Dr Mercola


I inform you about what happened this morning in Spain.

I received a phone call. Company UPS warns me about the shipping of a package from Mercola.com. It will never arrive.
Spanish government blocked it. The explanation I received is that any product of such kind "vitamin, supplement" with a bill above 22 euros cannot enter Spain. As a consequence it will be returned. On year 2009 I had not this "problem".

Soon I remembered a speech by Ian R. Crane about "Codex Alimentarius". I do not have the original URL for a 40+ minutes speech, nonetheless I think this video may be related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2D4-noTiCg).

As I understood, also from other sources, the "Codex Alimentarius" applies in Europe in 2010. An I also remember that this affects, specifically, to sellers for vitamin, supplements, and such "kind of products".

These are the facts. I do not know which regulation applies, and why I no longer can buy at Mercola.com.

¿Anyone affected on Europe with this problem?

Thanks in advanace for answering.
Not yet.
But I guess that at one point or another, ordering vitamins and supplements overseas will prove to be problematic.
Have you considered buying from the UK? You can find a lot of supplements from agestop.net, on ebay.co.uk, etc.
You can find almost all you need from the UK and you're not bothered by customs.
Hope this helps.
I've been recently in a session with a medium (woman). I punctually had a comment on food and buying supplements to "complement". The medium said to me that my last products were blocked. She confirms the spirits influenced for this event to happen. And this means something, so I must consider in changing attitude on this matter. She recommended to me focusing on food diversity, to get everything I need from them. Also to avoid any kind of pills, just help the body to work properly.

In this session she also provided me with tips about future events. Now I start to see light at the end of the tunnel. I do comprehend my role and how to help the surrounding community that is forming in Barcelona. May one day interact and share with the one in the southern France.

It's a bad idea to use UPS to receive anything from the US to Europe. If possible ask the person sending the package to use another courier. As I understand it, UPS has a deal with European customs where they flag almost everything coming from the US and send it to customs first. Others couriers do not seem to do this.
I ship a great many packages from the US to Europe every year, both business and personal. I always use the US Postal Service International Priority Mail. It is the least expensive method, the package usually arrives in 6 - 8 days... and there is no duty or VAT involved.

My experience with FedEx and UPS in Europe is dismal. In order to operate in other countries these companies must collect taxes and duty on each delivery for the host government... that's if they can find your house to collect it. I had US tax documents sent overnight FedEx from California. It took FedEx 8 days to find my house. Have you any idea how much overnight shipping from California to France costs? Its outrageous. No apology was offered and forget about a refund.

I just had a package sent to me from the Netherlands, via TNT. They are the worst that I have seen, to date. The package was not even in their French website tracking system. No attempt was ever made to deliver it to my home, if there was, they left no notice in the mailbox. There was never a phone call to tell me to come pick it up. Unknown to me it sat in their office for 10 days and then they returned it to the sender.

Even under the severe operating funds shortfalls of the US Postal Service, they are still hands down the most reliable and reasonably priced means of international mail and small package shipping from the US.
jordifs said:
I've been recently in a session with a medium (woman). I punctually had a comment on food and buying supplements to "complement". The medium said to me that my last products were blocked. She confirms the spirits influenced for this event to happen. And this means something, so I must consider in changing attitude on this matter. She recommended to me focusing on food diversity, to get everything I need from them. Also to avoid any kind of pills, just help the body to work properly.

In this session she also provided me with tips about future events. Now I start to see light at the end of the tunnel. I do comprehend my role and how to help the surrounding community that is forming in Barcelona. May one day interact and share with the one in the southern France.


Hi Jordi,

Apparently your medium is unaware of the fact that there are no longer enough nutrients in most soil to grow crops that can sustain healthy levels of vitamins and minerals in the human body. Foods that, at one time, could have supplied all the body needs no longer can, due to the depletion of the soil used my most agriculture.

Usually, in life, it's best to search for information by your own efforts, and by utilizing a like-minded network to keep you going in the right direction, rather than to turn to people who say they are mediums for advice of any kind. Otherwise, one easily gets led down the garden path... fwiw.
anart said:
Hi Jordi,

Apparently your medium is unaware of the fact that there are no longer enough nutrients in most soil to grow crops that can sustain healthy levels of vitamins and minerals in the human body. Foods that, at one time, could have supplied all the body needs no longer can, due to the depletion of the soil used my most agriculture.

Usually, in life, it's best to search for information by your own efforts, and by utilizing a like-minded network to keep you going in the right direction, rather than to turn to people who say they are mediums for advice of any kind. Otherwise, one easily gets led down the garden path... fwiw.

I agree with you Anart. I'm sure there is no way to get enough nutrients just eating.

I decided few years ago to explore the unknown. I went to a woman that can read my hand, to a tarot, and to a medium. The intention is to decide oneself always, not collect intel. I was indoctrinated in the position of not to belief (ghosts, spirits). The experimental output was interesting as doubts clearly stated to me that my position was no longer valid.

