Dream made me sick

RedFox said:
I'd take these dreams as a good thing, but if they persist check your diet for inflammatory things.

I do think these dreams can offer lessons. But I gotta be honest. I did have some store bought prepared baked beans :shock: over the weekend when I was cooking out on the grill.!.!.! They came out of nowhere, sitting there steaming in a bowl, and they talked to me. I salivated like Homer Simpson! I ate them, too many of them, and I loved them. THEN I got big time gas, bloating, and more.!.!.! Those store bought baked beans taught me something too. I still tell people to look at the ingredients label on canned vegetables and see how many ingredients ya can't pronounce! Ya think that is good?
I ate garbage Sunday and felt like garbage that night and next morning. Although I'm feeling better, I still feel the bean garbage in my system. Lot's-o-water & flush. And I did flush a lot on Monday. :-[
But I still think the Sunday night dream had a purpose.
Al Today said:
RedFox said:
I'd take these dreams as a good thing, but if they persist check your diet for inflammatory things.

I do think these dreams can offer lessons. But I gotta be honest. I did have some store bought prepared baked beans :shock:

Ahhh! ;D
Well I'd say its highly probable it was the beans then. Which reminds me I tried peas on Friday/Saturday and they really didn't agree with me, so perhaps my dreams where a (delayed) result of that too?
RedFox said:
Ahhh! ;D
Well I'd say its highly probable it was the beans then.

Perhaps... Probably because of those ingredients on the can I can't pronounce. We've grown and cook beans, cooked with lard and BACON where I've had no problem. But those beans with artificial flavoring... Poison... It was so rich tasting, and flavor... I had a weakness... I can't take that garbage anymore.
I keep thinking of Homer Simpson. Where he says his body is made for Twinkies, formaldehyde, and long shelf life sugar food. I can't find the cartoon.
:D :D :D
Al Today said:
RedFox said:
I'd take these dreams as a good thing, but if they persist check your diet for inflammatory things.

I do think these dreams can offer lessons. But I gotta be honest. I did have some store bought prepared baked beans :shock:

This made me LOLZ :rotfl:

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