Elon Musk: Tech Genius! Green Warrior! Biz King! Good Oligarch?

BHelmet said:
The whole thing seems like an absurd distraction to me. Human physical bodies are already on a planet they are suited for. How does going to Mars solve anything? Really, what's the point?
As members on this forum, we have a unique take on what humans are and what the point of our existence here is (all there is is lessons). We don't have to get caught up in the hype of this Space X news. But that doesn't mean that we should willfully ignore such news as it is reported.
For most other people, they will never encounter The Work or even encounter the idea that, as you put it, "their physical bodies are already on the planet they are suited for".

After mulling it over a bit, my take on it is that, sometimes, the destination is not as important as the journey to get there. Kinda like Paulo Coelho's "The Alchemist".
A lot has to be done in order to achieve such a goal, getting 1 million people to Mars; a whole lot of research has to be done in order to improve rocket components incrementally, whole industries need to sprout up and flourish to meet component demands, a lot of old paradigms need to change to make these changes possible.
A lot will need to change.
Also, given the author's hype and excitement on it, I would rather that people rally together (i.e. be distracted) for such a technological achievement rather than have their attention tuned to "climate change" or wars or the latest juicy gossip of the day.
BHelmet said:
The whole thing seems like an absurd distraction to me. Human physical bodies are already on a planet they are suited for. How does going to Mars solve anything? Really, what's the point?

Excellent questions and point of view, from my perspective.

I think Elon Musk is feeding into "the fear" within the general population - of constant War's being perpetuated by our over-lords and the constant reminder of a Nuclear conflagration that will annihilate all of us .... and just hopping on a fancy spaceship instead of a Boeing 747 to Mar's - like going to Hawaii or some other vacation spot - will solve all our problems? Wishful thinking - to the extreme - is it not!

Reminds me of history text books that describe the Europeans traveling to the New World (America) and colonizing it .... by abducting fellow Europeans who they deemed lower class - to be used as "Slaves" to bring about their idealized visions of Utopia? I would imagine, the elites have the same vision for Mar's?

I guess, it's easier for them, in the long haul, to have their victims pay their own way (pay-to-play) for the exclusive "privilege" of landing on Mar's and being trapped in a slave environment - never realizing they only bought a one-way-ticket?
[quote author= BHelmet]The whole thing seems like an absurd distraction to me. Human physical bodies are already on a planet they are suited for. How does going to Mars solve anything? Really, what's the point?[/quote]

I think so to, space is not the final frontier. The evolution of consciousness is the final frontier.

But hey, I don't mind being a galactic superpower if it could do creation some good. That is if the rest of the World could grow up like Russia and unite together.

Anyhow, it's a bit to dreamy I suppose since we have already been invaded by 4STS.

I wonder how Elon Musk will handle all of his rocket launches from this time on.

Would he ask himself: ''Well I hope aliens don't blow up my rocket this time'' Or whoever is the guilty one, it seems he has enemies bigger than he could ever handle.
angelburst29 said:
Reminds me of history text books that describe the Europeans traveling to the New World (America) and colonizing it .... by abducting fellow Europeans who they deemed lower class - to be used as "Slaves" to bring about their idealized visions of Utopia? I would imagine, the elites have the same vision for Mar's?

I don't really see the point in expecting the worst possible outcome. Just stay open and see how it develops. So far, I haven't seen anything to suggest that "slavery" is even remotely in the cards. We all come from ponerized societies of course, but even with that, literal slavery is not something that is tolerated.

angelburst29 said:
I guess, it's easier for them, in the long haul, to have their victims pay their own way (pay-to-play) for the exclusive "privilege" of landing on Mar's and being trapped in a slave environment - never realizing they only bought a one-way-ticket?

According to Musk, everyone will be able to fly back to Earth for free if they decide to.
When you've got the money, the sky is no longer the limit. And billionaire Elon Musk's plans for colonizing Mars show how far wealth and ambition can take you when you get bored of things on Earth. Now add to the equation some rivalling competition from the second most profitable arms trader in the world, and it sounds like a script from Star Wars.

Star Wars: Arms Trade Giant Boeing to Rival Musk's SpaceX Race to Mars (Video)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mh4URPtpEYY (3:05 min.)

