
I think very good is to use PayPal because it is easy and fast. I have no credit card, so for me it is the best way to send money outside my country.

You can send money from your bank to paypay and make donation in Euro (paypal will make exchange to euro automatically)
I brought the current fund-raising activity to my wife's attention last night, and she was concerned that any donation we make to SOTT may flag us as financially backing a domestic terrorist group. My immediate reaction was laughter, but after thinking about it, I'm not so sure it was funny. Things are getting pretty bad here in the States, as you all well's looking like end-game time, soon. I'm certainly going to send something to the Boulder address, but it may be $5 here and there spread out over several Hallmark moments, LOL.
WhiteBear said:
I brought the current fund-raising activity to my wife's attention last night, and she was concerned that any donation we make to SOTT may flag us as financially backing a domestic terrorist group. My immediate reaction was laughter, but after thinking about it, I'm not so sure it was funny. Things are getting pretty bad here in the States, as you all well's looking like end-game time, soon. I'm certainly going to send something to the Boulder address, but it may be $5 here and there spread out over several Hallmark moments, LOL.

Indeed, that's how they take over - make everyone afraid for themselves. Then they make everyone feel that, in order to protect themselves, they must denounce others. The PTB destroy the bonds of society. It's encapsulated in the following:

First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.

I'm not trying to make you feel bad, just pointing out how it works... and when you start seeing it in your own home, well...
Yeah, I've had similar thoughts in the past (years ago), and shook myself free from them. I don't care what the PTB try to do. I'm standing with you all, let the chips fall where they may. But then again, I'm not living in the U.S. anymore. :P
Well I think the old saying "damned if you do and damned if you don't" is not quite true. If we don't do anything, we're toast. If we do something, however little it may be, we might stand a fighting chance. So let's do this.
Laura said:
Indeed, that's how they take over - make everyone afraid for themselves.
That's how I see it too, except "they" being 4D STS in my case. It's comforting to know that 4D STS can only affect this reality through their 3D chesspieces (for the most part), and we all know how inefficient and messy 3D can get. It's not like the feds have a direct line to my house, and even if they do...
SeekinTruth said:
I don't care what the PTB try to do.
Finduilas495 said:
Well I think the old saying "damned if you do and damned if you don't" is not quite true. If we don't do anything, we're toast. If we do something, however little it may be, we might stand a fighting chance. So let's do this.

Yeah. We watched an interesting episode of "Garrow's Law" last night where two guys were charged with violence against weaver companies and trying to start a union. The sentence was hanging. So, the prosecutor talked to one of them and convinced him to turn against his friend and lie. But Garrow argued so eloquently that the poor guy was acquitted and then the guy who turned evidence to get off free was sent to prison for perjury!!! It was a clear example of trying to save your skin and then losing it.

How many times in history has THAT happened? Often enough, I think.
Laura said:
WhiteBear said:
I brought the current fund-raising activity to my wife's attention last night, and she was concerned that any donation we make to SOTT may flag us as financially backing a domestic terrorist group. My immediate reaction was laughter, but after thinking about it, I'm not so sure it was funny. Things are getting pretty bad here in the States, as you all well's looking like end-game time, soon. I'm certainly going to send something to the Boulder address, but it may be $5 here and there spread out over several Hallmark moments, LOL.

Indeed, that's how they take over - make everyone afraid for themselves. Then they make everyone feel that, in order to protect themselves, they must denounce others. The PTB destroy the bonds of society.

The U.S. has been being conditioned, for a very long time, in separating each of us from each other, to be narcissistic to the extreme. It makes it so much easier to divide and conquer.

When you think about it, and it has been brought up many times here, the way they get us to do what they want is through fear. Fear is the real enemy. The PTB keep us afraid of them, of being caught doing the "wrong" thing, of saying the "wrong" thing, and now, it seems of even thinking the "wrong" thing. They have openly shown us that they are not above using torture. So that, too, keeps us in line through fear. And even, as Laura has said, in turning in our neighbors to save our own skin. And the neighbors don't even have to be doing anything "wrong".

If you are afraid of being noticed by donating to a "domestic terrorist group" (geeze, I can't even believe anyone would see us that way), it's too late. Just being on this forum has already been noticed. If you've kept up on the alphabet groups, you should know that they already know just about everything about all of us.

I would rather do what I know is right and pay the penalty (of course, being smart about these things is paramount), than to live a life where I do what I know is wrong just to save my skin and be safe.

