I originally was going to post this in answer to OpenMind's thing about DNA activation-but it turned into another rant so...I thought let it play out and if someone wants to respond that's o.k.-if the Mods thinks it is noise they can delete it.
Seriously-I have not read any of Ickes' stuff (books I mean)-I went on his website to see what all the fuss was about and he seems like he's pretty much starkers (crazed) seeing lizards everywhere...his tag line about "Mighty oaks are just nuts that held their ground" kinda says it for me.He might be right about some of those folks tho' :)
I wrote in another post-and I don't think there were any respsonses, asking if anyone out there was noticing anything different about themselves-anything that was tangible, measurable that perhaps even other people might be aware of? Physical changes, you know?
I mean-if our DNA (or whomever's DNA) IS changing from 2 strand to 12 strand or whatever, I think that would be pretty noticible, right? Kind of hard to miss something like that I would think.
What kind of things could we expect from these changes-are there going to be weird mutations ala X-Men or something?Anyone out there becoming super psychic or anything?Does anyone FEEL the WAVE is getting closer?
Does anyone feel ANYTHING?
Is it just going to show up and take everyone by surprise-maybe we'll think it is just another Aurora Borealis and suddenly-WHAM- everything goes blinky and we are somewhere else?
I have noticed what seems to be an increase in synchronicity and hunches that are right-but supposedly we ALL have that ability and just have to "train" it to function (gotta work on those Lottery numbers) And I seem to recall that the C's said synchronicity was not neccessarily a GOOD thing-that it was STS driven.
There certainly DOES seem to be an increase in Looney Tunes episodes-folks going wacko and shooting up kids in schools and doing horrendous things (seems like innocent kids are the targets in a lot of these incidents-why?)
All we really have is channeled stuff, some of which can be checked out-but there's an awful lot that just could be-well-BS right?
We are supposed to use discernment and "learn" and "discover" what things are true and which are not-research and read Gurdjieff, Oupensky et al to arrive at the conclusion that we are all the dross of hyper dimensional bad guys that want to suck our souls and eat our flesh and make us their slaves when a transition occurs in our reality that will literally put us right in the play pen with these monsters. Charming.
I mean these entities could pretty much say whatever-I mean how do we know THEY are not lizzies and are not messing with our heads?Wouldn't that be just like hard core STS? To lead us on and pretend to be friendly-give us tidbits of truth mixed in with fertilizer-knowing full well we could never check it out-like a transdimensional molecularizer being buried on Oak Island-how could we ever verify that without physically digging? Or that the Hall of Records is below the Sphinx? Unless the Egyptologists get a case of conscience and decides to share REAL discoveries we may NEVER know. My company is doing work at the Smithsonian WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO BE GUILTY of hiding much arcane knowledge-what I wouldn't give to peek into their hidden archives and artifacts rooms! History is manipulated by such people so our true story is all garbage and distortion.
I have noticed there seems to be notes of doubt creeping into some of the posts-folks are getting antsy-wondering just if and WHEN the stuff will hit the fan. I mean look at Y2K-Everyone was CERTAIN the whole thing was gonna go to hell and we were all gonna die-and what happened? Nada. Not to be complacent or anything-Boy Scout motto-"Be Prepared" never hurts anyone.
There are some nasty things going on right now-and there are definetely some nasty things in outer space that could come and ruin our days real quick-and I don't mean ETs in space ships-it'll be the one we DON'T see that will get us. Lizzies not withstanding though, I think WE are our worse own enemies more often than not and play right into their traps-and nary a thought about how WRONG it is to do these things to one another. It doesn't take a God or religion of any kind to tell you these things are BAD. If you have a conscience it will tell you.
But the rub is-it is supposed to be a free will Universe-and ALL things are permitted so the Prime Creator may experience ALL.
Evil is merely a matter of perspective-what is Evil to one may not be to another-and as it is free will to engage in activities which the "majority" find objectionable-well that is just too bad. Accept it as what is. I guess that pretty much covers the asses of the Nazis, Communists, Zionists, Pathocrats et al, huh?
Same with the state of the planet-it is not broke according to the C's-it is at the point in the cycle where it should be and it just is-accept it as such and get on with your lessons. RIGHTO. Chin up and all that! Don't mind that child starving on the street because his mom is a crack whore and who knows where or even who daddy might be. Everything is hunky dory, a-o.k. No problemo. Just free will, doin' it's thing.
