Jedi Council Member
mkrnhr said:In the 90's we used to say that every individual has a guardian angel and a guardian devil that is someone in the political police :)
If they don't have FB they would use other means. They have nothing else to do than monitoring people. Monitoring phone calls and mails has been introduced in Europe by the Nazi regime and what we see today is just a continuation of it. One possible reason for the leaks about FB is that it serves as a distraction from other means of monitoring. People imagine that if they get rid of facebook they will be safe. However, at least in FB one puts what he/she wants to share with the computer boys in the intelligence agencies (vacation pictures or what they already know anyway). It is not the case with emails and surfing history. OSIT
I tend to agree with mkrnhr. I think that the PTB have all the information from us that they want even without facebook. I am sure they know all of our interests, what sites we visit, our bank info etc. So I think quitting facebook due to security fears is unnecessary. Of course we have to protect ourselves from other dangerous people so we should take all precautions we need to such as not putting any personal information up on your page or any contact info. I think we are reaching a lot of people through facebook and at this point it is more important to continue to use it.