINGS about it that are contrary to that reality?Why does this all feel so WRONG? Why oh why were we blessed with conscience if we aren't supposed to USE it?
Hi Tschai,

I know all too well how frustration and emotion in general can sometimes really overwhelm, but I think you've said a few things where your emotions have twisted the objective reality.

tschai said:
All we really have is channeled stuff, some of which can be checked out-but there's an awful lot that just could be-well-BS right?
Right! This is why it is only inspiration at best, it is the research and work that follows that gives us any real answers. I feel that frustration too sometimes, but don't let it get to you - focus on what you KNOW, focus on what you CAN see and do. Doesn't mean do not think about 4th density realities and the Wave and all that, but you won't find any proof or "absolute certainty" of this sort of stuff right now, only hints and clues here and there, coming from differnet fields (like physics, history, prehistory, legends, current Ufology research, etc). But the research into psychopathy and by extension the pathocracy that rules this planet and how it is done, the research into cyclical cataclysms (corroborating much of the C's warnings by the way), the research into our history so on, this is what is verifiable and real, this is the fruit of real Work, which offers not just inspiration but real knowledge. Ok yeah nobody's gonna go dig a hole to find some TDARM, and of course any and all parts of the channeling can be false. But this is ok, that's why we have a brain to figure things out, osit.

We are supposed to use discernment and "learn" and "discover" what things are true and which are not-research and read Gurdjieff, Oupensky et al to arrive at the conclusion that we are all the dross of hyper dimensional bad guys that want to suck our souls and eat our flesh and make us their slaves when a transition occurs in our reality that will literally put us right in the play pen with these monsters. Charming.
But again, some of it is much more concrete and there is much more evidence for some of those things than others.

I have noticed there seems to be notes of doubt creeping into some of the posts-folks are getting antsy-wondering just if and WHEN the stuff will hit the fan.
But what would you do if it hit the fan right now? Do you think you're ready to handle what comes, mentally, spiritually, and network-wise?

Evil is merely a matter of perspective-what is Evil to one may not be to another-and as it is free will to engage in activities which the "majority" find objectionable-well that is just too bad. Accept it as what is. I guess that pretty much covers the asses of the Nazis, Communists, Zionists, Pathocrats et al, huh?

Same with the state of the planet-it is not broke according to the C's-it is at the point in the cycle where it should be and it just is-accept it as such and get on with your lessons. RIGHTO. Chin up and all that! Don't mind that child starving on the street because his mom is a crack whore and who knows where or even who daddy might be. Everything is hunky dory, a-o.k. No problemo. Just free will, doin' it's thing.
But if everything was just as it should be why are the C's helping us, why bother if there is nothing wrong and the universe infinitely takes care of itself and it's just lessons we'll learn anyway? Maybe the same reason we can be helping each other, maybe the universe takes care of itself through us? And I'm not saying that the world is "wrong" and needs to be changed, but simply that there will be no possibility of STO world if we do not actively help each other create it, with respect to free will of everyone involved. Empathy must be factored into this, it is the only thing that, through those who feel it, creates a possibility of an STO world. There is often (not always) more than one way to learn the same lesson, and I think maybe what STO does is simply create the possibility for those who ask to find that less painful way, if it exists.
Crucial issues indeed. I have been meditating on these questions for years and I think I have found some answers that resonate with me. These I will try my best to share. I also do not buy this '12 strand helix' bit.

Research has shown that DNA in a meditative relaxed state becomes a straight ladder - and I believe that only in this state is DNA activated (hence the need for STS to use fear to wind the DNA and stop activation). Therefore the DNA as writhing 'snake' is only during periods of fear. This is perhaps our deepest physiological and semiotic connection with the Lizard influence. Once humanity moves beyond this negative influence we (who choose STO) will be attuned to pure joy and never be wound-up into fearfulness ever again. This is how knowledge protects from the DNA itself - one resists the fear and embraces joy by knowing that this school of life is designed to allow us to hone our emotional responses - and when this is fully understood one finds peace and transition to 4th.