And if war in outer space was ever on the cards, the last person you'd want to be facing is the CEO of Boeing, Dennis Muilenburg. According to media reports, he spoke about the future plans of the company at the "What's Next" tech conference in Chicago, and developing the supersonic rocket technology to reach the Red Planet ranked high on his company's ambitions list.

It comes as no surprise however, as Boeing have been involved in the commercial space industry for decades and were also the company contracted by NASA during the first missions to the Moon.

Mr. Muilenburg believes it will once again be rocket technology developed by Boeing that will take the first humans to Mars and based on their current Space Launch System partnership with NASA, it's quite likely this is the project he is referring to.

If an egotistical Star Wars style rivalry was to ensue between Space X and Boeing, it could certainly be seen as healthy corporate competition. After all, both company CEOs are well-versed on the dynamics of commercial competition, breeding excellence on the ground, thus something similar in outer space simply makes it that much more exciting for everyone else watching.

So who will be Darth Vader and who is Luke Skywalker?

Well Boeing is certainly closer to the archetype father figure of space exploration alongside their partnership with NASA's billion dollar plus funding pot. This leaves Elon Musk's SpaceX as the new maverick on the block and so equivalent to the self-made, estranged son, much like the Luke Skywalker of space commerce.

SpaceX will be likely to welcome any healthy competition to their recently unveiled plans and it may make Elon Musk's revelations on Twitter that much more exciting too.

Whatever happens, with such heavyweight commercial competition focused on the next frontier of space travel, it's sure to make the strides to Mars that much more greater for mankind.
Sub-title: “WTF? A non-sequitur for the ages…these guys are really crazy.” by Jon Rappoport

Billionaires bankroll escape from computer simulation called Reality

Elon Musk and several other unnamed billionaires believe we all live in a computer generated reality—they’re convinced the universe is a simulation. Therefore, they’re funding research aimed at helping us escape.

The story, as reported in The Independent (10/5), gets even more interesting when we hear from Sam Altman, who owns Y Combinator, a company that helps create tech start-ups:

“Mr Altman…told the New Yorker that he was concerned about the way that the devices that surround us might lead to the extinction of all consciousness in the universe. He spoke about how the best scenario for dealing with that is a ‘merge’ – when our brains and computers become one, perhaps by having our brains uploaded into the cloud…’The full-on-crazy version of the merge is we get our brains uploaded into the cloud. I’d love that. We need to level up humans, because our descendants will either conquer the galaxy or extinguish consciousness in the universe forever. What a time to be alive!’”

If you’re confused and spinning, you should be. How do we get from “we’re all living in a simulation” to “we should get our brains uploaded to the cloud”?

“The devices that surround us might lead to the extinction of all consciousness in the universe,” and therefore we should merge our brains with another such device; the cloud. Our brains and some super-computer should become One, and that will solve the problem.


The machines are taking over. Therefore, let’s all merge with the machines.

If you believe this is logic, I have golf club memberships for sale on Jupiter.

The underlying message here is: say anything that leads to hooking up brains to computers, even if it makes no sense at all. Just do it.

Fast-food burgers are unhealthy. Therefore, let’s all merge our brains with the cloud.

There’s a big hurricane coming. Hook your brain up to a computer.

Perhaps Mr. Altman thinks that a brain-computer interface will preserve consciousness against our own tendency to destroy ourselves. Who knows? If that’s what he thinks, I have news: connecting brains to computers doesn’t produce “more consciousness.” It just brings about a condition of slavery, in which we accept all answers and data generated by a computer.

Which is exactly where technocrats want to go. “You’re not allowed to make mistakes. Computers are flawless. Follow their instructions.”

At one time, people were supposed to discover God’s Will and follow it to the letter. Now God has become a machine. Same scenario. Different authority.

Technocrats, to the degree their motives can possibly be construed as genuine, are always looking in the wrong places for magic. They think computers embody it. Fill a processing device with enough complexity and it comes alive. Not so. It just becomes a more complicated machine.

The technocrats want computers to issue commands to brains. For example: “always perform greatest good for the greatest number of people.” Yes, but how do they define “good”? The computer doesn’t do that. The human programmers do.

They want you to overlook that little trick. They want you to be awed by the computer itself. In stage magic, it’s called misdirection. You’re looking here; the sleight of hand is being performed over there.

