Dreams about missing math class

My school dreams are not really about exams (even IRL i didn't care about them) but rather about exploring the school, usually going to the basement or somewhere else. The school in my dream is like a huge labyrinth behind a falsely simple front. The other type is about meeting people at school, like "oh you're here too!". I guess that somehow the school dreams represent life and how we deal with it.
beetlemaniac said:
By the way Galaxia2002, is there any chance that you have a "fear of maths?" I ask because I used to have that problem. Even doing exercises and homework was such a pain. When I get stuck at a question, I fall into this horrible thought loop which tells me that I should be able to finish the question off, and I felt like it was a self-punishment. It would be so hard to go through a whole session of maths practice without getting stuck and wasting maybe hours just trying to solve one measly question. So with this cycle repeating itself, I started hating math.

After learning a bit about myself and things like the Negative Introject in narcissists, I got more control over the problem and was able to start enjoying math for what it was. I think this all happened because of the way my parents and teachers forced us to do things we did not understand, and to do them like robots, calculators. Also, the public school curriculum is designed in a way that gives you no chance of actually deriving any pleasure from this subject. You have to ride the train all the way to the end, if you want to stop and take a break or a side path you are out of luck. Maybe a student wanted to REALLY know where all these theorems came from, what they really meant to the person who created them, or maybe having a hand at deriving their own formulas and things like that, creative things. Even before that, why learn maths at all? It's really like a form of torture, to make us do things we don't feel like or are not ready for at our tender ages, and suppressing all forms of intuitive questioning. So many factors in public education that can put one off learning. Don't get me started about "exams" :(

Hi beetle, as I said, in the beginning I didn't like it, so boring for me but I had to learn it because it was mandatory to study at the University, in a lapse of two year I started from the basic for myself and I become moderately good. I agree with you about what I felt at the start. Now that I think about it, I have a similar reaction to the esoteric work, because it is something even harder that was learning maths, and I still fell that I have little progress in it. I have a lot of time without self observing and remembering. I'm going to practice again..
Galaxia2002 said:
I have a similar reaction to the esoteric work, because it is something even harder that was learning maths, and I still fell that I have little progress in it. I have a lot of time without self observing and remembering. I'm going to practice again..

Now that you say it, I recall the Negative Introject, the self-punishing voice, was a huge impediment to my progress esoterically-speaking. It's so hard to self-observe when the NI pretends to be observing the self on your behalf. What a PAIN that was, for the longest time too, I thought the Work was horrible and complete self-torture, UNTIL I re-read Trapped in the Mirror. The rereading and identification of the NI concept with respect to my psyche was the key that freed me from it's devastating trap. It felt so blissful to be free. Without the group and Laura's work on identifying the common forms of psychological maladaptation I would have been stuck in my loop forever. Very grateful. :flowers:
Pai said:
I previously thought that these dreams were genuinely related to my experience at University, particularly the last year where I left everything till the last minute. I'm now inclined to think that they may have a deeper significance, perhaps relating to ones life path and goals generally.

That is my current understanding too. In the past also had similar recurring dreams about being unprepared for a math exam because missed classes or forgot about it. Didn't have them for a while, though.

And what I was able to observe and figure out, that in my personal case these were reminders and nudges from the subconscious that there were recurring lessons in my life that I have been neglecting/avoiding or wasn't prepared for. And not just any lessons, but the ones that required effort and dedication/hard work on my part. There was no fear but more a sense of missed opportunity and things being delayed, and understanding that this test will have to be passed at some point.

On a funny note, I even had Ark as a math teacher in one or two of these dreams, and remember telling him that I am not prepared for the exam. His reaction was a small smile and then telling me that I know what I have to do. The flavor of it was that it's not the end and that there will be other opportunities, but that the ultimate outcome will obviously depend on my efforts.
Keit said:
Pai said:
I previously thought that these dreams were genuinely related to my experience at University, particularly the last year where I left everything till the last minute. I'm now inclined to think that they may have a deeper significance, perhaps relating to ones life path and goals generally.

That is my current understanding too. In the past also had similar recurring dreams about being unprepared for a math exam because missed classes or forgot about it. Didn't have them for a while, though.