I have also used the Cs transcripts to remediate my studies and focus my meditations to great effect. I think that the missing piece of the puzzle lies in the ancient human past - in a global Sanskrit mother-culture which built the pyramids of the world: mandala culture!

Epigrapher Kurt Schildmann has translated an Archaic Sanskrit found on stone and clay artifacts from the Neolithic of all continents (including Glozel, France - Burrows Cave, IL - Malta - Fuenteventura, Portugal - La Mana and Cuenca, Ecuador - Sutatausa, Colombia - South Africa - Australia).

Sanskrit - 7 chakras activated by kundalini
Mayan - 7 chaclas activated by k'ulthanlilni

Its no coincidence that the pyramid builders speak one language and have one cosmic technology based on free earth energy. I believe I have discovered the acoustic pattern which unites all of the world's sacred sites and temples and I invite you to read about it at my website:


These extant Sanskrit traditions all speak of the mandala of the square within a circle - AND a red light that will blossom after 2012 to bring about the purification (realm crossing). The Cassiopaeans talk about Gold giving off waves that allow 4th density experience. Well - Gold nanoparticles of 10nm in size in colloidal water produce red light when excited by EM fields (plasmon resonances).

I hope these ideas lead you to water - and you can drink your fill!

in lak'ech,

Alex Putney
eightfold said:
Research has shown that DNA in a meditative relaxed state becomes a straight ladder - and I believe that is it in this state only that DNA is activated
?? What research shows this - and how was this research done?
The HeartMath Institute has a website that goes into some of the experiments regarding DNA conformation, as does Gregg Braden - he describes the experiments done by the US military INSCOM.

The experiments were done using video stimulus to induce fear (murder scene, violence) and peacefulness (nature scenes, etc.). Looking at the electrical conductivity of the DNA they can get a good picture of its conformation or shape. They have found that the DNA conductivity during fear is significantly less (in a helix) and during peacefulness is much higher (as a ladder).

The kicker was that in the INSCOM experiments they took a live DNA sample (mouth swab) and took the living DNA far away from the human sampled (over 50 miles or something). Then they measured the conformation of the DNA during this video stimulus from fear to peacefulness. Amazingly, they found that the fluctuations in electrical conductivity were exactly reflected in the distant DNA conformations as well - IN EXACT REAL TIME. The conformation of the DNA was identical in the same DNA in both distant places - the information transfer between the two samples was faster than light. They have called this quantum information transfer or holographic transfer.

Very neat research - and I don't have solid links to provide as the INSCOM experiments I have only read about through Braden's work and a online radio interview he did with LauraLee.com. The HeartMath Institute's website is quite good, but focuses on coherent EM fields of the heart and intention!
tschai, i feel your pain man. Im stuck in a confusing little rut right now and i don't know what direction to head in. I just graduated school last year, took the summer off, and now im stuck in a boring job that has little to do with my education. All jobs that do want more experience or more education, or both. I'll prob end up going back to school, but part of me wonders what the point is...

All G, Ouspendsky and Mouravieff, fourth way etc stuff requires time. And if there's one thing I'm not its patient. That in and of itself is a program im working to eliminate, but with the news getting worse each day i agree, stuff does seem pretty dire. From all the stories I've read and movies i've watched (more programming) i've gotten the sense that "quick and easy" it always associated with evil. If there's one thing i fear, it's becoming what i hate. I refuse the quick and easy path because its inheritantly entropic, and thus far this "fourth way" seems to be the only light-side esoteric teaching that "vibes" with me.

It's slow, its confusing, and half the time i read a paragraph and think "what the hell does that mean?". Hints and clues, tricks and traps... it's one seriously twisted maze that i want out of, but the only way out is to work hard, to work non-stop, and to constantly push yourself out of it. I can't go back to pretending everythings normal... i know the same feelings will swell up inside again. Ever since i was little i wanted to help "fix" the planet, i wanted to change everything to fit my expectations of what a "perfect" world would be, but that is the essence of STS and the world in which we reside.