But there is another kind of premise that these geniuses are overlooking: a brain-computer hookup actually works. Who says so? Who says that wiring connections between a brain and a machine is going to produce information, for a human being, that’s more than static and gibberish?

A whole host of assumptions are being made here. On extremely tenuous grounds. It’s mostly slovenly thinking: a brain is like a machine and a computer is like a brain, so the two of them will get along just fine. Really?

The technocrats have seen far too many bad sci-fi movies.

Their basic problem stems from their adoration and worship of machines and systems. This leads to treating human beings as systems and nothing more. If it isn’t a system, they’re afraid of it. They want to predict and control. That’s the world they see.

How about this? Suppose the technocrats discovered we are, in fact, living inside a simulation—and they dissolved it. Where would we be then? Are they laying any plans for that eventuality? Maybe they believe hooking the brains of nine billion people to a supercomputer would be the only reality left. Then we’d be floating in a dead zone of computers running brains…whatever that turns out to mean.

Here are several relevant quotes from my work-in-progress, The Underground:

“Systems are, when taken too far, labyrinths. You can enter but you can’t exit. Humans generally don’t know when that line has been crossed. They eat systems. They want to think and behave like systems. This obsession spans the spectrum all the way from schools with zero-tolerance policies to metaphysical maps of the cosmos.”

“When elites reach the point where the population can’t even imagine what non-system thinking might be, they will have won. They won’t need a supercomputer to instruct brains. They will have created a collective brain.”

“There is a point beyond being trapped in systems: humans just want to know what ‘everyone else’ is thinking…and after they find out, they sign up and join. The joke is, everyone else is thinking they want to be part of the collective, too. That’s the bottom-line thought, and it’s passed around like an empty shell, from person to person. It’s meaningless.”

“All right, Mr. Jones, we’re going to link your brain up to our supercomputer. We think this is going to work. Ha-ha, we’ll see. We hope it doesn’t fry any brain synapses. Once we make the connection, you should be receiving a whole new set of information from your brain. We hope it comes through clearly. Your job is to obey what your brain is telling you. When I use the word ‘you’, I’m not sure what I mean. That’s a mystery. There’s a lot of mystery here. We expect you to become a super version of yourself. Super-smart, within the parameters set by the supercomputer. The computer will make sure you’re a good person from now on. Ready? Take a deep breath. Here we go…oh wait a second. I see we need one more signature from you on the informed consent waiver. In case there IS a YOU separate from your brain, this procedure may eliminate that YOU and turn you into a perfect operating android who is never unhappy. No problem, right? Just sign on the line here…”
It's really painful to watch these pseudointellectual, overschooled, undereducated materialist buffoons grapple with the fact that there is a greater reality of consciousness/spirituality beyond the physical universe. While they have the intellectual capacity to see the truth, they are too busy worshipping the physical universe with their materialistic religion to notice; trying to find God in some super-machine. And society looks up to these people as visionaries and "creatives" when in reality they represent existential entropy. What a farce, we'd be better off without them.
[quote author= Article Angelburst29]Elon Musk and several other unnamed billionaires believe we all live in a computer generated reality—they’re convinced the universe is a simulation. Therefore, they’re funding research aimed at helping us escape.[/quote]

Methinks they be taking to many redpills lately from there drugsdealer they mistakenly confuse with Morpheus.

And esoterically, you can't escape this grand illusion, because it exists for the purpose of learning and we are all here by our own choose. Trying to escape it, overcome it, or shut reality out only results in you having to start all over again from the start. Seems Elon Musk and his gang of Billionaire dreamers are heading that way.
Elon Musk has competition? Welcome to the new space nation - Asgardia.

A group of scientists are inviting people from around the world to join a new "nation" in space. Asgardia "will become a place in orbit which is truly ‘no man's land."

Citizenship Applications for World's First Ever Space Nation Soars

"We want to protect the Earth from threats that can come from space," Lena De Winne, director of the Vienna-based Aerospace International Research Center (AIRC) and a senior member of "Asgardia" project told Sputnik.

"At this stage, we are offering a philosophy and the opportunity for people to become a citizen of Asgardia."

We've reached our goal of 100,000 applications for citizenship today!

However the founding members of Asgardia have no immediate plans to send their own cohort of human beings into space just yet.

"We are not claiming to have a human launch just yet — but we are not saying it will never happen either, Lena De Winne told Sputnik. "We just hope the project is doing something right. No one is physically flying into space, it's more about the philosophy and legality of becoming a new nation in space."

