Eye problems

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Re: Eye problems, floaters, snow & fireworks

kokiri said:
Hello Gee, I hope you are doing well. Has paleo diet helped with eye annoyances?
Are your floaters like wiki photo or more like Lilous link? _http://www.eyeonvision.org/floaters.html

I had similar symptoms and more, as a child. Also all doctors would look at me like I was crazy too. Most of the symptoms came back or have always been there? Its just that now I'm more aware of my surroundings. Here they are in no particular order.

[list type=decimal]
Relaxed unfocused eyesight, opening eyes after meditation EE1pipe
Transparent more than wiki photo. Like 6 embossed worms and some with wings.
Drew picture when I was in high school of them
[*]Sparkly lines (not dots) & white fireworks
Run in circles around an object and/or fireworks everywhere. Sparkly white with bright yellow outline.
everywhere in sand & trees not just in sky.
relaxed focused eyesight. EE with sunlight.
[*]snow & closed-eye noise
Twilight, when dark and when I close my eyes. Like LED (red, green, blue, white, black) tv noise.
Some meditation circles used levels to recreate new place in their heads. (distraction like lucid dreaming)
[*]transparent swirling tunnel right above my head
deeper phase of relaxation? needs more research
[*]refreshing of vision (like a computer screen when you video tape it with camera)
After full EE Program & during my first accidental Reiki session. I freaked out for a moment and explained it to nice hindi lady. She said I should find master to give it to me lol. Probably because I subconsciously remembered reading about it in Wave or Amazing Grace. needs more research
[*]only person talking exists
perfect high resolution, you can count the hairs on their head
everything else is grey and disappears from view
all extra noises stop they don't exist. needs more research.

Has anyone else experienced these? maybe should post in EE thread but that 325 thread kind of scares me.

Also I asked all my friends when I was in high school and they thought I was crazy too. Asked Sant Mat people and they thought I was special in a good way :rolleyes: Some already saw the same things and most wanted to see what I was seeing. Felt extra special because of them lol now research to see that most are illusions that maybe I should ignore? I don't know the jury is still out on these... Trying to focus on 30g carb paleo diet (20g goal) and EE exercises.

I'm grateful for this forum and hope-ing to soon give more research or something more substantial. Thank you.

Oh my!! I've experienced seeing floaters for a LONG time and never knew what they were. In my ignorance.. I called them "molecules". It was a name I thought up as a kid... cause I thought I was seeing molecules. :lol:

It's really interesting to finally put a word to this thing(s) I've been seeing for so long.

I've also experienced the "transparent swirling tunnel" but not so much above my head... I experienced seeing it as I was lying down with my eyes closed.. almost like being in a wormhole of some sort and when I opened my eyes it would go away and when I closed them it would be there again. It has only happened to me once or twice but it was really mesmerizing and a crazy experience to say the least.
Re: Eye problems, floaters, snow & fireworks

kokiri said:
I had similar symptoms and more, as a child. Also all doctors would look at me like I was crazy too. Most of the symptoms came back or have always been there? Its just that now I'm more aware of my surroundings. Here they are in no particular order.

I've had floaters for ever, and also have the sparkly things, anytime I go from a dimmer area to a more brightly lit area (like outside) I see gold sparkles for about the first five minutes. Also see the lights that seem to run in circles around my iris when I close my eyes.

I've told my eye doc about it each time I have an examination, she dilates my eyes and tests for the retina detachment, but other than that, has given no advice on the sparkles. My eyes are also extremly dry and I refused to use the steroid eyedrops she wanted to give me, so she said I need to take large amounts of fish oil daily.
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