To get back to your post, i dont think its a matter of accepting evil, or even ignoring it, its a matter of learning to be good, which uncannily is something we know very little about.
eightfold said:
The HeartMath Institute has a website that goes into some of the experiments regarding DNA conformation, as does Gregg Braden - he describes the experiments done by the US military INSCOM.

The experiments were done using video stimulus to induce fear (murder scene, violence) and peacefulness (nature scenes, etc.). Looking at the electrical conductivity of the DNA they can get a good picture of its conformation or shape. They have found that the DNA conductivity during fear is significantly less (in a helix) and during peacefulness is much higher (as a ladder).

The kicker was that in the INSCOM experiments they took a live DNA sample (mouth swab) and took the living DNA far away from the human sampled (over 50 miles or something). Then they measured the conformation of the DNA during this video stimulus from fear to peacefulness. Amazingly, they found that the fluctuations in electrical conductivity were exactly reflected in the distant DNA conformations as well - IN EXACT REAL TIME. The conformation of the DNA was identical in the same DNA in both distant places - the information transfer between the two samples was faster than light. They have called this quantum information transfer or holographic transfer.

Very neat research - and I don't have solid links to provide as the INSCOM experiments I have only read about through Braden's work and a online radio interview he did with LauraLee.com. The HeartMath Institute's website is quite good, but focuses on coherent EM fields of the heart and intention!
I have heard of this quantum transfer-isn't this the Butterfly Effect? Where particles excited in one location will somehow exhibit the same effect at vast distances in particles that are in no way connected? This is a key point to understand if we are to travel in space at hyper velocity-we would need communications that could travel vast distances instantly or nearly so, and it might also lead to teleportation of a kind.

The process described by the Pleidians had something to do with the DNA strands acting in the manner of fiber optics-where "cosmic rays" would be absorbed and transmit "data"-but it doesn't go into detail on how this is done-and I was always under the impression cosmic rays were harmful? But the fact the C's said the Reptilians "burned off" some of our essential DNA with a pulse of light of a certain frequency(and I am sure they simplified the answer so as to be understood) leads me to believe (there is that word-believe) that this IS possible in some way we cannot yet understand-that is why I was asking the question if anyone had experienced any actual changing other than some vague aches or pains that could be anything?

In fact-this would be a MAJOR proof that something was afoot-if all of sudden medical doctors were to find that additional strands of DNA were mysteriously appearing in people it would be as good as saying the C's were right on-in fact it is a key to a lot of things said by the Pleidians, Ra and the C's as all of these sources have mentioned this.
I would suggest that the change towards 4D is already occurring and measurable in the DNA of those many individuals around the world who have altered their metabolism to become Solarians or sungazers. Visit the website of Hira Ratan Manek to find out more about this metabolism based on UVA light (chemosynthesis as opposed to photosynthesis?). HRM was observed and scrutinized by NASA for over a year - he went without food or even water! He has not eaten for 11 years and is perfectly healthy.

I would suggest that his DNA would be the most advanced among humanity, and I don't think it has 12 strands. I think it would be quite ladder-like most of the time (if not all of the time) and would contain more coded information than your average human DNA. This is just speculation, but there is also more evidence that suggests that 4D extraterrestrials also have only 2 strands of DNA (as opposed to 12 strands): rthe Peter Khoury evidence. The PCR studies of DNA from a hair left on his person from an ET encounter showed DNA as we have, yet with a few key differences. For me, this put the 12 strand concept to rest, and reveals more about the 4D environment from which this DNA comes - likely a Hydrino resonant plasma releasing UVA light that is received by translucent hair and skin. Visit my forum posting "4D in a bottle" for more in the UFO Phenomena section.

A quote from the work of Bill Chalker on this hair:

It was not until 1996 that I heard from Peter Khoury about the hair sample that had been recovered from what may have been an alien abduction sexual assault case.

By 1998, I began an investigation into the hair sample, when biochemicalcolleagues agreed to undertake what was the world's first PCR (polymerase chain reaction) DNA profiling of biological material implicated in an alien abduction experience. The analysis confirmed the hair came from someone who was biologically close to normal human genetics, but of an unusual racial type - a rare Chinese Mongoloid type - one of the rarest human lineages known, that lies further from the human mainstream than any other except for African pygmies and aboriginals.

