Right, I was triggered! I just couldn't watch it in a sort of detached way, taking the things as universal when they were so blatantly partisan (IMO). Come on, the president was pure Trump as seen by the libtards: sex scandals, obsessed with appearances, dumb and grandiose, an incompetent slimy son (in law...) in the White House... Pompous rallies with tons of "deplorables" wearing MAGA hats... As for climate change: they literally put a freaking polar bear on melting ice in there, just in case we don't get it! And some of the "good" protestors were holding signs saying "Fossil Fools"! The "good" Ariadne Grande sang "Trust The Science". The "Don't look up" shtick was Trump telling his followers to ignore Climate Change and the Covid Pandemic. The conspiracy theorists who doubted the existence of the comet were the "conspiracy theorists" who doubt Climate Change and the Panedemic... The only subtlety about that was that the "good side" was a bit crazy and pompous too, but well...
Again, you are right: I was triggered and felt insulted by the whole thing, and that's why I couldn't watch it and abstract from all that and apply it to "the other side". But even then, if I want that kind of partisan stuff, I can go on Twitter or watch Tim Pool. Not my idea of an entertaining or deep or uplifting or surprising movie.
It's interesting though how different the reactions to this one seem to be, both here and also among commentators from both "sides".