Do some French people see what's going on? Yellow Vest Protests

There was:
France BANS short haul domestic & connecting flights as part of 2021 Climate Law, hopes for it to be mandated across EU
And today, I was informed that the fast TGV trains were on strike. By reducing the possibilities of travelling, like the short haul ban, the administration assumes all else will be working, but that is not necessarily the case. At the same time, we can take it that the short haul can become longer haul, and that what is tried out in France can create a pattern for other EU countries. We shall see.
Hows is Europe handling this information about the current migrations?
This post seems somewhat confusing to me. First, it has nothing to do with immigration at all. It deals with an association (Linkee) that offers food baskets to students crossing hardship. Again a confusion between the number of baskets distributed in a month (+/-150,000) and the number of students enrolled in this scheme = 15,000. That's 15,000 out of 3 million students in France. Then, concerning the income of the students, apart from bank loans, parents' help and possible student jobs, they can benefit from aid and grants delivered by a state organization (the CROUS), to be able to live in student residences (for 200 to 300€/month) and to benefit from meals at 1€, this kind of things. The France 2 report was itself confused and biased; as usual!
Remember the main trigger for the Yellow Movement was the fuel inflation:

Pierre, would you say the Yellow Vest protests had any effect on the situation in France ?
Here are the results:

- Cancellation of the fuel tax: it was the starting point of the dispute, this fuel tax was canceled.
- Increase in the minimum wage: The minimum wage for French people is increased by 100 euros.
- Revalued pension: the amount of the CSG (the general social contribution) for the most modest pensioners is frozen,
- Incentive for employers to pay a bonus: employers can pay a bonus of up to 1,000 euros to their workers without being taxed


I would say these are marginal results.
There are undoubtedly a lot of reasons that explain the magnitude of this mobilization which nevertheless has a main particular reason which is the opposition to the project of reform of the pension system that Macron wants to pass in urgency obviously against the interest of the people, while the bottom of the problem just consists in granting to BlackRock the management of the war chest of 150 million Euros that represents the guarantee fund of the pensions.
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