Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

Would be nice to get a likely bullet trajectory from the location of the window under the red arrow. This is the building that the SS were in, officially. Although I don't think the shots would line up.

Screenshot 2024-07-22 171929.jpg
That guy who was interviewed with the fake hair hat has spoken to the gatewaypundit. He claims he saw SS personnel in the window of that building, even as shots were being fired, and they did nothing.

Makes for interesting reading.

Key witness Greg Smith exclusively told the Gateway Pundit:

“I saw him [the sniper] right before he shots happened, and I didn’t see him turn around and confront anyone. I never saw that and it didn’t happen. We asked all the people around us and in our group and we didn’t see that. I heard the story about the officer falling and hurting his foot, no one saw that. I’ve heard the stories, but I have no idea what they’re talking about.”

Explosively, he also relates that the snipers in the 2nd floor section of the AGR building were watching the rooftop shooter as the shots rang out – and did nothing!

“I was looking all around to get law enforcement’s attention before the shots, and I could tell it was coming, because as I was standing there for several minutes I kept thinking ‘why is Trump still talking?’ You expect someone to be on the radio or whatever the protocol is, to get Trump off the stage. I knew this isn’t good. I expected the shots to start, and then they did. It was mass chaos. I was looking at the guys on the second story, my eyes were jumping three or four different places, I could see that they saw him and were looking at him and watching what he was doing, but they didn’t do anything.

Butler County Sheriffs Deputies have said that their body cameras were turned off and there is no footage available from the incident.

Witness Smith describes seeing snipers out of the second floor warehouse building as part of the AGR complex. Some online have speculated that these individuals were Butler County Emergency Services snipers or SWAT responders, but so far that has not been made clear and officials are not providing any answers. But the witnesses described seeing the snipers in the windows of the AGR building.

“They were watching us. I would look up from time to time, and we would always see them there. I gave this same testimony and descriptions about the snipers in the second floor to the State Police Detectives in my driveway,” said Smith.
I've heard a bunch of crazy stories of people being saved from certain death through what they interpret as "divine intervention" or their "guardian angels." No way to know, but I didn't get the impression these events would've been orchestrated by 4D STS - though that no doubt also happens.

Divine intervention was brought up a couple time in the sessions:

So divine intervention can come through 4d-7d, which includes STO. Maybe it is simply the means used that differentiates STS and STO influences?

Regarding divine intervention: an example of it could be when someone who has passed on to 5D, is able to send a "nudge" to a person (with whom they were close) here in 3D.

17. Many astral inhabitants maintain a lively interest in the events of earth and long to help it progress. They claim that many or even most of earth’s most brilliant achievements were inspired by spirits telepathically projecting their ideas.

The thought occurred to me after seeing Ivanka Trump's tweet:

He doesn't present anything groundbreaking, but elaborates further on his previous analyses. However, one tidbit that I found interesting was the 'fact' that he presents towards the end, starting ca 55min into the video: apparently the burst of 5 shots is done at world record speed, and Martenson says that that would be an impossible speed for an amateur. He adds, that at that speed even the world's fastest shooter Jerry Miculek (I havent' checked if this is true) spreads the shots considerably at a distance of 5 yards (4,5meters).
Not sure what point he's trying to make. Here's Miculek shooting 5 shots in 1 second:

As for the spread, out of the 5 shots, so far we only know where 2 of them landed (Comperatore and Copenhaver), so it's impossible to know what the spread was.
That guy who was interviewed with the fake hair hat has spoken to the gatewaypundit. He claims he saw SS personnel in the window of that building, even as shots were being fired, and they did nothing.

Makes for interesting reading.

Key witness Greg Smith exclusively told the Gateway Pundit:

Explosively, he also relates that the snipers in the 2nd floor section of the AGR building were watching the rooftop shooter as the shots rang out – and did nothing!

Butler County Sheriffs Deputies have said that their body cameras were turned off and there is no footage available from the incident.