"There's geopolitics — we want the project to be seen as astropolitics,"Lena De Winne told Sputnik.

Asgardia, according to De Winne, is a result of a group of scientists who have come together with a common purpose, "and now we are open to all experts: legal, technical, humanitarian and scientific to join the new "nation."

"We welcome people from all countries — we would love people to come and join us,"
the former employee of the European Space Agency said.

The new space nation intends to elect its own government ministers and has already implemented a temporary management team with the intention of organizing elections. "We respect democracy and will take forward human values," Lena De Winne told Sputnik.

So far, more than 100 thousand people have expressed their interest in joining the new space nation in less than two days whose intentions include saving the Earth from a potential meteor.

Citizens of the new space nation also hope to Asgardia will be legally recognized as a nation by the United Nations. "We have begun the legal framework needed to apply to the UN for it to be recognized is a historic nation in space, we have a team of lawyers already working on this to support the project," Lena De Winne explains.

​The first satellite, "symbolically carrying the new nation" will be launched into space in early 2018. ​The project managed by the AIRC in Vienna, Austria and is funded by Russian scientist Dr Igor Ashurbeiyli.
Next week, scientists hope, the ExoMars lander will finally make it to the Red Planet and join NASA’s Opportunity rover in the search for extraterrestrial life.

ExoMars Spacecraft to Make Martian Landing Attempt Next Week

joint mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos), the ExoMars Schiaparelli EDM (Entry, Descent and Landing Demonstrator Module) will end its seven-month voyage aboard the Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) and touchdown on Mars.

"The EDM is Europe’s first try at landing on Mars, and as landing systems go, it is pretty ambitious," project scientist Jorge Vago told Sky & Telescope.

"Schiaparelli incorporates a sophisticated Doppler radar to measure distance to the ground and speed over the surface. The information is used to command the pulsed hydrazine engines, which are organized in three clusters of three motors each."

Part of a two-stage mission to search for signs of life on the Red Planet, Schiaparelli will pave the way for a second lander, set to arrive in 2021. "Our goal here is to prove we can get to the surface, do science, take data," ESA science advisor Mark McCaughrean said, according to Phys.org. Of course, that work can only be done if Schiaparelli survives the landing intact. It will detach from the TGO Sunday and journey the final 621,000 miles on its own, entering the Martian atmosphere Wednesday.

From that point, the descent will take only six minutes.

"It is a complex mission," said mission manager Thierry Blancquaert. "Landing on Mars requires a lot of technology." In addition to a state-of-the-art heat shield designed to protect the craft during entry, the lander will rely on a supersonic parachute to be deployed at an altitude of 11 kilometers, followed by nine speed-control thrusters. If all goes according to plan, Schiaparelli will become the first European spacecraft to land on Mars.
I have to admid I haven't read ALL posts before, maybe half, and the other half scrolled over or I overflew it. I hope I am nevertheless allowed to add something to the discussion of the first pages. I think it was BHelmet who alluded that there might be an agenda behind all that space X hype.

Recently I came across an art site by a guy called Miles Mathis. After reading an awful lot of very interesting stuff about modern art and the CIA there, I realized that the guy is a scientist aswell. Again: very interesting stuff to ponder about. And he wrote a short paper (quite rare there) about space x.

Here is the project: they want to make you think that the only people questioning or exposing NASA or
SpaceX are Flat Earthers or other obvious kooks. So they surround any real analysis with tons of fake
analysis that resembles the real analysis in most ways. They then add a layer of black frosting to the
fake analysis. This frosting is now most often Flat Earth stuff, but it could be a frosting of Hitler
promotion or Satanism or anything else that most people find a complete turn-off. Most people will
then refuse the cake because of the frosting. They will refuse the Flat Earth, and in doing so will refuse
the exposing of SpaceX or NASA.

the whole paper is, as I already said, not long at all and worth reading:


I think Mathis might have a point here.
Hi etezete,

It seems likely that you're not really aware of the fact that Miles Mathis has a rather shady reputation around here. The following are three topics that could inform you a bit more about him and his work:

Stephen Hawking Replaced with Double?

Bob Dylan - deal with the devil?