And what I was able to observe and figure out, that in my personal case these were reminders and nudges from the subconscious that there were recurring lessons in my life that I have been neglecting/avoiding or wasn't prepared for. And not just any lessons, but the ones that required effort and dedication/hard work on my part. There was no fear but more a sense of missed opportunity and things being delayed, and understanding that this test will have to be passed at some point.

Yes, fortunately at least sometimes our subconscious is able to give us indications of what we should be doing by using relatively 'easy to translate' metaphors, using past experiences to highlight something that needs addressing in our present. It's not always so simple though and I'm sure some of my dreams would take a highly trained 6th density code breaker to unravel them!
Pai said:
I'm now inclined to think that [these dreams] may have a deeper significance, perhaps relating to ones life path and goals generally.

This comment and the discussion following reminded me of a dream I had near the end of 2008.

I wrote in my journal that it was not the first time I'd had it - or at least a significant part of it.

Near the end of the dream, I was in a university setting, and the teacher told the pupils in the room that what was to come in the future would be tough, and not to expect any great achievements.

And right then and there, I wanted to stand up and tell him of the specific (technical) interests I had and in which I had done well in the past - tell him that I was really good at that, at any rate, and that in that area I would come to make great achievements.

Then I woke up, my mind very slow and groggy - yet I could feel something very deeply - I saw then very clearly the utter meaninglessness of these things I was so attached to, that they didn't in reality matter one bit. Of my life I saw at once:
my journal said:
...the inner considerings, fantasies, nonsense, A-influences, things I'd better snap out of and let go, because I was "dreaming", so to say.

That realization has never come back as strongly since. Piecewise, but not the immense whole of it. Of the whole impression - the feeling - there remains only a faint memory.

As for what the teacher said not to expect to achieve, I think (and felt when I woke up) that they were the future of my - later abandoned - studies to come.

Neither these, I felt - nor the specific (technical) interests I had - in reality mattered one bit.
Psalehesost said:
Near the end of the dream, I was in a university setting, and the teacher told the pupils in the room that what was to come in the future would be tough, and not to expect any great achievements.

And right then and there, I wanted to stand up and tell him of the specific (technical) interests I had and in which I had done well in the past - tell him that I was really good at that, at any rate, and that in that area I would come to make great achievements.

Then I woke up, my mind very slow and groggy - yet I could feel something very deeply - I saw then very clearly the utter meaninglessness of these things I was so attached to, that they didn't in reality matter one bit. Of my life I saw at once:
my journal said:
...the inner considerings, fantasies, nonsense, A-influences, things I'd better snap out of and let go, because I was "dreaming", so to say.

So if I understand you correctly, you seem to have seen your false personality in the dream attempting to boast to an authority figure about what you ascertained (whilst awake) were actually meaningless considerations in terms of the work. Sounds perhaps like a significant episode of 'seeing' yourself. I was just wondering if these interests and achievements you wanted to make your teacher aware of were/are ideas that you're very attached to in your real life?

-apologies, I've just read the end of your post where you've said that in reality they didn't matter one bit.....
Pai said:
So if I understand you correctly, you seem to have seen your false personality in the dream attempting to boast to an authority figure about what you ascertained (whilst awake) were actually meaningless considerations in terms of the work. Sounds perhaps like a significant episode of 'seeing' yourself.

That's how it was experienced. Though in that groggy state, my mind didn't think in terms of Work - the meaninglessness was simply felt. The feeling faded as the mind became alert, and only an intellectual remnant remained, which was written down.

But in now revisiting it, things have begun to stir in me. Looking back, it's basically been confirmed. It's beginning to sink in yet a bit further - and it gives an overall perspective on my life in recent years.

Pai said:
I was just wondering if these interests and achievements you wanted to make your teacher aware of were/are ideas that you're very attached to in your real life?

-apologies, I've just read the end of your post where you've said that in reality they didn't matter one bit.....

My post may have been unclear - the feeling that they didn't matter was what came when I woke up after the dream. I was indeed very attached to them - long-standing free-time projects and related interests and dreams and prospects - and they didn't end with that.

