Dutch speakers


FOTCM Member
Can someone who speaks Dutch try and track down the contact details of Pierre Heijboer who used to or still does work for the Volkskrant newspaper. If successful, you can post them here or send me a pm or email

Perceval said:
Can someone who speaks Dutch try and track down the contact details of Pierre Heijboer who used to or still does work for the Volkskrant newspaper.

From what I can tell, he retired from the Volkskrant.

I pm-ed you on the contact info I found.

I maybe found his email address:

I am pretty sure it is, he had a profile on a forum with exactly his name, Also in it’s profile it was stated to his profession was a Journalist/writer…..And it was asked at a certain thread if he truly was Pierre Heijboer from the Volkskrant and he responded that he indeed was the man in question and was retired:


His profile on that forum:


If that won't work I would try to give this an attempt


It's a website dedicated to his research and book ‘Doemvlucht’ where he tries to unfold what truly happened concerning a plane crash in Amsterdam, 1992. Best know as the ‘Bijlmerramp’

It’s in Dutch, but at each end of the page there is some contact information, only they are not from Pierre Heijboer but from Sociale Databank Nederland (Social Databank Netherlands) It’s a foundation which goes into trying to unfold many deceptions and lies this government has inflicted. I guess those two are linked since there is some cooperation at play. So even if you don’t get Pierre Heijboer they may help you out:

Stichting Sociale Databank Nederland
E-mailadres: sdn@planet.nl
Internet site: http://www.sdnl.nl/heijboer.htm
Westkade 227, 1273 RJ Huizen (NH)
Tel.: (31)-35-5244141 . . . . . Fax: 035-5244142

And if that all fails,

I would try to contact Klokkenluidersonline, It’s a recognized organization which you can contact if you are confronted by situations which you think need to see 'the light of day’ They have and can give you protection and offer help into lawsuits and media attention.

Most probably I think Pierre Heijboer is know to them.

The only way to contact them is I believe to be found here:



I may know some other means but they are all indirectly, certain groups who I think worked with him in the past. If you are unable to contact him let it know, but hopefully some of the information already given will work.
This may also help:

It's an email address meant for those who want to point out spelling errors or even have information which can support or discard facts on what exactly happened at the bijlmerramp which he formed a book based on this.

Thanks guys. I'm going to try and contact him for confirmation that he did in fact say what Christopher Bollyn claims that he said to him about Schipol airport and El Al security in an article by Bollyn for American Free Press back in 2002.
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