There was the strange anomaly of it being blonde to clear instead of black, as would be expected from the Asian type mitochondrial DNA. The study concluded, "The most probable donor of the hair must therefore be as (Khoury) claims: a tall blonde female who does not need much colour in her hair or skin, as a form of protection against the sun, perhaps because she does not require it..."

The original DNA work was done on the shaft of the hair. Fascinating further anomalies were found in the root of the hair. Two types of DNA were found depending on where the mitochondrial DNA testing occurs, namely confirming the rare Chinese type DNA in the hair shaft and indicating a rare possible Basque/Gaelic type DNA in the root section...

This was very puzzling and controversial, until a 'Nature Biotechnology' paper appeared in 2000. It revealed recent findings on hair transplanting with previously incompatible hair, using advanced cloning techniques, developed in a possible cure for baldness. We seem to be seeing similar combined or "grafted" DNA in the sample recovered under controversial circumstances by Peter Khoury back in 1992.

Perhaps even more controversial is that we have findings suggestive of nuclear DNA indicating possible viral resistance. The hair sample seems to show it contains 2 deleted genes for CCR5 protein and no intact gene for normal undeleted CCR5 - this CCR5 deletion factor has been implicated in aids resistance. To keep a very complex story somewhat uncomplicated, what seems to be suggested by the range of findings is possible evidence for advanced DNA techniques and DNA anomalies & findings, for which we are only now discovering or starting to make sense of in mainstream biotechnology.
eightfold said:
I would suggest that the change towards 4D is already occurring and measurable in the DNA of those many individuals around the world who have altered their metabolism to become Solarians or sungazers. Visit the website of Hira Ratan Manek to find out more about this metabolism based on UVA light (chemosynthesis as opposed to photosynthesis?). HRM was observed and scrutinized by NASA for over a year - he went without food or even water! He has not eaten for 11 years and is perfectly healthy.
For some commentary on sun gazing, you may want to read this thread...

tschai said:
Is it just going to show up and take everyone by surprise-maybe we'll think it is just another Aurora Borealis and suddenly-WHAM- everything goes blinky and we are somewhere else?
well it seems that CS are pretty contradictive about this

- at one place there is a reference to human beings who will be unaware of the change and will wake up dazed in 4D ( please dont ask me to quote exact transcript) but then somwhere else ( as someone else quoted on sungazing topic) they say that we will be ready for 4d only after we stop craving food, and physicality - these two together do not make much sense

