Electromagnetism makes my jewellry "dance"

Pinkerton said:
Indeed. Unfortunately Ruth has decided that such things are a waste of time.

Actually I haven't.

[quote author=Pinkerton] She is so sure in her convictions that her way is the right way, it does not matter what anyone else recommends or testifies is working for them. It "does not apply" to Ruth. [/quote]

This is incorrect, lots of things apply to me and I'm no more "right" than the next person. Although I do agree that I run some very interesting programs, so too do a lot of people.

[quote author=Pinkerton] Yes, she trusts her perceptions a whole lot more than anyone else's, which is unfortunate, because we machines lie to ourselves more than anyone else. As long as she allows her right man syndrome to rule her roost, their will be no chance of eliminating her programs, despite her ideas on how she supposedly has done so. If so, you have failed to show these changes on this board. [/quote]

I suppose I'm writing about what works for me. I find no reason to dismiss this, any more than I would have a reason to dismiss what works, or is working for others and can potentially work for me. Nor is there any reason not to appreciate it or follow it up if it is meaningful and helpful. Dismissing other peoples ideas out of hand is not consitent with my personal goal of wanting to keep an open mind. :)

[quote author=Pinkerton]The fact that you so unabashedly admit your dismissal of true psychological work on the self points to an extreme lack of external consideration as well. Which is another factor that points to you not really doing any work on the self. It's just the same loops of behavior repeating itself. When will it end? When you start allowing the perceptions of others to break through your shield of defense and truly apply the mirror's gifts. Only you can decide that course.

I don't like the sound of a broken record any more than you do! :D So, I'm attempting to work on my responses to them.
anart said:
Just for clarity's sake Ruth, it's not very effective if your interaction on this forum is any measure of the matter. Even after all this time, you are still very reactionary, defensive and rather 'bull headed' when an error you are making is pointed out. Even when reams of data and many posts try to explain why you are in error, you stand firm in 'your understanding' and state that others just don't get it - despite all the data to the contrary.

Yes, you are right. I do tend to be reactionary, defensive etc, etc, as you have said. I'm attempting to work on this and have identified that this tends to be a response to perceived critisism, dismissal, the feeling of being 'put down' or patronised in some way. It tends to 'get me going' quite quickly, indicating that I have a problem with this and probably an automatic response to something that's been going on for a long time.

I think I may have made some headway with regards to reacting when a person says something about me which I think is incorrect. It simply doesn't bother me too much. Of course, this may indicate that I didn't have much of a problem with it, in the first place! :)

Although, I really would appreciate a list of my errors, if you don't mind. Now I've figured out that I'm not going to react too much when people say I'm wrong. :) I'm actually reacting to something entirely different. Maybe I've just figured that out...! :shock:
Ruth said:
Although, I really would appreciate a list of my errors, if you don't mind.


Ruth said:
Yes, you are right. I do tend to be reactionary, defensive etc, etc, as you have said. I'm attempting to work on this and have identified that this tends to be a response to perceived critisism, dismissal, the feeling of being 'put down' or patronised in some way. It tends to 'get me going' quite quickly, indicating that I have a problem with this and probably an automatic response to something that's been going on for a long time.

I would not say a list of errors is needed, and the idea that these things are errors is part of why you react to them as criticism.
They are simply external observations of your mechanical reactions.
The point of the books is to give you the knowledge needed to be able to see these reactionary parts clearly with the application of years of others knowledge condensed within them.
To continue to pursue self observation without them is perfectly fine, and after a few years you may come to the same knowledge by this path.
The interesting question is Why you do not utilise these tools? You could say that its your right to choose the path, to not do as others just because they suggest it, and that there may be no need to read them because you'll find the answer eventually anyway.......all of which are valid in another context, but in the context of the Work avoid facing the Why you refuse to utilising them? Could it be that the part of you that does not want to be 'discovered' and 'exposed' is whispering lies to you to make you avoid facing it?

