Efficacious activities with respect to the Wave

Hiyas. Read into this; &^^.

Well, I'm impressed at yall's astuteness. And yes, I'm a bit tapped.

However, I've the habit of trying to cover many bases in one post (depending on the message). So it may appear I'm all over the place. I get the same all the time with other folk's posts - not necessarily here. But I usually put the burden on myself to try an fathom what they are saying. Tangential thoughts...

Not sure what was so alarming about the drowning example. Ever been close to that? I have - and too bad I saved myself. :lol:
Maybe I should have clarified the context. Ie., sending healing energies to someone who didn't ask. That we all "choose" our experiences etc.

Now then, someone asked me if I was on drugs. That's not only an insult but against the forum's rules. I've had posts edited for less!

Will be honest as I know why things are playing out like this. I've been out of work since Dec. and live alone (no friends or family). So I can fall in slumps or emotional ruts. It does indeed show in my prose at these times. I did somewhat presume things might be taken the wrong way but I hit the submit button anyway. So pardon. I should be back to work (around people) by April.

At the risk of it being edited out, I'll admit that I was indeed a seasoned psychonaut. But it wasn't the party thing. It was the pull the shades, lock the door and try to access as deep levels as I can... have had a helluva time with shadow material.
Azoth said:
Hiyas. Read into this; &^^.

Well, I'm impressed at yall's astuteness. And yes, I'm a bit tapped.

Hiya Azoth, how ya doing? Long time no see. How's the weather up there near Owl's Head?

Now that we have all the little required social pleasantries out of the way .... what do you want?
Azoth said:
Now then, someone asked me if I was on drugs. That's not only an insult but against the forum's rules. I've had posts edited for less!

Azoth said:
At the risk of it being edited out, I'll admit that I was indeed a seasoned psychonaut. But it wasn't the party thing. It was the pull the shades, lock the door and try to access as deep levels as I can... have had a helluva time with shadow material.

Psychonautics (from the Greek ψυχή soul/spirit/mind and ναύτης sailor/navigator - a sailor of the mind/soul)[1] refers to a methodology for describing and explaining the subjective effects of altered states of consciousness, including those induced by mind altering substances, and to a research paradigm in which the researcher voluntarily immerses him/herself into an altered state by means of such techniques, as a means to explore human experience and existence.[2] The term has been applied diversely, to cover all activities by which altered states are induced and utilized for spiritual purposes or the exploration of the human condition, including shamanism, lamas of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition,[3] lucid dreaming,[1] sensory deprivation,[1] and modern drug users who use hallucinogenic drugs in order to gain deeper insights and spiritual experiences.[4]

Just so I understand, are you insulted by being asked if you are on mind altering substances yet essentially admitting later on in the post that you are or have done drugs in the past? And in fact, as you admit, a seasoned one at that?

Also, it's not against forum guidelines to ask whether someone is taking drugs or not, but it is against guidelines to discuss your own past-times.

Two: Please don't post messages about your illegal pastimes and habits. Cassiopaea.org does not wish to appear to condone such practices, for reasons that should be pretty obvious if a little common sense is applied. If you do post such stuff, expect it to be deleted immediately. It is also inadvisible to post about illegal pastimes from yesteryear, drug use for example, (unless you are disavowing all such usage). The reason is that by doing so you run the risk of attracting lurker "drug buddies", which you probably don't want to do.

So, technically, if what you mean by psychonaut includes drug-use, you're the one breaking forum guidelines ;)

If this is the case though, than your acting extremely self-important, and seeing as you are admitting that you would get these type of responses due to your posts, and disregarded going over it or editing it for clarification, then your being inconsiderate as well.