on the days I am low on optimism i.e. less connected to my heart and more to my brain I c it this way:
if a cow could grasp the whole hoplesness of her situation would that make any difference?!
The only difference would be that she would become one very unhappy cow.
But if cow beleived she is going to become a super cow one fine day that would make her enlightened life much more bearable.
Tscai said:
I have noticed what seems to be an increase in synchronicity and hunches that are right-but supposedly we ALL have that ability and just have to "train" it to function (gotta work on those Lottery numbers) And I seem to recall that the C's said synchronicity was not neccessarily a GOOD thing-that it was STS driven.
tell me about synchronicities! Last one happened yesterday night when russian tv aired investigative documentary on cyberterrorism and cyberwarware, and i have a tendency ro record such films. In the morning first moment i sat to write a post my pc violently crashed (.exe application files altogether jumped into action). Caught a virus.
I think Laura wrote it in The Wave (printed one) that if "response" (confirmation) is received BEFORE decision is made it's STS mode of action (this way STS turns you versus desirable), whereas STO way is confirmed by synchronicities AFTER decision is being made. I think that maybe there are more syncronicities because we started to pay attention to details in daily routine. When I tried to self-remember, I noticed more syncronicities than previously. BUt still, it's easier to remember something i was emothionally involved during the day, or thought about. But any routine usually i do automatically is just void blank.
we are all the dross of hyper dimensional bad guys that want to suck our souls and eat our flesh and make us their slaves when a transition occurs in our reality that will literally put us right in the play pen with these monsters. Charming.
Would it make a (reality) change if we (at least persons who passed threshholds) using knowledge about hyperD manipulation, and this knowledge couldn't be borrowed but assimilated at individual level, just firmly and with PURE emotion let those critters know that we are not going to be manipulated any more. Castaneda wrote that the thing that can change everything is intent.
From "Fire from within"
Our normal energy allows our assemblage points to use the force of alignment of one great band of emanations. And we perceive the world we know. But if we have a surplus of energy, we can use the force of alignment of other great bands, and consequently we perceive other worlds. There are balls of fire that are of crucial importance to human beings because they are the expression of a force that pertains to all details of life and death, something that the new seers called the rolling force. The rolling force is the means through which the Indescribable Force distributes live and awareness for safekeeping. [...] By becoming familiar with the rolling force through the mastery of intent , the new seers, at a given moment, open their own cocoons and the force floods them rather than rolling them up like a curled-up sowbug. The final result is their total and instantaneous disintegration. Move your assemblage point, first by setting up your unbending intent to move it, and second by letting the context of the situation dictate where it should move. Don't worry about procedures, because most of the really unusual things that happen to seers, or to the average man for that matter, happen by themselves, with only the intervention of intent .
Laura wrote:
The only consequence which has been helpful is a balancing of the energies available to this planet so that these energies have less necessity to be balanced in this space/time, thus lessening the chances of planetary annihilation. So we see here a guiding principle of balance. For those who believe that it is Love to "accept enslavement" - which is to respond to manipulation and thereby serve the STS faction, it becomes clear that to do so is to neutralize their effectiveness as an STO candidate because they are then no longer "purely positive!" By accepting the manipulations, they become part of the other side!
The bottom line here is this: if you are duped or sucked into the illusions of the machinations of STS, you are effectively "one of them," no matter what your "intentions." And you thus further contribute to the "unbalanced" energies. This neutralizes the true nature of Service to Others.
Thanks for the support guys. It's not so much pain or confusing I guess as much as a sense of "tensing" up-like when you realize your car is about to crash and you hope like hell the seatbelts and airbags are working or it's gonna be real bad.

That is what it's like-there's a bad crash coming, we know it's coming, we know we CANNOT deny it-but still our minds stutter to a halt-that one little "I" that you left behind is mewling and wants mummy to kiss it better-but there is no one but US to haul our butts onto the frontline and face it.

Except the tensing has been going on for like-a lifetime already. I knew from an early age that something "special" was supposed to happen and thats why I am here-not that I AM special-I have never felt that-jn fact quite the reverse. But I always thought of the FUTURE you know-just like that-in caps-was gonna be Star Trek and 2001 a Space Oddesey and The Jetsons and it would be oh so grand with robots and flying cars and...

Well kinda like going down on Christmas morning and finding out you didn't get that new bike or what ever-and now every promise I am forced to break is just as painful. Finding out the future will be more Mad Max than Star Trek really bites-matter of fact it's probably gonna be way WORSE than Mad Max-more like Terminator with the skulls and bones littering the streets-with maybe Nephalim instead of terminators combing the smoking ruins looking for pockets of humans to round up for their Masters. Grim stuff (Denver airport mural just flashed in my mind-oh man that's ominous...)

I have not craved physicality for quite a while-in there are days where I wish I didn't have to eat or drink or feel ANYTHING (but standing outside soaking up the rays of the sun-eehhh-not quite into photosynthesis mode I guess) I feel life is just so incredibly lacking - like something is missing. Kinda like Cyre wants to be a Super Hero-to be able to DO something besides stand there and watch the whole thing crash and burn and wondering what am I supposed to DO? When I read about the Israelis killing women and children-shooting them like dogs-I just want to rain fire down on the whole lot of them-Soddom and Gomorrah all over again.

Or like these guys shooting these kids-you just grit your teeth and want to have a way to get these monsters out of society-dealing with psychopathic boyfriends and girlfriends and family members and OP bosses and the whole lot-and the real battle has not even STARTED yet-Armegedon shmarmagedon-that will look like a Sunday picnic besides what were supposed to be in for-or not. The FUTURE is fluid and we supposedly hold the keys. Just want to find the lock they fit already, open that door and face-what?