Ruth said:
I think I may have made some headway with regards to reacting when a person says something about me which I think is incorrect. It simply doesn't bother me too much. Of course, this may indicate that I didn't have much of a problem with it, in the first place! :)

Go back and see how many times you've used a :) or :D in this thread. Why is that?
Glimpses of the truth of your mechanicalness are being presented to you in all seriousness and concern and you smile. Do you consider this an appropriate reaction?
I have learnt from myself that I 'protect' myself from the truth by no 'feeling it'. The truth then simply 'doesn't bother me that much'.
It is a fantastic defence!! But it is of great hindrance if one truly wants to know the reality of your machine.

This leads as to the Why you posted your dream......
RedFox said:
Ruth said:
That's when the dream shifted and I found myself in a physics class with two other 3rd year students. And, I thought to myself, I wonder how long it will take them to figure out that I really shouldn't be here and don't understand anything that they're talking about. Maybe, I thought to myself, I can just 'wing it' until the end of class. :O No such luck, unfortunately.
That sounds like the forum!

Can you remember what it was about this dream that made you want to post it? What was the intellectual reason? What was the emotional reason?
Could it be that you where shown some truth about yourself, but because you could not avoid it as easily as external input, you posted it here in order to externalise it and thus avoid the truth of it?
If it comes from outside you, it can become a 'threat' and defended against.
You can know all this....but with the defences in place, you cannot let it through and understand it.
If you can feel anything about this....the slightest creeping unease...then maybe it got past them? How did you want to react?
RedFox said:
Can you remember what it was about this dream that made you want to post it? What was the intellectual reason?
My first reason was that it was particularly vivid and I remembered it! Most of my dreams aren't like that, but these two requirements seem to be necessary for posting from where I stand anyway.

Also, I did not understand some of the images I was getting, particularly the dancing jewellry ones. One of them looked familiar, but I am at present unable to remember where I've seen it before. I thought posting about it would assist my memory, but nothing so far. Also, I have just been involved in a confrontation (of sorts) with the university I was doing a course through, there have also been confrontations at work. Usually always with authority. Lots of my dreams take 'situations' as well as characters from my awake reality and use them in my dreams. It almost seems like they are reflecting back my outer world to me in a different way.

[quote author=RedFox] What was the emotional reason? [/quote]

For posting? I'm not sure I had an emotional reason for posting. Do I have an emotional reaction to what's going on in my dreams? Yes, and I include those subjective descriptions when I describe what happens.

[quote author=RedFox]Could it be that you where shown some truth about yourself, but because you could not avoid it as easily as external input, you posted it here in order to externalise it and thus avoid the truth of it?[/quote]

I only post the dreams that I remember as I can't post the ones I don't remember! And I'm not sure if my subconcious suffers from the same sort of control programs that my conscious mind would. It seems unlikely, although I wouldn't be able to say for sure. In other words, it seems unlikely that my dreams would tell me something that I wanted to see or hear like my conscious mind would. But instead, what I needed to see or hear. The subconscious mind - when it it connected to the higher self through dream state should be able to give a person an accurate reflection of how they are thinking, reacting and what's going on with them.... kind of like another point of view or a slightly weird mirror to the self. Therefore, how a person interprets a dream, as their conscious mind starts to overlay what the subconsious has 'told' then becomes interesting.

Therefore, if I remember a dream and it is particularly vivid, that must mean my subconcious has something to say to me and I should be paying attention. But as to what and why, well that is often a mystery. In other words, I posted because I remembered and wanted to understand the dream, not because I wanted to 'externalise' a 'threat'. Afterall, the dream wasn't very theatening. Although, I'm not discounting the idea.

[quote author=RedFox]If it comes from outside you, it can become a 'threat' and defended against.
You can know all this....but with the defences in place, you cannot let it through and understand it.
If you can feel anything about this....the slightest creeping unease...then maybe it got past them? How did you want to react?

Dreams don't come from outside, they come from the inside. And I wasn't posting because I wanted to react in a particular way. I just posted what I saw and felt during the dream. I suppose I find it amusing that my subconcious can conceivably be more honest than my conscious. I'm certainly not surprised by this.

Interestingly enough, the last vivid dream I had was 2/12/08. It was a nightmare and it woke me up!! Perhaps I will post that one here. I'm investigating the possibility that some of my dreams reflect my multiple "I's", as that is the idea that most people seem to like the beston this forum. But, by the same token, I cannot dismiss the ideas that it is merely a reflection of what is going on in my waking life, or that there is some sort of 4D sts involvement either.
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