I like the Arles bust and I don't agree with their assessment at all as to the "character" revealed.
Interested in getting a Caesar bust for my bookshelf, so preferably small in size.
Does anyone recommend a specific bust that can be bought online? I had a quick look but couldn't find the Arles one.
When I visited the museum with Chu and Niall several years ago, they also told us that whoever makes the copies used to make full-size copies too, but the museum stopped carrying them, I think because they didn't sell as well. Pretty sure we even got the contact info for whoever made the copies back then, but I don't think they replied. They've also had 3D scans made of the bust, so someone somewhere has all the stuff needed. I just wish we could get ahold of their files, and a copy of that full-size bust!Pierre went to the museum at Arles and purchased a couple copies of the Arles bust. We had discussed doing some kind of computer wizardry and creating a mold to make "whole head" copies (it is flat on the back, like the original) to make available to group members. So far, we don't know how to do this, what software, etc. I think I could take a mold of it and make a new copy with the full back of the head added or someone else who is talented could do that, so we could have a master mold. I'd also like to blow it up to life size. It's about 1/4 life size.
Pierre went to the museum at Arles and purchased a couple copies of the Arles bust. We had discussed doing some kind of computer wizardry and creating a mold to make "whole head" copies (it is flat on the back, like the original) to make available to group members. So far, we don't know how to do this, what software, etc. I think I could take a mold of it and make a new copy with the full back of the head added or someone else who is talented could do that, so we could have a master mold. I'd also like to blow it up to life size. It's about 1/4 life size.
Here's a good 3D model of the Arles bust.
If we do find a modeler, I think it would be nice to have them fix the nose and ears. Here's a good 3D model of the Arles bust:
Portrait présumé de Jules César - 3D model by Musée départemental Arles antique (@museearlesantique)
Découvert en 2007 à Arles dans le Rhône rive droite, ce portrait grandeur nature a été taillé par un sculpteur d’exception dans un marbre de grande qualité, le plus souvent utilisé pour des commandes impériales. Si le visage a bien les traits supposés de Jules César, l’absence d’inscription ne...sketchfab.com
I looked for paintings of the Arles bust, but there don't seem to be many. It's like when I search for a painting or cover of a song and wonder, "Geez, do I have to do this myself?"