Dutch to use full body scanners for US flights


Dutch to use full body scanners for US flights (AP article)

I find this action item to roll out airport full body scan oddly convenient in the wake of the alleged attempted bombing of NW 253 on Christmas. First we learn it was a Dutch hero that saved the plane - Hero tackled alleged Northwest plane bomber as flames came from him on flight to Detroit - then we learn it was a well attired employee of some sort at Holland's Schipol that ushered Mutallab onto the plane - Flight 253 Passenger: Sharp-Dressed Man Aided Terror Suspect Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab Onto Plane Without Passport - and now Holland leads the charge on implementing the controversial full body scan. Hmmm, weird coincidence.

In addition to all the amplification about the imminent threat of Yemen - Inventing a Story, Lie by Lie: U.S. Jet Plot Suspect "Was in Yemen in December" - there certainly are some controversial agenda items emerging from this latest episode of "terror in the skies".
Read in the news today that France is to do the same for US-bound flights.


Seems like the usual suspects (pro-US nations) will be the first to implement. The UK and Italy have already agreed, although there is little chance it would become and EU-wide policy.

Seems like the goal is to stop as many people as possible travelling to the US. Other than a general lock-down of the US and general repression of freedom of movement, I wonder if there is another reason for this. Is it possible that at some point in the future the US authorities will want to keep events within the US as private as possible?
It seems that our Dutch government now even wants to go a step further. Flights to the US are were only the beginning. They want to start scanning plane travellers travelling within Europe as well.


This is nuts... :shock:
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