Facebook is going to far...

mkrnhr said:
In the 90's we used to say that every individual has a guardian angel and a guardian devil that is someone in the political police :)
If they don't have FB they would use other means. They have nothing else to do than monitoring people. Monitoring phone calls and mails has been introduced in Europe by the Nazi regime and what we see today is just a continuation of it. One possible reason for the leaks about FB is that it serves as a distraction from other means of monitoring. People imagine that if they get rid of facebook they will be safe. However, at least in FB one puts what he/she wants to share with the computer boys in the intelligence agencies (vacation pictures or what they already know anyway). It is not the case with emails and surfing history. OSIT

I tend to agree with mkrnhr. I think that the PTB have all the information from us that they want even without facebook. I am sure they know all of our interests, what sites we visit, our bank info etc. So I think quitting facebook due to security fears is unnecessary. Of course we have to protect ourselves from other dangerous people so we should take all precautions we need to such as not putting any personal information up on your page or any contact info. I think we are reaching a lot of people through facebook and at this point it is more important to continue to use it.
Guardian said:
Actually I've been thinking about this very thing. Facebook just did the same thing to me, said that "Red Gryphon" was not my real name and demanded that I give them my real name to access my account...so I gave them "Betsy Griffin"

I've been thinking of starting a "Forget Facebook" campaign...ok, well "Forget" wasn't my first choice, but I think it'll be more acceptable than my original idea.

Forget Facebook
11-5-12 (or maybe 11-5-12?)

Pick a significant date where everyone who's sick of Facebook deactivates their account and moves over to Disporia...then push the heck out of it? Think it would work?

Thanks Guardian, that was a useful tip, I changed my Account name to Miyamoto Musashi, in case you don't know. I don't know why they do it. False name after false name. Next one will be probably famous shogun...
Otherwise I thought, If Government worker or other spider machine checking incoming posts on Facebook, would sent a mail to Facebook censorship to remove the user. Facebook keep the user but give him a possibility to change his name. After searching for Kai Gen, there is no Kai Gen anymore, but I'm still there with new name. Facebook killed two birds with one stone.

Google+ for those of you who want to join

Edit: Alink to G+
Masamune said:
mkrnhr said:
I tend to agree with mkrnhr. I think that the PTB have all the information from us that they want even without facebook. I am sure they know all of our interests, what sites we visit, our bank info etc. So I think quitting facebook due to security fears is unnecessary.

I agree, and my issue is not security fears, my issue is the nerve of these a-holes! What bothers me is that I'm going along with the ptb like a cow to slaughter. I want to be the cow that kicks and screams all the way to the butcher. Yeah, I will probably still get a club right between the eyes like all the other cows, but I do NOT have to make it easy for them. :mad:

Mod's note; Edited to fix the quotation boxes
I rarely use Facebook, just occasionally I check the wall of my friend (who is also a member of this forum) to see if there is any new and interesting info posted there. Many people find me to be weird cos I don't "hang out" on FB like "all the others" and I usually say to them: "well, to each his own."

Just recently I discovered this rather revealing tv ad that offers teens an option to wear house arrest bracelets with a RFID Locator chip to chat with people on Facebook. Coca-Cola & Facebook sponsor a teenage pool party where RFID wristbands are handed out to all attendees, which update their Facebook profiles for them each time they are scanned – a particularly heinous example of a very public "PSY OP" where masses of young adults are socially engineered to believe that wearing an RFID wristband is a cool, benevolent harmless thing: Wrong! These young people have no idea what is being foisted on them under the disguise of convenience. Once these chips become mandatory, which is what the ruling elites have in mind, it won’t be so much fun anymore. Fail to comply with whatever they want you to do, and they turn off your chip, your access to cash and everything else is disconnected. That’s the goal.

Publicis E-dologic figured out a way to embed user data in IDF bracelets, and thus allow people to "Like" real world objects, places and events spreading the word about it on their facebook accounts.

They implemented these facebook-bracelets at the Coca Cola Village, a watersport, sunbathing, gameplaying amusement park activity-thing for teenagers. When the guests arrive, they are given a ‏ bracelet ID which transmits an RFID signal, which they program with their facebook login. They can then "like" activities and places in the real village, and their actions show up on facebook. Teenagers are driven by vanity like everyone else, so there was a photographer present as well, if you wanted to tag yourself in any given image all you had to do was wave your ID bracelet to the photographer.

This will ultimately lead to the public getting permanent chips.

Privacy advocates have protested the VeriChip, warning of potential abuse and denouncing these types of RFID devices as "spychips," and that use by governments could allow the tracking of citizens, increasing any moves towards a police state. In addition, privacy advocates state that the information contained in this chip could easily be stolen, so that storing anything private in it would be to risk identity theft.
According to Wired News online, and the Associated Press, there have been research articles over the last ten years that found a connection between the chips and possible cancer. When mice and rats were injected with glass-encapsulated RFID transponders, like those made by VeriChip, they "developed malignant, fast-growing, lethal cancers in up to 1% to 10% of cases" at the site at which the microchip was injected or to which it had migrated.