If donating to a worthy cause, one that is set on showing the truth of things to those who are looking, helping people be healthier and aware of those who can hurt us, is going to get me in serious trouble, then so be it.

Just writing that last sentence has me shaking my head. Who would've thought that doing something that is our business, and in a true democracy, our right, would be subject to perusal by anyone. This world has really gone down the toilet.
Marcus-Aurelius said:
Mac said:
PO Box 4322
Boulder, CO 80306

Is this address still vaild for donations if I want to pay by money order?

Since postal services are "dead" in my country, will DHL be able to deliver to this address? Will they not need someone for receipt acknowledgement?

Is this also this address correct if someday we want to send you a gift or something else?
Nienna Eluch said:
Laura said:
WhiteBear said:
I brought the current fund-raising activity to my wife's attention last night, and she was concerned that any donation we make to SOTT may flag us as financially backing a domestic terrorist group. My immediate reaction was laughter, but after thinking about it, I'm not so sure it was funny. Things are getting pretty bad here in the States, as you all well's looking like end-game time, soon. I'm certainly going to send something to the Boulder address, but it may be $5 here and there spread out over several Hallmark moments, LOL.

Indeed, that's how they take over - make everyone afraid for themselves. Then they make everyone feel that, in order to protect themselves, they must denounce others. The PTB destroy the bonds of society.

The U.S. has been being conditioned, for a very long time, in separating each of us from each other, to be narcissistic to the extreme. It makes it so much easier to divide and conquer.

When you think about it, and it has been brought up many times here, the way they get us to do what they want is through fear. Fear is the real enemy. The PTB keep us afraid of them, of being caught doing the "wrong" thing, of saying the "wrong" thing, and now, it seems of even thinking the "wrong" thing. They have openly shown us that they are not above using torture. So that, too, keeps us in line through fear. And even, as Laura has said, in turning in our neighbors to save our own skin. And the neighbors don't even have to be doing anything "wrong".

If you are afraid of being noticed by donating to a "domestic terrorist group" (geeze, I can't even believe anyone would see us that way), it's too late. Just being on this forum has already been noticed. If you've kept up on the alphabet groups, you should know that they already know just about everything about all of us.

I would rather do what I know is right and pay the penalty (of course, being smart about these things is paramount), than to live a life where I do what I know is wrong just to save my skin and be safe.

If donating to a worthy cause, one that is set on showing the truth of things to those who are looking, helping people be healthier and aware of those who can hurt us, is going to get me in serious trouble, then so be it.

Just writing that last sentence has me shaking my head. Who would've thought that doing something that is our business, and in a true democracy, our right, would be subject to perusal by anyone. This world has really gone down the toilet.

I agree on everything you say. We are listed and I don't care. But it is easy to be afraid if you live in a country like USA. It is easy to be afraid if you believe in their words, if you accept what they say as something real. Propaganda is very strong, and Propaganda is very similar to brainwash.

I remember the day when we had the terrorist attack in Madrid. I was a sleeper at that time and I felt very very scary. The day after I had a Yoga class and I had to take the metro: I was so afraid that I did not go to my Yoga class. To be aware of what is happening now, of the Propaganda, is to loose fear and walk with certainty.
loreta said:
Marcus-Aurelius said:
Mac said:
PO Box 4322
Boulder, CO 80306

Is this address still vaild for donations if I want to pay by money order?

Since postal services are "dead" in my country, will DHL be able to deliver to this address? Will they not need someone for receipt acknowledgement?

Is this also this address correct if someday we want to send you a gift or something else?

If you want to send something directly to the Chateau crew, I would suggest that address :

Les Editions Pilule Rouge
B.P. 121
82100 Castelsarrasin
Laura said:
I'm not trying to make you feel bad, just pointing out how it works... and when you start seeing it in your own home, well...

Oh, no...I don't feel bad at all, and I understand what you're saying. And please don't think that anyone in my home thinks anything SOTT-related is actually "domestic terrorism". It's not our perception that would get us into hot water, it's theirs. Of course I know that they're monitoring forum activity, but as of right now, they're not prosecuting that. But financial backing is a horse of a different color.

As the C's say, "Knowledge protects." Richard Dolan mentioned Project Shamrock several times in his book, "UFO's and the National Security State", and they're still opening and reading mail, I'm sure, in addition to tracking bank account activity. But just having the knowledge does nothing, it's knowledge put into action to DO something, yes? So I won't give the alphabet soup clan a paper trail to use in court, and get the donation to you guys in a safer manner. It really is getting ridiculous to see the charges that are being brought up against people now, though. Turns my stomach.
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