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Craig Ranke CIT said:
I think the "narcissism and psychopathology" explanation fits him to a T. He just isn't smooth enough to be effective as cointelpro. But who knows? It may be both.
Well, being a narcissist or psycho definitely does not exclude the possibility of him being COINTELPRO. More like that's a required feature in that line of work...

He hangs himself everywhere he goes as he steamrolls his opinion and tries to bully everyone into accepting everything he says as fact.

Indeed. And to put an extra twist to it: his name actually sounds like "troll"! Ah, the irony... :)
We know the feeling. Vinnie Bridges and gang follow me around on the net too...
RednBlue said:

Hi RednBlue,

These kind of post, and you seem to like them:




are "noise".

What is your goal in writing just that. If you have something to add to the discussion, please do so in a manner that all members can understand what you are saying.
Meanwhile, Terral has decided to issue a threat:

From: Terral Croft <terralcroft******>
To: <forum>
Subject: Thank You Very Much For Your Active Participation
Date sent: Fri, 2 Jan 2009 04:58:49 -0600

Hi Laura:

So, Foo and CIT have friends in high places and those with opposing views should be banned. That is
funny. The question is then about whether any of your friends can possibly help Laura on the other
side of the veil. Craig and Aldo work under Russell Pickering and Michael Anderson for the
Department of Defense running diversion for the out-of-control Bushie Administration 'and' you are
one of their accomplices in these crimes. You have dealt with me ruthlessly (again) and the favor
will be returned in the very near future; and we have all the ages to come to rehash these things
again and again and again.

Until we meet again face to face,

Whoa...I'd definitely call that a threat from yet another "Christian" whacko. Such self-importance. Such intent to bully and dominate any one (or site!) who proves him wrong via the facts. Sheesh...wouldn't surprise me if this Terral and Steve Quayle were buds. Same MO.
Amazing but not surprising.

Hilarious how he makes that accusation about us working for the DoD.

Russell Pickering probably did but if anyone has followed the saga behind us obtaining this evidence and how Pickering was the first traitor to fall by the wayside as a result they would know that we certainly didn't work "under" him!

Pickering was emerging as the premier Pentagon attack researcher until we came along and proved his 757 impact theory false.

As a result he spiraled out of control, took down his site (the front page anyway) and publicly quit the movement forever in a swirl of obscenities.

But that wasn't before he launched an all out assault on our characters and the evidence for months under the protection of Dylan Avery at the LCF.

Obviously Dylan chose to take Russell's advice for LCFC and ignored what we had accomplished in the mean time.

Now Russell has been fully exposed and has gone into permanent hiding while we keep pumping out more and more independent verifiable evidence proving a deception on 9/11.

Terral arrived on the scene about the same time that Pickering started to disappear.
Just something amusing, but subjective, and in
light of the "threat": Terral=Terralist?

From: Terral Croft <terralcroft@****>
To: Laura <forum>
Subject: No. That Was A Promise. :0)

Hi Laura:

No, that was no threat - but a promise. :0)

You guys laugh it up and have fun with it,

From: Terral Croft <terralcroft******>
To: <forum>
Subject: Thank You Very Much For Your Active Participation
Date sent: Fri, 2 Jan 2009 04:58:49 -0600

Hi Laura:

So, Foo and CIT have friends in high places and those with opposing views should be banned. That is
funny. The question is then about whether any of your friends can possibly help Laura on the other
side of the veil. Craig and Aldo work under Russell Pickering and Michael Anderson for the
Department of Defense

COINTELPRO rule #1: present unverified statements as irrefutable fact.

running diversion for the out-of-control Bushie Administration 'and' you are
one of their accomplices in these crimes.

COINTELPRO rule #2: use incorrect punctuation. I suppose 'and' means we are supposed to take the second part of this sentence sarcastically? Or maybe he really means 'or'...

You have dealt with me ruthlessly (again)

Pathological self-pity. "O, The world is so cruel to me."

and the favor will be returned in the very near future; and we have all the ages to come to rehash these things
again and again and again.

Until we meet again face to face,


At the very least, this guy is good for a laugh or two.
Laura said:

From: Terral Croft <terralcroft@****>
To: Laura <forum>
Subject: No. That Was A Promise. :0)

Hi Laura:

No, that was no threat - but a promise. :0)

You guys laugh it up and have fun with it,


Oh Puhhhleeeze.  This is reminiscent of grade school - which - as we know, is not unusual when dealing such types. And the "until we meet again face to face" - uhhm, does that mean we've met him previously 'face to face' or is he playing fast and free with grammar again?

I wonder if direct threats on the internet are 'actionable'?  Identity is not in question and there is a history of behavioral instability.  I'd be curious to know if Craig has ever received a recorded direct threat from 'Terral' - or if we're just 'lucky' that way?  ;)
anart said:
I wonder if direct threats on the internet are 'actionable'? Identity is not in question and there is a history of behavioral instability. I'd be curious to know if Craig has ever received a recorded direct threat from 'Terral' - or if we're just 'lucky' that way? ;)

Nah, consider yourselves privileged.

Of course he knows better than to bother even trying to sign up at our forum!

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