You just gotta wonder-o.k.-I was in Fifth density and-gee-I signed up for WHAT? Dude-you gotta be KIDDING.
What the hell was I thinking? I went down with Atlantis and THAT sucked, we did Pompeii and THAT sucked, Titantic and THAT REALLY SUCKED-now there's this comet thing, and oh yeah possible alien invasion at the same time-uh huh, and oh yes did we also forget the Realm Border crossing thing-if you don't make the cut you gotta go back to the beginning as-oh let us see-Yes-there you are-SLIME MOLD! Lovely! Green is sooooo your color! LOL :)

No discouragement here, I assure you! I do have a sense of humor as you can see. I am hoping that my REAL I- is like one of those FUNNY Cassiopeans. Thanks for the indulgence.

Now. Quit whining and git 'er done.
CarpeDiem said:
Tscai said:
I have noticed what seems to be an increase in synchronicity and hunches that are right-but supposedly we ALL have that ability and just have to "train" it to function (gotta work on those Lottery numbers) And I seem to recall that the C's said synchronicity was not neccessarily a GOOD thing-that it was STS driven.
tell me about synchronicities! Last one happened yesterday night when russian tv aired investigative documentary on cyberterrorism and cyberwarware, and i have a tendency ro record such films. In the morning first moment i sat to write a post my pc violently crashed (.exe application files altogether jumped into action). Caught a virus.
I think Laura wrote it in The Wave (printed one) that if "response" (confirmation) is received BEFORE decision is made it's STS mode of action (this way STS turns you versus desirable), whereas STO way is confirmed by synchronicities AFTER decision is being made. I think that maybe there are more syncronicities because we started to pay attention to details in daily routine. When I tried to self-remember, I noticed more syncronicities than previously. BUt still, it's easier to remember something i was emothionally involved during the day, or thought about. But any routine usually i do automatically is just void blank.
we are all the dross of hyper dimensional bad guys that want to suck our souls and eat our flesh and make us their slaves when a transition occurs in our reality that will literally put us right in the play pen with these monsters. Charming.
Would it make a (reality) change if we (at least persons who passed threshholds) using knowledge about hyperD manipulation, and this knowledge couldn't be borrowed but assimilated at individual level, just firmly and with PURE emotion let those critters know that we are not going to be manipulated any more. Castaneda wrote that the thing that can change everything is intent.
From "Fire from within"
Our normal energy allows our assemblage points to use the force of alignment of one great band of emanations. And we perceive the world we know. But if we have a surplus of energy, we can use the force of alignment of other great bands, and consequently we perceive other worlds. There are balls of fire that are of crucial importance to human beings because they are the expression of a force that pertains to all details of life and death, something that the new seers called the rolling force. The rolling force is the means through which the Indescribable Force distributes live and awareness for safekeeping. [...] By becoming familiar with the rolling force through the mastery of intent , the new seers, at a given moment, open their own cocoons and the force floods them rather than rolling them up like a curled-up sowbug. The final result is their total and instantaneous disintegration. Move your assemblage point, first by setting up your unbending intent to move it, and second by letting the context of the situation dictate where it should move. Don't worry about procedures, because most of the really unusual things that happen to seers, or to the average man for that matter, happen by themselves, with only the intervention of intent .
Laura wrote:
The only consequence which has been helpful is a balancing of the energies available to this planet so that these energies have less necessity to be balanced in this space/time, thus lessening the chances of planetary annihilation. So we see here a guiding principle of balance. For those who believe that it is Love to "accept enslavement" - which is to respond to manipulation and thereby serve the STS faction, it becomes clear that to do so is to neutralize their effectiveness as an STO candidate because they are then no longer "purely positive!" By accepting the manipulations, they become part of the other side!
The bottom line here is this: if you are duped or sucked into the illusions of the machinations of STS, you are effectively "one of them," no matter what your "intentions." And you thus further contribute to the "unbalanced" energies. This neutralizes the true nature of Service to Others.
You are way more knowing than I and are probably right-all I have to say is if you guys go and I gotta stay-Kick their scaly butts but good! Make 'em pay for all the crap they have put Humanity through!
ScioAgapeOmnis said:
Hi Tschai,

