

The Force is Strong With This One
Sorry, I do not speak English. Spanish forum sent me here. I have a dog. I picked it up the street some years ago. It is now very old, blind and toothless. It has been my companion for a long time. Now she cries because of cramps and suffer from diseases. I do not use drugs because I distrust the medicines they give you. However, my dog came to a great age for dogs is 17, according to veterinarians ..
I do not want her to euthanasia. Perhaps selfishness: I do not want to be alone. But on the other hand, if you do euthanasia, I will feel better because she does not suffer. Here I am judging what is best for her, and made me feel better is also an attitude STS.
That's my dilemma. How to act in this situation in such a way as would a person with a friend STO 2D?

En español:

Disculpas, pero no hablo inglés. Del foro de español me envían aquí. Tengo una perrita. La recogí de la calle hace algunos años. Ahora es muy viejita, ciega y no tiene dientes. Ha sido mi compañera por mucho tiempo. Ahora llora por los calambres y sufre de enfermedades. No utilizo medicamentos porque desconfío de las medicinas que le dan. Con todo, mi perrita llegó a una edad increíble para los perros, tiene como 17 años, según los veterinarios..
Yo no quiero hacer eutanasia con ella. Tal vez por egoísmo: no quiero estar sola. Pero por otra parte, si le hago eutanasia, me hará sentir mejor porque ella ya no sufriría. Aquí estoy juzgando lo que es mejor para ella, y el hecho de hacerme sentir mejor también es una actitud STS.
Ese es mi dilema. ¿Cómo actuar en esta situación de tal forma como lo haría una persona STO con un amigo 2D?
As hard as it is you must put her needs before your own. Quality of life is important, and I know you do not want her to suffer. As mean as this sounds,which I do not intend to be , this should not be one bit about you.
(Simple language here.) You gave to her. She gave to you. It is time for her to move on. Will you help her? Or will you insist that she has pain so that you have more a little more time together?

I hope that you will thank her. And choose what is best for her.

Your memories will always be with you. You will remember the happy memories. Why make the sad memories bigger than necessary?
Maybe I am wrong but I did euthanasia on my previous dog and I do not think I`ll do it again. ever....
Most important part imo is that partly this could be my fault because dog was fed with dry food which could largely contribute to cancer.
Anyway , reason which I think euthanasia should not be practiced is that 2d residents has their own lessons to learn and whatever these lessons are , we should not interfere with free will of other species - my dog did not conciously choose euthanasia. This has nothing to do with cruelty , it is imo completely different matter.
Now I perceive "don't let it suffer" as an excuse.
That was seriously traumatic experience but that is not so important since it was more about me. :cry:

I wonder what others say.
Now I perceive "don't let it suffer" as an excuse.

?As an excuse for what?

That was seriously traumatic experience but that is not so important since it was more about me.

Who was it traumatic for--the dog who is in end-stage life and actively dying, or you for having to make the decision to speed up the process?

Domestic dogs do not live a natural life--we, through genetic selection, have made them our dependent companions; we feed and house them, raise their offspring, guard them from danger to the best of our ability for most of their lives, so why should we abdicate responsibly at the end of their lives when there is no hope of recovery and shorten the journey to the next level, when they are suffering? Not all dying animals need to be euthanized, but put yourself in the suffering animal's place--those in serious pain may appreciate one last service from their caretakers.

I feel I must agree with you. It is so heart-rending to part with a beloved animal, which has become a long-time friend. All the more reason not to allow it to suffer.

And Gilda, you will surely find another companion, and give a good home to another little dog.

Hope the other posters will not mind me addressing this to Glda in Spanish:

No lo dudes, Gilda. No dejes sufrir a tu perrita, tu amiguita. Sé que es dura la despedida, y comprendo tu situación.

Sorry for not being specific enough.
Mostly I agree with you , also please note that this is my point of view on this subject.
These are my thoughts after all this happended.

Who was it traumatic for--the dog who is in end-stage life and actively dying, or you for having to make the decision to speed up the process?

traumatic in general , whole thing

As an excuse for what?

