EMF Exposure

I found one interresting PDF while re watching a french conference, here's the link but i also directly attach it to this post, it's not big

The website is an interresting one, at least i
About a spectrometer i still haven't bought one, i would like to buy something professional and there's one german manufacturer who create high quality stuff, this is Aaronia, here's their website :
... but the price goes with it.

What i fear is that i may be enable to well use such professional devices, I dont know. Anyone here has one of their products ?
The cheapest spectrummeter, I belive, cost 10 000 EUR in this site. What would you like to use it for? Why not start from something simpler like Software Defined Radio receiver from People's Republic of China?

The meters that support 5G milimeter waves are very expansive. Maybe beter wait unile the cheaper meters arrives. If you detect the source of EMF what you do next?

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Q: (L) It's like we were talking about the other day... It's like Pavlov's experiments in transmarginal inhibition. You can bombard a creature with confusing or torturous signals or whatever to the point that it breaks something down in them. Then they can be altered mentally or emotionally. At the same time, many methods can be used to do this, including deliberately breaking down their health. These kinds of things are being directed at human beings continuously. The stresses of ordinary life, the propaganda, the contradictions... Those things are a constant. Another thing is that they're using various means like waves – a frequency fence, it was called once - and so forth like cell phone towers. And the Cs already said YEARS ago that those things turn your brain to Jello. And then you start believing things that are false. If you start believing things that are false or thinking a certain way, then your terrain is gonna be completely messed up and then you'll be more susceptible.
We can't run away from nefarious frequencies, but we can use knowledge to protect ourselves.
A: As we have said, it is not where you are, but who you are and what you see.

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