Jedi Council Member
The cheapest spectrummeter, I belive, cost 10 000 EUR in this site. What would you like to use it for? Why not start from something simpler like Software Defined Radio receiver from People's Republic of China?I found one interresting PDF while re watching a french conference, here's the link but i also directly attach it to this post, it's not big
The website is an interresting one, at least i
About a spectrometer i still haven't bought one, i would like to buy something professional and there's one german manufacturer who create high quality stuff, this is Aaronia, here's their website :
... but the price goes with it.HF und EMV-Messtechnik, Antennen und Abschirmmaterialien - Aaronia AG
Die Aaronia AG ist ein international renommiertes Hightech-Unternehmen mit Sitz in Strickscheid, mitten in der deutschen Eifel. Wir haben wir uns auf Mess-, Ortungs- und Überwachungstechnik spezialisiert und produzieren hochwertige Produkte im Bereich Hochfrequenz-Messtechnik und
What i fear is that i may be enable to well use such professional devices, I dont know. Anyone here has one of their products ?
The meters that support 5G milimeter waves are very expansive. Maybe beter wait unile the cheaper meters arrives. If you detect the source of EMF what you do next?