As an excuse to get rid of a problem fast.

...when there is no hope of recovery...

Thats the point , how can we judge that there is no hope of recovery ?
I mean , who are we to decide/judge if we don't even know how it works with us - humans.
Thank you all for taking time to respond. In either alternative, the pain is great.

Gracias a todos por tomarse un tiempo para responder. En cualquiera de las alternativas, el dolor es grande.
If the animal is suffering, the greatest act of love you can make is to put it down. You are the one with more control and power in this situation and you have the ability to end the suffering. No animal deserves to live toothless and in pain for goodness sake! If you love the animal, do what is best for it - not what is best for you or easiest for you. End the suffering in order to give to the animal, with no thoughts of your own suffering.

It is the least you can do.

Drygol, to let an animal suffer until its dying breath when one is able to intervene and end that suffering is cruel - period.
Drygol, to let an animal suffer until its dying breath when one is able to intervene and end that suffering is cruel - period

I see your point , but on the other hand , why putting it down ? why can't some sort of painkillers be used ?
I mean why can't we use technologies that are already used with humans to ease pain and suffering ?
The question I ask myself every time I remind of this whole story is: Would I do the same to my parents or other family members ?

I am not arguing , I am looking for alternatives.
I just don't feel it is alright anymore
After I put put my previous dog down , I cannot look into mirror and say 'nothings wrong' .... :(
drygol said:
After I put put my previous dog down , I cannot look into mirror and say 'nothings wrong' .... :(

Well, of course not. It hurts to lose a companion. But you might also see in the mirror one who can accept that suffering as a consequence of acting on behalf of your dog.
drygol said:
Drygol, to let an animal suffer until its dying breath when one is able to intervene and end that suffering is cruel - period

I see your point , but on the other hand , why putting it down ? why can't some sort of painkillers be used ?
I mean why can't we use technologies that are already used with humans to ease pain and suffering ?
The question I ask myself every time I remind of this whole story is: Would I do the same to my parents or other family members ?

I am not arguing , I am looking for alternatives.
I just don't feel it is alright anymore
After I put put my previous dog down , I cannot look into mirror and say 'nothings wrong' .... :(

Hi Drygol,
Then there is this from Session May 30th. 2009:

Q: (L) {First question} L*** A*** just had to have her two old sick doggies put down yesterday partly so she could start her new life, but also because there is simply no other choice considering the situation. {Note: The individual is moving to a new city where she has an offer to live and work, and the apartment does not accept dogs. Both of them were quite old and on various meds so not good candidates for adoption.} She's very upset and missing them. Is there anything I can say or anything you can say to give her any kind of pointer as to whether or not this was the right thing to do?

A: Right 5D for pets

Q: (L) Okay. Is there any particular goal for her to focus on at the present time?

A: Getting well will be facilitated by focusing on others as the reason to get better. Giving her life to dogs didn't give much to the world nor did it bring much return except subjective illusion. As Gurdjieff said, you get back what you give to life.

Q: (L) Well, for a long time she didn't have anything except the dogs, and now the dogs are gone. I think she's feeling pretty bereft. And you're saying the doggies went to doggie 5D so to speak...

A: One day she will have a dog that will return the favors.

Q: (L) She made the remark that since her dogs were old and sick and on medication, and she was sick and on medication, that maybe she wasn't worth keeping alive either.

A: Apples and oranges. Dogs are subjective and personal and a human can be objective in terms of what can be given to others.

Q: (L) So you're saying that keeping a dog alive {by extraordinary means} is just keeping alive something that's subjective and personal to you, while a human can be kept alive and give a great deal that's objectively beneficial to other people {depending on the individual, of course}. Is that it?

A: Yes

Perhaps this will help you to understand the situation in a somewhat different way. I am not suggesting here that we should not look after our 2D friends to the best of our ability, but when it becomes evident that a choice must be made that we make it for the proper reasons.
Hope this helps some.
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