This is incredible how far they have gone about doing cross-check informations. But the first trap is to use Gmail, Yahoo mail, Hotmail. eMails are scanned, IP are cross checked and Voila...
Ellipse said:
This is incredible how far they have gone about doing cross-check informations. But the first trap is to use Gmail, Yahoo mail, Hotmail. eMails are scanned, IP are cross checked and Voila...

Yes you have right. They are going too far... It is hard to avoid electronic surveillance today but I think it is in some way possible.

I used Facebook in past, but I deleted account - it is possible to live without this "Big Brother". With true friends I have contact when I need, it is not necessary for me to speak with them via facebook.

For searching good is https://ssl.scroogle.org/ - it allow search google anonymously.

P.S. Sorry for my poor english.
The genuine first Trojan horse in our home is Mr Personal Computer :scared: ... He is under our skin an we like him a lot ... Steps following afterwards are just upgrade like n-core processors and ultra high speed connections and different networks like FB ... Strategies are being conducted that also include our felling of being absolutely controlled - that should have paralyzing effect on us so. So I could call this interesting forum an unwanted result of wicked "Master and Servants" ancient game.
Yozilla said:
The genuine first Trojan horse in our home is Mr Personal Computer :scared: ... He is under our skin an we like him a lot ... Steps following afterwards are just upgrade like n-core processors and ultra high speed connections and different networks like FB ... Strategies are being conducted that also include our felling of being absolutely controlled - that should have paralyzing effect on us so. So I could call this interesting forum an unwanted result of wicked "Master and Servants" ancient game.

Good point. It started to be addiction and habit which we like. I am for sure addicted. I am using computer 8h in my job and after back to home for sure I will turn on the PC ... ;).
Guardian said:
I agree, and my issue is not security fears, my issue is the nerve of these a-holes! What bothers me is that I'm going along with the ptb like a cow to slaughter. I want to be the cow that kicks and screams all the way to the butcher. Yeah, I will probably still get a club right between the eyes like all the other cows, but I do NOT have to make it easy for them. :mad:

I feel the same way, but why not use their evil spyware software against them to wake up the world instead of boycotting it? I think that would be a better way to stick it to the ptb! ;)
They are just human as we are, and everything that a psychopath can think of, we can think of far much more efficient solutions to negate theirs. Psychopaths are all that they are, but they are also very stupid and naive. And that is our advantage. To anybody who has any knowledge of them, they are translucent and obvious. Spread the knowledge, because knowledgeable people dont listen to psychopaths, they see through their lies even before they open their mouths. They see their intentions. They see their body language and what they are about to do. That is the biggest psychopaths fear - being seen for what they are. It makes their blood freeze in their veins. So use facebook for promoting the knowledge. Spread it far and wide. Their invention to spy on us can as easily be turned against their intentions, to serve ours.
Facebook for me is a good venue to passively (with respect to free will) introduce many of my friends/aquaintanes to material they didn't know existed, like the diet articles from sott, abuses of wallstreet protesters, and other subjects that they ordinarily would never be exposed to nor seek out themselves. People see it on my wall in their newsfeed and can choose to ignore it, but in some cases are surprised and learn something. I have a few forum members, mods and admins there and they always post great stuff worth sharing/spreading. So thanks guys, there's power in numbers. If people see something "fringe" on my page with a bunch of "likes" they tend to consider it more, I think.

I know a few people who went from total ignorance to actually being interested in alternative info outside of mainstream lies, so it's not all a waste, it's a good way to shine a light on what matters, like psychopathy. The "knowledge and being" video, the recent psychopath videos, alien videos, are great for those too lazy to actually read anything.

I'd say we should take care and exercise strategic enclosure, but not necessarily abandon it. It has its uses!

With the wallstreet protests going on I think the reality that the system is failing people is bringing it "home" to many others. It makes it "ok" to express what people have always felt, so fb is a good way to fuel this fire, to offer social proof. When your friends are openly discussing the psychopathy and corruption and total failure of the system, it's much easier to chime in and get on board.
flycat said:
Psychopaths are all that they are, but they are also very stupid and naive.

Evidently you and I have met different psychopaths? Most of the ones I've had the misfortune of crossing paths with have been very smart and experienced. They've fooled me more than once, and I've spent 30+ years trying to ferret them out.
They are experienced, but still only pose a picture of being smart because of good cover up skills and memory of what to do in which situation. But do not confuse that with being smart, because most of them are stupid, non inventive, can't improvise well. So when they get into a situation that is not common to them, they just fall apart - expose their real selves. The mask then drops quickly.
flycat said:
They are experienced, but still only pose a picture of being smart because of good cover up skills and memory of what to do in which situation. But do not confuse that with being smart, because most of them are stupid, non inventive, can't improvise well. So when they get into a situation that is not common to them, they just fall apart - expose their real selves. The mask then drops quickly.

I personally have never met any stupid psychos, although to be fair, I don't think I've come in contact with very many. I have never witnessed one "just fall apart" - they seem to keep themselves together amazingly well under circumstances that would crush a normal person. And because they have no conscience, they seem to be very adaptive to different situations common or uncommon to them. So, if I were you, I wouldn't be so quick to think you have these types figured out.
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