Buddy said:
JEEP said:
British Columbia has had 3 earthquakes in the last 7 days. BC is in the same neck of the woods as Seattle, WA. We are 10 days from Oct.
I came across an article in which the author was saying that the earthquake(s) in Chile were linked to the quakes in British Columbia (and possibly others I think). I've been unable to find this article again.
I thought I saw an article like that too, but I can't find it either. Anyway, the link you suggest may be in the idea of sudden ruptures of long segments of subduction zones. Of course, one of these zones is Cascadia - southern British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and northern California. The Cascadia subduction zone, like the one off Chile, has a history of producing earthquakes from what I understand. Not that you don't know that. :)
In trying to find the previously referenced article, I came across this one:
Seeing that this site - http://
www.cbc.ca/radio/thisisthat/baby-proof-house-of-commons-two-man-choir-lost-train-volunteer-mcdonald-s-1.3224546/canadian-rail-company-has-no-explanation-after-47-car-train-goes-missing-1.3224670 - just put out a bogus/satirical article, I was reluctant to take it seriously.
In the comments, a Canadian had this to say:
"Remember that the Richter Scale is logarithmic, so a difference of one does NOT mean that a, say, 9.3 quake is twice as powerful as an 8.3 quake. It is ten times as powerful. So the difference between yesterday's 8.3 quake in Chile and a possible 9.3 plus Cascadia quake is truly monstrous, and very well worth noting. Remember, the Nazca plate has been releasing pressure on a pretty regular basis, whereas the Cascadia subduction zone has been locked for about 315 years now. A full rupture now could produce one of the (or perhaps THE) strongest quakes ever measured."
This does not make sense. If the Cascadia subduction zone has been locked for about 315 years, how then is the area experiencing all the earthquakes that have been happening this year and years preceding as shown at earthquaketrack.com?
Well, medical pot IS legal in Canada . . .