I know all too well how frustration and emotion in general can sometimes really overwhelm, but I think you've said a few things where your emotions have twisted the objective reality.

tschai said:
All we really have is channeled stuff, some of which can be checked out-but there's an awful lot that just could be-well-BS right?
Right! This is why it is only inspiration at best, it is the research and work that follows that gives us any real answers. I feel that frustration too sometimes, but don't let it get to you - focus on what you KNOW, focus on what you CAN see and do. Doesn't mean do not think about 4th density realities and the Wave and all that, but you won't find any proof or "absolute certainty" of this sort of stuff right now, only hints and clues here and there, coming from differnet fields (like physics, history, prehistory, legends, current Ufology research, etc). But the research into psychopathy and by extension the pathocracy that rules this planet and how it is done, the research into cyclical cataclysms (corroborating much of the C's warnings by the way), the research into our history so on, this is what is verifiable and real, this is the fruit of real Work, which offers not just inspiration but real knowledge. Ok yeah nobody's gonna go dig a hole to find some TDARM, and of course any and all parts of the channeling can be false. But this is ok, that's why we have a brain to figure things out, osit.

We are supposed to use discernment and "learn" and "discover" what things are true and which are not-research and read Gurdjieff, Oupensky et al to arrive at the conclusion that we are all the dross of hyper dimensional bad guys that want to suck our souls and eat our flesh and make us their slaves when a transition occurs in our reality that will literally put us right in the play pen with these monsters. Charming.
But again, some of it is much more concrete and there is much more evidence for some of those things than others.

I have noticed there seems to be notes of doubt creeping into some of the posts-folks are getting antsy-wondering just if and WHEN the stuff will hit the fan.
But what would you do if it hit the fan right now? Do you think you're ready to handle what comes, mentally, spiritually, and network-wise?

Evil is merely a matter of perspective-what is Evil to one may not be to another-and as it is free will to engage in activities which the "majority" find objectionable-well that is just too bad. Accept it as what is. I guess that pretty much covers the asses of the Nazis, Communists, Zionists, Pathocrats et al, huh?

Same with the state of the planet-it is not broke according to the C's-it is at the point in the cycle where it should be and it just is-accept it as such and get on with your lessons. RIGHTO. Chin up and all that! Don't mind that child starving on the street because his mom is a crack whore and who knows where or even who daddy might be. Everything is hunky dory, a-o.k. No problemo. Just free will, doin' it's thing.
But if everything was just as it should be why are the C's helping us, why bother if there is nothing wrong and the universe infinitely takes care of itself and it's just lessons we'll learn anyway? Maybe the same reason we can be helping each other, maybe the universe takes care of itself through us? And I'm not saying that the world is "wrong" and needs to be changed, but simply that there will be no possibility of STO world if we do not actively help each other create it, with respect to free will of everyone involved. Empathy must be factored into this, it is the only thing that, through those who feel it, creates a possibility of an STO world. There is often (not always) more than one way to learn the same lesson, and I think maybe what STO does is simply create the possibility for those who ask to find that less painful way, if it exists.
If it did hit the fan right now would ANY of us be ready? See that is the thing-Everyone acts like there is a lot of TIME to do this stuff-but it could happen at ANY second-our enemies-and they ARE the enemy-live outside of time.

They are not bound by the illusion of time-all they have to do if they see something developing that looks like a potential problem is step into the time line (which they are supposed to have created to start with) and deal with it-they do not even have to do this in the physical-they simply activate a "program' and problem solved.

Like these guys shooting these kids-how many potential "problems"-i.e. offspring that might have been produced or even the kids themselves that may have become thorns in the side of the PTB were eliminated?

I am not the one who said the World ain't broke so don't fix it-it will take care of itself-the C's did. We as humans-Normal humans anyway cannot just stand idle and not "do"-Most by nature automatically will try to lend a hand-even to perfect strangers-so to be told by a supposed higher life form that everythings o.k.-don't worry-just work on you-rings really false. I can't help but wonder if this kind of stuff doesn't come from 6th Density STS.

