Dreams about missing math class


Dagobah Resident
Sorry for my english, but here there is:

This is a recurring dream that appears a few times a year in which I am studying in college and I'm ready or close to graduating, but suddenly I realize that, or somebody tells me that I have a pending matter, and I get a great despair because I need to go back 6 months, is a terrible feeling of unease, when I was so aware of not doing anything wrong. Another variant of the dream happened to me recently. While doing EE and went to the bed I was contemplating about this world that is so terrible to the development of self, so imprisoning and that I wanted to learn my lessons, the only way to go out of here.

That night I dreamed that I was in the last semester. I was so busy looking at other curses that I forgot the schedule of the math classes, it was as if it never existed until I saw my friends from high school (I have many years without see that people ) in the dream who was studying in college. They told me that I have a math test and I was surprised and scared because I had forgotten to go at lessons for a few weeks, and of course I would fail the test. However, I came in to classroom and the teacher (a woman) was teaching an abstract and advanced mathematics. In that matter was about the exam. I understood what she explained but it was not seem enough to me to dare to take the exam because I have not doing exercises to practice. I decided not to take the exam. I asked borrowed the math notebook to one of my friends, but nobody wanted to give me your notebook, making excuses, but at the time of the examination I ask to my Friend to lend me and he loaned it to me. (That was something that was common when I studied high school in real life, people just lent him their notebooks to their closest friends, in some cases to make life difficult to the other, on other occasions because the others don't returned it on time) and I went to the copier that was attended by a classmate of real life and I asked him to make the copies (that was his work in the dream and I will pay for that), but as we have confidence he told me that I made the copies by myself, because he had to go and even he ask me the favor to close his small business.

I wait until the exam finished and returned the booknote to my friend and I found out that the exam has few value but it could help me in case I had trouble passing the matter, that is, those few points could help. I got angry with myself for not taking that exam.


However, the question of such dreams is that at the end I always manage to pass the course.

In a very similar dream, several months ago, I decided to take the examination but I had not studied (because didn't know I had a test) and I passed it excellently.

Some months ago I had a similar dream but when I was almost ready to graduate from high school, they sent me back to the last part of elementary primary level (what humiliating!) Because my score did not show the note of one matter legally, and although I had to attend to be approved it bothered me that I did waste time on this when they obviously knew they I had to know that stuff.

I was reviewing how was my relationship with math and I really understand few in high school, but in order to enter in the college I had to make the bases again by himself and luckily I did very well in college (I studied a scientific career).

I have had this dream since high school (thirteen years ago) but otherwise look like a message that I'm not ready yet, or I lacked a little "detail" .it seems that has to do with things in life, "that's life" or so. Maybe I have not absolutely accepted that sometimes things happen that are beyond my control. Or is just about control. Or the fear of losing control.??

I appreciate your insights.
Interesting! I too have a reoccurring dream about missing a class. Typically it's english (a subject I used to loathe) and I'm in a similar scenario, close to graduating but have this one class that I always 'forgot' about and thus never showed up. It's weird and disconcerting, but I noticed the similarity so I thought I'd mention it. :huh:
For years, as long as I can remember, I have reoccurring dreams that I am in school, but I never know when nor where my classes are. I may be in some class, but I'm always in despair because I may have no book, nor perhaps even belong to that class. I'm always going around thinking how far behind I am getting in my studies if I have no books or knowledge where and when to go. I am usually lost, not knowing where to go and what to do. And then, many times an alien agenda begins. Not the normal grey dudes, but hyperdimensional "things". In my mind, nagging thoughts persist that these dreams have something to do with this 3D school here, on this BBM.
:shock: :shock: :shock:
Not the normal grey dudes, but hyperdimensional "things". In my mind, nagging thoughts persist that these dreams have something to do with this 3D school here, on this BBM.