Look around-we talk about OP's and psychopaths-I often think the estimated number of them is way low. It's more like who ISN'T a psycho or empty robot creature that feels absolutely nothing and reacts only to external stimulii just like the animals they bridge to 3rd density. You walk down the street and wonder if some Greenbaumed bozo isn't gonna whip out an Uzi and start blasting-or maybe even YOU might suddenly "go off" and run your program...
The Earth is going through changes-but then it is living, dynamic system and has been changing for billions of years-there are just more of us living in areas where those changes can affect us (some quite stupidly, I think-I mean if you live on island that gets washed away by monsoons and typhoons on a regular basis wouldn't you think the inhabitants would finally say "Gee, our houses keep getting washed away-maybe we should move somewhere safer" of course for economic reasons or just plain cannot for whatever reason they may NOT be able to do so-but really. Common sense says move to higher ground, right?
Humans have definetely added their efluvia to the mix and done much to alter the Earth and her ability to sustain us. We generate untold tons of waste and toxins and spew it into the air, water and soil-I mean why didn't anyone ever think this crap was going to come back to haunt us?
It had to go somewhere-and eventually that somewhere was gonna expand into areas where it really wasn't wanted-or was gonna overload where it was being dumped and start seeping out or backing up-causing anything from merely unpleasant odors to horrifying diseases and mutations. The effects of depleted uranium / plutonium we are using in our weapons will be around for millenia-the gift that keeps on giving. Maybe someone KNOWS WE WON'T BE AROUND to "enjoy" those thoughtful gifts?
I am paying attention-trying to adhere to the Way (of the Fool-most likely) and just making observations-and which direction to go in-"It ain't broke so don't fix it" doesn't seem RIGHT-How can we just simply ignore EVIL and accept it as just what it is? A byproduct of a free will Universe? If that is a normal thing then WHY do we have FEELINGS about it that are contrary to that reality?Why does this all feel so WRONG? Why oh why were we blessed with conscience if we aren't supposed to USE it?
I originally was going to post this in answer to OpenMind's thing about DNA activation-but it turned into another rant so...I thought let it play out and if someone wants to respond that's o.k.-if the Mods thinks it is noise they can delete it.
Seriously-I have not read any of Ickes' stuff (books I mean)-I went on his website to see what all the fuss was about and he seems like he's pretty much starkers (crazed) seeing lizards everywhere...his tag line about "Mighty oaks are just nuts that held their ground" kinda says it for me.He might be right about some of those folks tho' :)
I wrote in another post-and I don't think there were any respsonses, asking if anyone out there was noticing anything different about themselves-anything that was tangible, measurable that perhaps even other people might be aware of? Physical changes, you know?
I mean-if our DNA (or whomever's DNA) IS changing from 2 strand to 12 strand or whatever, I think that would be pretty noticible, right? Kind of hard to miss something like that I would think.
What kind of things could we expect from these changes-are there going to be weird mutations ala X-Men or something?Anyone out there becoming super psychic or anything?Does anyone FEEL the WAVE is getting closer?
Does anyone feel ANYTHING?
Is it just going to show up and take everyone by surprise-maybe we'll think it is just another Aurora Borealis and suddenly-WHAM- everything goes blinky and we are somewhere else?
I have noticed what seems to be an increase in synchronicity and hunches that are right-but supposedly we ALL have that ability and just have to "train" it to function (gotta work on those Lottery numbers) And I seem to recall that the C's said synchronicity was not neccessarily a GOOD thing-that it was STS driven.
There certainly DOES seem to be an increase in Looney Tunes episodes-folks going wacko and shooting up kids in schools and doing horrendous things (seems like innocent kids are the targets in a lot of these incidents-why?)
All we really have is channeled stuff, some of which can be checked out-but there's an awful lot that just could be-well-BS right?
We are supposed to use discernment and "learn" and "discover" what things are true and which are not-research and read Gurdjieff, Oupensky et al to arrive at the conclusion that we are all the dross of hyper dimensional bad guys that want to suck our souls and eat our flesh and make us their slaves when a transition occurs in our reality that will literally put us right in the play pen with these monsters. Charming.