This is another point that is confusing-the C's say in 6th density there are only "unified thought forms" and if I am not mistaken-that duality is not expressed because STO and STS are harmonized-yet we have the Orion's that are controlled by/ or are 6th Density STS-which obviously act in their own self interest as is the wont of STS-and I take it these guys must be super hard core bad-otherwise they would not have risen to this level as STS.

So how do we KNOW that the particular being that was acting as spokes person (apparently they took turns) was on the level and not just stringing the Cass team along at times?

I do not doubt for one moment there are beings that inhabit the aether-and can possibly interact with us-but how do we know if A) A person is ACTUALLY in contact with such beings or B) Is in fact making it all up?

In many ways I see your points-it is like even though I don't often go to church (it makes my skin crawl) I do sometime accompany my wife for the fellowship and keep the peace in our marriage of 23 years (and this makes me feel a little like Machiavelli-pretending to be religious when I am no such thing-I feel guilty and M felt it was the perfect strategy-therefore no guilt) and the church DOES manage to do good works-and even if those works are STS in nature they still HELP the recipients, right? I mean we ARE STS in this realm, the C's said so many times. So yes helping each other is a positive thing and I am sure counts toward making our realm more STO. We have to know how to do good in SPITE of our STS oreintation. Perhaps that is as you say the REASON behind all the strife-so people are FORCED out of their sleeping state and FORCED to help-to increase STO potential. Makes a sick kind of sense in a way. Besides we see how thouroughly people ARE asleep-it takes a BIG event like 9/11 to ramp up the andrenaline-and the pressure has got to be kept up-like extra high octane coffee to keep folks from going back to sleep.

But damn, I would there were a more gentile way to do this without having to kill kids and each other-and have to endure people suffering-we have had to do so much of that through history. Seas of blood and more to go. **sigh**
I think one item we all need to remember is the following:

C's said:
Learning is fun!
Personally I have been feeling quite anxious lately. I do have some big things coming up in my career that are causing a large portion of the extra freneticism, but I feel almost as though other foreign situations are being inserted into my life just as I feel like I've got a handle on some concept of living. It is very curious, because I will imagine a situation happening, then the situation DOES happen very near to my original imagination. I feel strange because I didn't want to imagine in the first place; then an impossible coincidence will occur (fortune cookies stating my exact thoughts; running into a person within an hour or two of thinking of them with little probability of doing so normally; randomly received mail or emails relating to a situation). I'm trying to look at everything objectively, and I admit that when I really am learning and SEEing I feel placid yet excited at the same time. I even manage to overlook my ego's self-criticism momentarily ("well, that's just one thing you've got right. remember all of those other things you've tried to see clearly and have completely missed on"). I don't know about you, but with each new concept I learn, each bit longer I can remember myself or critique something, I feel excited to pursue all of this material and keep pushing on. I do not even care much anymore whether any of the predictive things happen. Yes, it's an interesting game to look at events in the real world scientifically, and as far as I can tell, I can't rule out the C's hitting some predictions. Maybe if some of the predictions come true that might lend additional credibility to the text, if you want look at it that way. For me that is not the issue. The main thing is that I feel like I understand how my mind and emotions work better each day, and I've been able to network with others to learn more. I don't believe it's a waste of time if you have gotten even one thing out of all of the C's material, etc. if it's something that really changes your life for the better, OSIT. If you can transfer this knowledge to others, thus passing on this empathy, I think that IS using conscience. And I think this is what could lead to an STO existence, whether that happens in this dimension or something else entirely. Besides, one cannot DO anything until you know enough to know what you want or need to DO.

It doesn't seem like there is much we can do until a specific situation happens. In the meantime we can work on improving our human condition by getting knowledge out to people- dealing with the human situations ocurring right now on this planet.

As far as the DNA changes go, I can't say that I've noticed anything physically different. I must admit though that I probably wouldn't be able to notice since I routinely schlep along a heavy bag of books and instruments on my back to and from school each day, and always am sore.

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