Hi Al, the fact you mention hyperdimentional "things" made me think that these dreams are a reminder of something, because Laura says that hypermentional phenomena in our lives normally could be a way to remember to ourselves from the future. I think this theme could be a good issue for dream work, but regrettably dream work is no easy for me, I need to saturate a lot my mind with the problem that I want to explore but even so I don't remember anything, or the dreams have nothing to do with I am asking.

A constant in our dreams is the "carelessness"

Puck said:
Interesting! I too have a reoccurring dream about missing a class. Typically it's English (a subject I used to loathe) and I'm in a similar scenario, close to graduating but have this one class that I always 'forgot' about and thus never showed up. It's weird and disconcerting, but I noticed the similarity so I thought I'd mention it. :huh:

Out of curiosity. How was your process of learning English?
Galaxia2002 said:
Hi Al, the fact you mention hyperdimentional "things" made me think that these dreams are a reminder of something, because Laura says that hypermentional phenomena in our lives normally could be a way to remember to ourselves from the future. I think this theme could be a good issue for dream work, [...]

Or those boogars could be from my childhood fascination being raised on a steady diet of those old-tyme black & white "B"-movies from the 1950's. I still love them... Guys & gals in rubber suits, tin cans, paint goop make-up... Sticks and Stones, archaic, and more importantly, CHEAP cinematic "special" effects... Black and white movies allowed more imagination than the older color versions. Ahh, ignorance and imagination was bliss...
:dance: :dance: :dance:
Missing class dreams, being late for class dreams, not being ready for tests dreams, and realizing I need a class to graduate that I was supposed to have been attending, but forgot about are all pretty common for me - or were - haven't had many lately. I've always considered them to be what I call 'stress dreams'. Basically, I'm stressed in my waking life about something (or things) and that's how my dream activity translates it. Just a thought...
anart said:
Missing class dreams, being late for class dreams, not being ready for tests dreams, and realizing I need a class to graduate that I was supposed to have been attending, but forgot about are all pretty common for me - or were - haven't had many lately. I've always considered them to be what I call 'stress dreams'. Basically, I'm stressed in my waking life about something (or things) and that's how my dream activity translates it. Just a thought...

I also used to have these dreams on a regular basis, though it has been a few years since the last one. Reflecting back now, there did seem to be a higher element of stress present in my life at those times.
anart said:
Missing class dreams, being late for class dreams, not being ready for tests dreams, and realizing I need a class to graduate that I was supposed to have been attending, but forgot about are all pretty common for me - or were - haven't had many lately. I've always considered them to be what I call 'stress dreams'. Basically, I'm stressed in my waking life about something (or things) and that's how my dream activity translates it. Just a thought...

I get the same feeling about that, now that you mention it. I suppose it may apply to others situations too, for example, a couple of days ago I dreamed I was getting late to work and I tried to stop a cab but nobody stopped. It definitely coincides with lately days of stress at work. :/
My 0.02
I agree with anart's idea of stress dreams. I've had those kinds of school-related dreams (nightmares) also.

In fact, they are common enough that someone made a related cartoon:
Bud said:
I agree with anart's idea of stress dreams. I've had those kinds of school-related dreams (nightmares) also.

In fact, they are common enough that someone made a related cartoon:

Nice cartoon, I didn't know they were that common... I guess it should be obvious looking at how life situations are designed to be a waking nightmare to be "escaped." It's so bad that it bothers us even in our sleep.
I also remember have recurring dreams; I find that I have to be in school and I can not remember where my classes are located or my daily schedule. I do remember of lockers I have or had; even with books in them, but don't recall exactly where they are located in the dream world or even the combination to open them.

Some of the most interesting ones; is when I choose to go back to school and start an earlier grade like High School again, Jr High School or even elementry!
In those dreams, I find it quited amusing to be the an adult with my current experience and wisdom and starting again on basic subjects that I feel I want to retake or would like to know better. This includes English and math and other subjects. The feeling of having this wisdom is very overwhelming since people around me do not see this age disparity.
Even when I do go back to these earlier grades while dreaming (Like getting to start HS again in my fourties), I still feel apprehension and doubt, but it seems that I am still accepted as one of the students.