The medium has opinions which eventually are in conflict with my own ideas (and/or Cassiopaean's). But I'm not blind. I choose every day with my own perspective of the reality. Very important not to delegate the control of your belief system to anyone.

I went to a medium just to chat and comment some issues about my business. I have some ideas of what will happen in the future, very clear to me. This is an event of catastrophic consequences for me, that will push me to search for a new job. What I suspect, is now confirmed, and I do not need to wait a year to discover (< 90 days).

Interesting enough an idea raised after the medium and reading the following post:

It is the idea of creating a group in Barcelona for starting the preparation for the coming ice age. The most shocking is that before starting there are now 3 friends of mine asking/giving advice precisely on this issue. Nothing is build yet, just projecting. May the spirits assist us.

Thanks for your posts, much appreciated.
jordifs said:
I went to a medium just to chat and comment some issues about my business. I have some ideas of what will happen in the future, very clear to me. This is an event of catastrophic consequences for me, that will push me to search for a new job. What I suspect, is now confirmed, and I do not need to wait a year to discover (< 90 days).

If you accept a simple advice, perhaps it would be good to keep in mind that the future is most likely open. Like branches in a tree, there could be many different futures depending on many factors, one of which is what we Do and Are. Is it probably better to keep your mind open to not only one, but many outcomes. If we think that something is "confirmed", as you stated above, we run the risk of closing some doors and missing some opportunities.

Acquiring knowledge and observing can also prevent certain bad outcomes, when you are prepared. But it has to be done based on data, observation of yourself and the environment, and networking. :)
These sound very good. Once I've consulted the family, we might send off for a box. Everything about them sounds excellent, so I thought I'd make a thread for discussion. Has anyone tried these new ones, or the previous versions of this bar?

First, a quote, then the link:

Dr. Mercola said:
My previous Cocoa Cassava Bar was very popular and one of the top products on Mercola.com. Frankly, I knew we could do better. Because energy bars play such an important role in so many people's diets, I am very serious about offering a bar that contributes to good health rather than potentially damaging it.

My team and I set out to develop the perfect energy bar. Of course, it had to be at least as healthy as the previous Cocoa Cassava Bar. But most of all, it needed to be far superior in taste. In my opinion, when you eat an energy bar, it must taste as good as it is good for your health!

Some of the most important changes I wanted to make were to increase the protein, decrease the sugar, and change the sugar to a glucose polymer, which in my opinion is safer and better tolerated from a glycemic response and metabolic perspective.

Here is the product label (ingredients, etc.) as a PDF file:

And the page about the bars:
INGREDIENTS: Organic Tapioca Syrup, Organic Raw Almond Butter, Organic Dark Chocolate (Organic Sugar, Organic Cocoa Liquor, Organic Cocoa Butter, Organic Vanilla), Organic Unsweetened Coconut, Organic Tapioca Dextrose, Organic Raw Cacao Powder, Organic Cassava Flour, Organic Raw Chia Seeds, Sunflower Lecithin, Organic Coconut Flavor.

Allergen: Contains Tree Nut (Almond & Coconut). Manufactured in a facility that processes other products which may contain peanut, tree nut, milk, eggs, soy, and/or wheat (gluten).

Looks interesting.....but given we need to be avoiding milk/gluten 100%, I'd air on the side of caution and avoid these. fwiw
Ah, I see. I haven't managed to make the switch away from these foods yet, but I've learned things recently that show me that I need to. My family's big trouble here is money; this time of year things get difficult for us, and the healthy foods are much more expensive than we are used to paying. Not only that, but we don't have any experience, so we're like fish out of water. I guess I'm making excuses though, which I can't afford.

I really want to do the elimination diet, but it seems like the entire household would have to do it for it to work, because I make most of the meals.
Hi HowToBe,

It's tough when you are the only one trying something new in the dietary department. Would it be possible to get your family on board if you asked them to participate in an "experiment" with you? There are some good articles around on the net. Google "The Dark Side of Wheat" and "The Evils of Milk" for starters and pass them around to read. Ask everyone try it out as a favour to you for say, two weeks, and then see how everyone is feeling. It's almost a sure bet they will tell you they feel better. People seem to be much more likely to try something new, if they don't feel it is forever. But then when they feel so much healthier, it's not a burden to continue. Each Dot Connector has terrific recipes, and there a lot more posted in the Diet and Heath section. Plus, this way of eating has almost no pre-packaged food in it. Much cheaper in the long run. Have fun!
There should also be some good recipes in the diet and health section of the forum. Dr. Mercola carries very good articles, but he also has a good marketing campaign. Some products might be found in local health stores at a more convenient price.
Psyche said:
There should also be some good recipes in the diet and health section of the forum. Dr. Mercola carries very good articles, but he also has a good marketing campaign. Some products might be found in local health stores at a more convenient price.

The only good deal I've found on Mercola's site is the 3 month supply of chlorella tabs for something like half price. The rest I can find a little cheaper at the local vitamin shop. :) He's a natural marketer, so don't just take his word for his products.

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