Dream about my younger sister

I'm so sorry to hear this sad news, seek10. My condolences to you and the whole family, and a very big hug to you.

As for the prevalence of cancer these days I can only sigh in agreement with what you've said. It just seems like nearly everyone I speak to has someone close to them in some stage of some form of it; it's shockingly widespread.
My condolences, seek10. It sounds like your sister was ready to go, may she now be resting in peace. :hug2:
Our condolences to you and your family, seek10! May she rest in peace. You did what you could, and the rest was up to her and according to her life plan. :hug2::flowers:
It is very sad this moment, but remember that the separation is apparent, it is an illusion. Life is the truth. While this illusion lasts I would like to send a big hug to you and your family.
And to your sister I wish you a peaceful transition, that you can heal. :hug2:
I'm sorry for your loss seek10. May your sister finally rest in peace. Take care of yourself! :hug2:
I'm very sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my brother to cancer last year, so I think I know how you're feeling, or at least similar sentiments. Grief is a long process, let time heal. My condolences.
My condolences seek10. I'm sorry to hear. I hope you look after yourself and may she rest in peace.
They cremated her yesterday. It will take some time for them to adjust to the new reality, though they were expecting it for a while. Thank you all for your thoughts and support.
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