I tend to think it is my soul symbolizing that I still need to learn some basic skills to understand something more or refresh some basic understanding to get a better handle of it. Or it could be plain anxiety, lack of confidence or stress with my current work.
Dreams are another one of my favorite subjects, I can remember applying Don Juan's dreaming techniques many times during my youth.
Maybe I will put together future posts detailing some of the most incredible experiences I can remember; if there any interest.
By the way Galaxia2002, is there any chance that you have a "fear of maths?" I ask because I used to have that problem. Even doing exercises and homework was such a pain. When I get stuck at a question, I fall into this horrible thought loop which tells me that I should be able to finish the question off, and I felt like it was a self-punishment. It would be so hard to go through a whole session of maths practice without getting stuck and wasting maybe hours just trying to solve one measly question. So with this cycle repeating itself, I started hating math.

After learning a bit about myself and things like the Negative Introject in narcissists, I got more control over the problem and was able to start enjoying math for what it was. I think this all happened because of the way my parents and teachers forced us to do things we did not understand, and to do them like robots, calculators. Also, the public school curriculum is designed in a way that gives you no chance of actually deriving any pleasure from this subject. You have to ride the train all the way to the end, if you want to stop and take a break or a side path you are out of luck. Maybe a student wanted to REALLY know where all these theorems came from, what they really meant to the person who created them, or maybe having a hand at deriving their own formulas and things like that, creative things. Even before that, why learn maths at all? It's really like a form of torture, to make us do things we don't feel like or are not ready for at our tender ages, and suppressing all forms of intuitive questioning. So many factors in public education that can put one off learning. Don't get me started about "exams" :(
Puck said:
Interesting! I too have a reoccurring dream about missing a class. Typically it's english (a subject I used to loathe) and I'm in a similar scenario, close to graduating but have this one class that I always 'forgot' about and thus never showed up. It's weird and disconcerting, but I noticed the similarity so I thought I'd mention it. :huh:

Yes. I had recurring dreams of that nature for decades after I graduated.
Interesting. I also have a recurring dream that I'm at university and suddenly realise in the middle of the year that I've missed lessons, have not done enough work and am about to fail. The general sense in these dreams is one of 'shock' that things have gone off course and a loss as to where my life is going to go due to this 'failure'. :shock: As Bud's cartoon points out, I often awake to the relief of remembering my graduation. :cool2:

I previously thought that these dreams were genuinely related to my experience at University, particularly the last year where I left everything till the last minute. I'm now inclined to think that they may have a deeper significance, perhaps relating to ones life path and goals generally.
Galaxia2002 said:
Puck said:
Interesting! I too have a reoccurring dream about missing a class. Typically it's English (a subject I used to loathe) and I'm in a similar scenario, close to graduating but have this one class that I always 'forgot' about and thus never showed up. It's weird and disconcerting, but I noticed the similarity so I thought I'd mention it. :huh:

Out of curiosity. How was your process of learning English?

Oh, lol, I was born outside of Philadelphia so english is my primary language. In high school they made us read terrible books like Wuthering Heights and other typical 'classics' which really irritated me. So I have this disdain for school authority asserting what I should read.

anart said:
Missing class dreams, being late for class dreams, not being ready for tests dreams, and realizing I need a class to graduate that I was supposed to have been attending, but forgot about are all pretty common for me - or were - haven't had many lately. I've always considered them to be what I call 'stress dreams'. Basically, I'm stressed in my waking life about something (or things) and that's how my dream activity translates it. Just a thought...

That makes sense. It definitely feels stressful and confusing, next time it happens I'll have to remember to analyze whether or not I was feeling stressed.

Bud said:
I agree with anart's idea of stress dreams. I've had those kinds of school-related dreams (nightmares) also.

In fact, they are common enough that someone made a related cartoon:

Wow... I had no idea they're that common... and that was definitely the pattern of a few of these dreams... "What? I have a test? Oh good grief..."
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