You might gain some additional insights into attempting to access 'deep levels' through certain methods by reading this thread http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=4093.0
(QFS dictates) I (selfish), or we (haughty), were thinking (ego problem) about how to (wishful thinking) go about (agenda!) discerning whether or not I've a higher self (OP candidate).
But (double minded), I was surprised (inexperienced) to read (can't think for themselves) the line, "what do you want?" Seems indicative of the current here (projection!).
Anyway (erratic thinking), was wondering if it's possible (more agendas) to have a higher self while having no sense (possible drug use) or experience of it (yeah but, what do they want!?).
Of course (haughty assumption), other researchers (probably psychopaths with fake credentials) state everyone (overgeneralizing) indeed has a higher self, like chakras etc. (dis info, read xyz).
Thy trend...(hypnotic cue!!)

But breathing helps. I find it helps with the tangibles (huh? what is this person saying? he doesn't make sense, must be on drugs). Physiology. I don't find it helping (dis info agent) with emotions and attitudes (unstable).
There's some other methods that revolve around perceptions (denial). "Personal metaphors" (wishful thinking).

Danke (why all the ambiguous prose?)

(they left this space here empty, must be a psychopath)

:wizard: (probably into magick, figures)
Azoth, your third last post had a lot of coherence. Thank you. I do appreciate the effort. I think what is being said is that a good way to approach the future has been enunciated on this forum. Its fairly simple, in that its not a difficult method to follow or understand. I think the QFG have spent a lot of time sorting the chaff from the wheat (with the help of the Cs) and have come up with a good system of personal development which is essential for the coming times.

I give you the benefit of the doubt and think maybe you are younger than I by a decade or two. Maybe its the exuberance of youth. The users here are very serious about the future. Considering the amount of material in the ocean of information that is now available, ground rules need to be adhered to, just in case someone, who is focused, can offer an additional value-added insight. That's why the rules are there. Makes sense? :)
Azoth said:
I was surprised (inexperienced) to read (can't think for themselves) the line, "what do you want?"

Why surprised (inexperienced)? You conclude (finally) a post with a NeoNazi (goose-stepping vermin) reference, and you don't expect (anticipate) people will question what you want (to take)?

Your post (rambling self aggrandizement) made at least one forum member (a nice PERSON) uncomfortable, then you completely ignored (disrespected) his/her questions. ....and you don't expect anyone (with an IQ exceeding that of a titmouse) to wonder what you want (to get)? Sorry (insincere literary usage) I got the impression (mistaken) you were brighter than that (titmouse)
I'll try to clarify (add words to) my question. What do you want (here) Mark?

Seems indicative of the current here (projection!).

I certainly hope (believe) so.
wanderer33 said:
The most disturbing phrase (and there were others which appeared embedded in his speech) ....

" I understand the "idea" of "free will" and violation of that will. If someone is drowning, I may try and help them. What's the difference in helping a person drowning at the time, or later on (in say therapy)? That is, if they were not yelling for help.

It's more curious that I even got caught up in this. "

RyanX: Yes, I believe it is a hypnotic trigger phrase. I do not wish to say anymore regarding this.

Let's just say that my intuition is rarely wrong. I am satisfied with his answer and I'm letting it go.

I hope no members was overly perturbed by my post above.

Thanks Laura, I was worried that the post would cause some problems. I am very glad you got it as well.

W33, thanks for the clarification! I thought that was what you meant by it, but I wasn't sure.

[quote author=azoth] At the risk of it being edited out, I'll admit that I was indeed a seasoned psychonaut. But it wasn't the party thing. It was the pull the shades, lock the door and try to access as deep levels as I can... have had a helluva time with shadow material.[/quote]

Azoth, thanks for responding to my question about your activities with psychedelic substances. I think this is about all we need to know regarding that since any discussion of illegal activities such as drug use is against forum guidelines.

In case you haven't figured it out by now, these substances are scrambling your brain. This is plainly obvious based on your posts. All might not be lost in your case if you put some distance between yourself and these activities. Grounding yourself in the Objective reality is what you need to accomplish first before you can access higher states of Being. All of this is discussed in The Wave if you choose to take this route.

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