I mean these entities could pretty much say whatever-I mean how do we know THEY are not lizzies and are not messing with our heads?Wouldn't that be just like hard core STS? To lead us on and pretend to be friendly-give us tidbits of truth mixed in with fertilizer-knowing full well we could never check it out-like a transdimensional molecularizer being buried on Oak Island-how could we ever verify that without physically digging? Or that the Hall of Records is below the Sphinx? Unless the Egyptologists get a case of conscience and decides to share REAL discoveries we may NEVER know. My company is doing work at the Smithsonian WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO BE GUILTY of hiding much arcane knowledge-what I wouldn't give to peek into their hidden archives and artifacts rooms! History is manipulated by such people so our true story is all garbage and distortion.
I have noticed there seems to be notes of doubt creeping into some of the posts-folks are getting antsy-wondering just if and WHEN the stuff will hit the fan. I mean look at Y2K-Everyone was CERTAIN the whole thing was gonna go to hell and we were all gonna die-and what happened? Nada. Not to be complacent or anything-Boy Scout motto-"Be Prepared" never hurts anyone.
There are some nasty things going on right now-and there are definetely some nasty things in outer space that could come and ruin our days real quick-and I don't mean ETs in space ships-it'll be the one we DON'T see that will get us. Lizzies not withstanding though, I think WE are our worse own enemies more often than not and play right into their traps-and nary a thought about how WRONG it is to do these things to one another. It doesn't take a God or religion of any kind to tell you these things are BAD. If you have a conscience it will tell you.
But the rub is-it is supposed to be a free will Universe-and ALL things are permitted so the Prime Creator may experience ALL.
Evil is merely a matter of perspective-what is Evil to one may not be to another-and as it is free will to engage in activities which the "majority" find objectionable-well that is just too bad. Accept it as what is. I guess that pretty much covers the asses of the Nazis, Communists, Zionists, Pathocrats et al, huh?
Same with the state of the planet-it is not broke according to the C's-it is at the point in the cycle where it should be and it just is-accept it as such and get on with your lessons. RIGHTO. Chin up and all that! Don't mind that child starving on the street because his mom is a crack whore and who knows where or even who daddy might be. Everything is hunky dory, a-o.k. No problemo. Just free will, doin' it's thing.
Look around-we talk about OP's and psychopaths-I often think the estimated number of them is way low. It's more like who ISN'T a psycho or empty robot creature that feels absolutely nothing and reacts only to external stimulii just like the animals they bridge to 3rd density. You walk down the street and wonder if some Greenbaumed bozo isn't gonna whip out an Uzi and start blasting-or maybe even YOU might suddenly "go off" and run your program...
The Earth is going through changes-but then it is living, dynamic system and has been changing for billions of years-there are just more of us living in areas where those changes can affect us (some quite stupidly, I think-I mean if you live on island that gets washed away by monsoons and typhoons on a regular basis wouldn't you think the inhabitants would finally say "Gee, our houses keep getting washed away-maybe we should move somewhere safer" of course for economic reasons or just plain cannot for whatever reason they may NOT be able to do so-but really. Common sense says move to higher ground, right?
Humans have definetely added their efluvia to the mix and done much to alter the Earth and her ability to sustain us. We generate untold tons of waste and toxins and spew it into the air, water and soil-I mean why didn't anyone ever think this crap was going to come back to haunt us?
It had to go somewhere-and eventually that somewhere was gonna expand into areas where it really wasn't wanted-or was gonna overload where it was being dumped and start seeping out or backing up-causing anything from merely unpleasant odors to horrifying diseases and mutations. The effects of depleted uranium / plutonium we are using in our weapons will be around for millenia-the gift that keeps on giving. Maybe someone KNOWS WE WON'T BE AROUND to "enjoy" those thoughtful gifts?
I am paying attention-trying to adhere to the Way (of the Fool-most likely) and just making observations-and which direction to go in-"It ain't broke so don't fix it" doesn't seem RIGHT-How can we just simply ignore EVIL and accept it as just what it is? A byproduct of a free will Universe? If that is a normal thing then WHY do we have FEELINGS about it that are contrary to that reality?Why does this all feel so WRONG? Why oh why were we blessed with conscience if we aren't supposed to USE it?