Do you remember who you went to school with

I remember quite a lot of people, but that is also due to the fact that I lived in a very small town and basically you run into the same people every now and then. I remember faces, some names I cannot recall but as I think harder more memories pop up. I don´t remember people who were living in the village and came to school by bus; I remember their faces but not all their names.
As there were only 2 kindergartens, I also know people I went to kindergarten with since those children went to the same school as I.
I have some memories of kindergarten and ground school, and as I´m thinking about this, more memories pop up from ground school.
Hello all! I had a question in my mind after reading an article today. Does any of you remember the names and the face of people you went to elementary school with? I can maybe, with a pretty heavy difficulty, remember about maybe 6 or 7 of them from elementary school and maybe 5 from high school. There were about 25 to 30 of us in each class. I simply do not remember them any more, cant really recall the names or looks. It all seems blank. Since Im 38 now, is that common or not?
I kind of have the opposite problem, I care (but need to go into and refine) about my past classmates pre kindergarten through grade twelve.
And I haven't let go.
I agree with Ant22 that fear can block.
In my case though it cau cause me to not see in front of my face, because fear.
Thanks for creating this thread, it helps.
I've been thinking about memories as lessons needed to learn in order to network and how this relates to perpendicular realities and the illusion of time. I greatly hope to understand this, whether into 4d or just learning not to be so body centric.
So I've been reading "Debugging the Universe" and it seems there are two memory systems relating to the Amydala and the hypothalamus.
Without involving the fusion of memory in the hypothalamus and Amydala via the higher cortex, two things can happen.
The Amydala has gladular and emotional control of unconscious emotions specific to memory stored in the body via a "super highway to the higher cortex.
Think marionette on a string, Darth Vader as played by dark helmet.
The book explains this much better. The just is that one must create a "Super highway" of neural networking and from the higher cortex, frontal lobes to the hypothalamus informing the Amydala.
This is the development of will.
So a memory can be remembered/recorded, and in detail too, but without the higher way will just be emotionanless detail acted out unconsciously, and accessed subjectively.
Blocked memories can be a result of an immature or later blooming hypothalamus.
Blocked memories result in a dissociative state where the energies are exploited; though it may be possible to block them in a positive way, generating growth in some areas, and then facing, learning, no problem.
This has to be kept in mind because an STO perpendicular reality develops with learning.
In a way people are always in a network, it's a matter of becoming concious of it, or whether the network is concious ( STO in this sense).
I might sometimes say, I'm alone, I'm isolated, but in a way I don't think that's true.
I've been thinking about memories as lessons needed to learn in order to network and how this relates to perpendicular realities and the illusion of time. I greatly hope to understand this, whether into 4d or just learning not to be so body centric.
So I've been reading "Debugging the Universe" and it seems there are two memory systems relating to the Amydala and the hypothalamus.
Without involving the fusion of memory in the hypothalamus and Amydala via the higher cortex, two things can happen.
The Amydala has gladular and emotional control of unconscious emotions specific to memory stored in the body via a "super highway to the higher cortex.
Think marionette on a string, Darth Vader as played by dark helmet.
The book explains this much better. The just is that one must create a "Super highway" of neural networking and from the higher cortex, frontal lobes to the hypothalamus informing the Amydala.
This is the development of will.
So a memory can be remembered/recorded, and in detail too, but without the higher way will just be emotionanless detail acted out unconsciously, and accessed subjectively.
Blocked memories can be a result of an immature or later blooming hypothalamus.
Blocked memories result in a dissociative state where the energies are exploited; though it may be possible to block them in a positive way, generating growth in some areas, and then facing, learning, no problem.
This has to be kept in mind because an STO perpendicular reality develops with learning.
In a way people are always in a network, it's a matter of becoming concious of it, or whether the network is concious ( STO in this sense).
I might sometimes say, I'm alone, I'm isolated, but in a way I don't think that's true.
I didn't insert quotes or anything because am typing from phone. I used too many minutes watching Ertugul earlier in the month.
An excessively high-jacked Amydala is a criminal mind, a blocked memory seems to me more analigus to neurosis unless it's the result of severe truama.
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