Only later have I given up on most of that attachment - I think. Some remains, connected to possible ways of using my early "work" in a different direction, for a different purpose.
anart said:
Missing class dreams, being late for class dreams, not being ready for tests dreams, and realizing I need a class to graduate that I was supposed to have been attending, but forgot about are all pretty common for me - or were - haven't had many lately. I've always considered them to be what I call 'stress dreams'. Basically, I'm stressed in my waking life about something (or things) and that's how my dream activity translates it. Just a thought...

The bolded scenario was my recurring dream for years and years, and it was always history, which had been a nightmare and my weakest spot in my real school life. But history as taught at school was almost exclusively history of wars, nothing like history in Laura's picture. And as in anart's case, I haven't had those dreams last years, it seems to be over.

Surprisingly, they are so common that you can find them on Top 10 common dreams list along with dreams about car troubles, illness or dying, being chased, bad or missing teeth, and a few other. It's interesting that car trouble dream "is a common nightmare among all ages, even for people who usually don't drive."
Psalehesost said:
Pai said:
So if I understand you correctly, you seem to have seen your false personality in the dream attempting to boast to an authority figure about what you ascertained (whilst awake) were actually meaningless considerations in terms of the work. Sounds perhaps like a significant episode of 'seeing' yourself.

That's how it was experienced. Though in that groggy state, my mind didn't think in terms of Work - the meaninglessness was simply felt. The feeling faded as the mind became alert, and only an intellectual remnant remained, which was written down.

But in now revisiting it, things have begun to stir in me. Looking back, it's basically been confirmed. It's beginning to sink in yet a bit further - and it gives an overall perspective on my life in recent years.

Great that you managed to translate this 'groggy feeling' into a message or information about your being that you could actually write down and use. I've sometimes found myself in post sleep states where I'm consumed by a state of intense 'feeling'. It's almost as if I have the 'raw ingredients' of some aspect of me but I generally am unable to reassemble this emotional state into something tangible in order to find the 'recipe' if you like and find myself generally just consumed with the feeling itself which as you say, dissipates after a short while. I really need to keep a pen and paper by my bed.

Psalehesost said:
Pai said:
I was just wondering if these interests and achievements you wanted to make your teacher aware of were/are ideas that you're very attached to in your real life?

-apologies, I've just read the end of your post where you've said that in reality they didn't matter one bit.....

My post may have been unclear - the feeling that they didn't matter was what came when I woke up after the dream. I was indeed very attached to them - long-standing free-time projects and related interests and dreams and prospects - and they didn't end with that.

Only later have I given up on most of that attachment - I think. Some remains, connected to possible ways of using my early "work" in a different direction, for a different purpose.

Ok, thanks I understand now. Your post was clear, my mind was not :)
Just want to share my last night's dream. It was about math class with which I did have a problem in high school, skipping classes, not practicing etc. And yes it is one of my reoccurring dreams, they are always pointing in one direction and that is that I'm going to lose, that I'll miss something or will not accomplish something. But this last one gave me this even grater sense of my personal failure then previous dreams.

I was in my class in what appears to be high school. There were some of my high school friends and they all looked busy and engaged. I was standing in the middle of this class and felt uneasy, because I felt/knew that I didn't study or was missing lessons so I definitively didn't feel ready to do the exam!

But unlike in previous dreams with same topic, there wasn't any exam. I was immediately shown my grades in the Gradebook and there was one 4 in the beginning, two 2 and last one 1. This one was written with red pen. (in Croatia, grading system is set between no. 1-5, with 1 for insufficient and 5 for excellent)

So basically I failed math, although it seemed like it was still mid term (this I'm guessing because there was still half empty columns in math section of the Gradebook.) I woke up immediately with this terrible feeling of my incompetence, personal failure, worthlessness and failing to successfully accomplish what I've started and seemed OK at first, but managed to turn to failure. It was very unpleasant and troublesome dream and I was so shaken by this dream that I couldn't fall back to sleep for next hour or even more.

And this morning brings still bitter taste of last night's dream. Nasty one. It could be related with recent developings in my life though. Skipping full EE sessions, missing something in my diet, being thorn between job, family and implementing gained knowledge in my everyday life. I'm on the edge of entering in swamp pit or I may be in it already.

It may be subconscious message to get hold of myself or ... :huh: it's maybe to late!?!
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