Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths
Evidently Barbara really didn't know Mary and I have spoken on the phone, several times in fact. Now she's spitting mad because Mary lied to her, apparently a lot.
I just posted a recording of one of our conversations to make my point, mainly because it only includes info Mcgrannahan has already made public. Anything she (or anyone) tells me in confidence stays that way, regardless of who they are. I have no intention of altering my own personal standards just because I'm dealing with a psychopath and a couple of her pets.
The point is, I have hours of recordings (for my own protection in situations just like this) of my conversations with Mary, which the person who's been emailing me, pretending to be Mary did not know. It looks like Mary told Barbara she'd never talked to me, so Barbara thought I was lying. TOO FUNNY!
Barbara, since it's clear you haunt this forum waiting for a mention of your name, let me make something very clear to you.
You and your husband (sub?) and EOPC will be the focus of a complete expose, with your own domain containing everything I've found regarding your Cyberstalking activities, as soon as I can get around to you.
I know this is going to be VERY difficult for you to understand, but Barbara Camwell Ness, Andrew Ness of Moody's Financial (your husband whom you claim is a hacker) and/or Mary Mcgrannahan are just not very high on my priority list.
I have several other projects, all involving the welfare of children, to finish up before I even think about wading into the steaming pile of drama excrement you psycho gerbils have left behind. There's also a couple of proposed Nuclear Reactors I intend to get in the way of, and an innocent dog sitting on death row that's going to get some of my attention too. All of these problems are MUCH more important than than a pathological drama queen, her submissive consort, and a crazy court jester.
Your attack on Sandra has only served to expand her career, and is resulting in her being sought out specifically because of the first hand encounter with cyberstalking you have given her. Kester is no longer being targeted since Barbara took over the site, and I think it should be obvious after 25+ years of pervs defaming me on the Internet in every way imaginable that I really don't give a flying, flipping, fish tail what you say about me? Laura is in about the same position, and you ran out of original material to throw at Kim 5 years ago.
So I'm sorry, but you're just going to have to wait your turn. Compared to most of the other 'paths I deal with, you're just an annoyance. You can try to goad me all you want Barbara, and you still won't be allowed to jump the line. I know this is difficult for you to wrap your pathological little mind around, but you're just not that important in the overall scheme of things.
You're kinda like the nasty layers of scummy stuff that builds up around the edges of our drainage ditches. Yeah, eventually I will have to clean out the scum or the water will stop flowing, but there's no rush. I'll clean it, then more scum will accumulate, and I'll have to clean that... it's a never ending process because Nature continues to produce scum.
While both you and ditch scum are of about equal importance to me, I always keep my promises regardless, so you will get the attention you're begging for.... eventually. Unfortunately, it almost always takes me around ten times longer to do something then I originally thought it you do the math. I should be able to get around to you by late Spring, early Summer?