Who shot JFK? (especially page 6)

Would there be need for more, you could use the search function to find more mentions (eleven in total) in several diverse topics.

Hope this helps a bit. :)
To Pierre's point about fuel efficient cars; according to what I've read, Diesel engines manufactured in Europe are far more fuel efficient than the engines manufactured in North America. Perhaps if we'd had access to the technology that Europe has, then for a significant measure of time, we could have been reducing emissions and usage of fuel here in North America.

Which does, truly, begat the question of whether this movement towards electric cars is a sort of red herring.

The reality is, diesel fuel and petrochemical products power the most effective machines we have ever made in recorded history. We need excavators, rock trucks and a host of other machinery required to mine the requisite materials for technology that uses any sort of metal et al.

So, why do we have trade agreements that restrict the import of vastly superior engines from abroad in N America? Does Elon Musk represent a divergence from such a paradigm?
It seems likely that you're not really aware of the fact that Miles Mathis has a rather shady reputation around here. The following are three topics that could inform you a bit more about him and his work:

Hello Palinurus,

thank you for telling me, no, I actually haven't had a clue about Mathis' reputation here. I am going to check that out now.

I have to admit I still don't know what to make out of him... One the one hand he seems to have quite good investigational skills, like looking on photos, compare shades and lights and so on (I do follow his theories sometimes but not always)but on the other hand he seems to be way too fast with some assumptions. Like he concludes very quickly that ppl with names like "Schubert", "Schlossberger", "Miller", "Geiger" and so on are jewish (btw I do NOT think Mathis is an antisemite), which simply isn't true. I know. I am german. Those might be jewish names as well, but they are normal german names, too.

What I wanted do say with my initial post is simply that the described mechanism of "blackwashing" could be such an agenda, as BHelmet suspected.
Well, seeing as how I am being mentioned and dredged up here, I guess I better respond just to clarify where I am at in all this.

I see Space-X as a pipe-dream/distraction/fool's gold. Here is why:

Like the old saying goes: Everywhere you go, there you are. IF humanity goes to Mars or Romulus or Zebulon 79, we are still going to be humanity. The psychopaths will still be there in our midst most likely controlling things. We will still have the same lessons to complete. Changing physical location, if I may hazard a guess, does not change the lesson profile of the soul/awareness/self complex-unit what-have-you.

The logistical aspect: Talk about bad economics. HUGE expenditure of capital/resources to go to an inhospitable place which requires a totally artificial environment, eating lichen soufflé, and doing...what? Playing Red Rover? (pretty good pun! if I do say so myself) And all the while we have a beautiful planet that is being destroyed in a hypnotized stupor of dysfunction and manipulation. On mars will be different? And why is that? Only STO people allowed?

Some elements of this seem pulled straight out of Bradbury's Martian Chronicles. Believe this is real if you want. It is your choice.

This space X mission is partly being sold as some kind of panacea: some kind of answer to the human condition. Yes it is an enticing idea; an intoxicating idea; wonderful escapism. But the vision of a better future has been sold for as long as I can remember. It is the hallmark of religion: a hoped for better future. That is the hook. A future promise to get you to "buy in" today. I fondly remember the rides Monsanto and GE put in the first Disneyland back in the 50's. The tagline in the "house of the future" was that mankind's biggest problem in the future (which is "right around the corner!") will be what to do with all our spare time!!! (this from Monsanto and GE mind you) What a laugh!!!!! How has that turned out? The Space-X deal has the exact same smell to me - I can't prove that; it's just experiential.

"We want to protect the Earth from threats that can come from space," ?!
Is that statement not an absurd vector away from the truth?
The 'threat' (4d STS) is already right here. What about protecting the earth from that?

And another thing - humanity has not even mastered the earth. Underwater cities? Underground cities? (can't go there!) Colonize the poles? Mars would be easier?

"Asgardia" :huh: The place of guarding your arse? :scared: The next Toyota model car generated by a new-age CS Lewis book club focus group?
My goodness. Sorry about that. How is this any less absurd than anything Miles Mathis ever said about anything?

The final upshot? Look anywhere and everywhere and at everything except the noose tightening around our throats. Place your faith and attention on Elon Musk and the money behind him


in your own chance to work, evolve, learn and graduate to 4D STO?

OK time to call off the dogs. My apologies if I overdid it and got carried away.

Remember the Luddites.

Thank you.
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