Witness Smith describes seeing snipers out of the second floor warehouse building as part of the AGR complex. Some online have speculated that these individuals were Butler County Emergency Services snipers or SWAT responders, but so far that has not been made clear and officials are not providing any answers. But the witnesses described seeing the snipers in the windows of the AGR building.

“They were watching us. I would look up from time to time, and we would always see them there. I gave this same testimony and descriptions about the snipers in the second floor to the State Police Detectives in my driveway,” said Smith.
I haven't looked for official statements, but Ron Johnson, Josh Hawley, and some media outlets have all claimed they spoke with "local law enforcement", and that they were the ones in the 2nd floor of the building. If that's true, I'd trust what small-town local law enforcement has to say over the SS and FBI any day, especially if, as Hawley says, they're pissed at being blamed by the SS for the SS's failures.

Here's Hawley at the location:

And here's Johnsons' preliminary report. Reading now:

Regarding the hyperdimensional aspect of the event: Like everyone else, I also thought of divine intervention, although I initially assumed it was one of those exceptional circumstances in which a 'positive' force intervened. However, now I'm inclined to think it was rather the STS side of the 'divine' for reasons we cannot know of the timeline being affected. Perhaps they were seeking to maintain some form of balance, because even they know that too much imbalance would mess up their STS plans. I see that some people have argued along those lines on this thread, and Niall mentioned on his radio show yesterday that it might have been similiar to UFOs deactivating nuclear silos in the past. At face value, we might assume nuclear deactivation is a 'good' deed for our own benefit. But it may just be that a nuclear war will upset things on their human farm. Or as the Cs have said, because nuclear detonations have undesireable effects on higher densities. Now if Trump had been killed, we might have had some noecon in the White House and could really be facing nuclear war in a year or two.

Apart from the UFO sighting over the murder attempt event, the other thing that makes me think of 'divine' STS intervention is that guy Brandon Biggs who predicted it some 3 months in advance with great accuracy - even mentioning the wound on the ear. There were other psychics / remote viewers / astrologers who did speak of an assasination attempt or something big around these dates, but those I think were genuine people with talent who happened to have a 'hit'. But Biggs is not really a psychic, but a pastor who regularly chats with 'The Lord'.

So I watched a couple of his videos to get a sense of 'The Lord's agenda or who 'He' might actually be. First, Biggs seems to be encouraged to pray a lot for Israel, and he predicts that at some point Israel will be attacked and the US will not go to its aid, which will be considered a 'great betrayal'. Therefore, in The Lord's opinion, it looks like Israel is very holy indeed, regardless of its crimes against humanity. Second, Briggs also predicts that WW3 will start because a great demon will be unleashed, which will either inspire or possess Vladimir Putin into attacking Poland with never used before barbaric weapons. So there's literally a demonization of Putin. My conclusion is that this is a case of what the Cs once said 4D STS could be 'starkly accurate' with predictions when it suited their plans.

Assuming Biggs source is 4D STS, then they told him 3 months in advance exactly what would happen to Trump, and that suggests that this was their plan all along. Or since they are time travelers, that they saw it happen like that and then went and told Biggs. Of course we cannot really know how those 4D things work or are planned and performed, but it sounds to me unlikely that 4D STS really meant to have Trump killed but somehow failed due to prayers or STO intervention. Either they planned it that way with an ear wounded and all the emotional effect on the masses that comes with it, or they intervened to prevent Trump's death. Their 3D counterparts of course is another matter - they obviously did mean to kill but couldn't.

In light of this, we may wonder what has changed (apart from possibly avoiding a catastrophic timeline). One thing is that Trump used to be a hero - now he's ascended to something more mytical or even with a religious quality, a sort of demi-god. I do find that a bit worrying because Trump has a number of qualities but also a number of flaws. For starters, his rhetoric is as Zionist as can be. I still have a bit of hope that in his mind he can see things more clearly and not act out Israel's agenda, but there's no guarantee that he won't.
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