Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

It is a whole lots of “wait and see…”.
Who knows what’s going on here. We do know that this a game, with horrific consequences for parts or all of the world. The stakes are very high.

Trump himself is perfectly capable of playing high level games. He has been doing it for years…
On The Art of the Deal:
Trump's way of business is briefly summarized: Trump found ways to reduce all risks for himself while finding ways to have others take on the risk. This happens while Trump gains a chunk of the profits with no personal liability. Extremely clever political, legal, and business maneuvering is what's needed. And that extremely clever maneuvering that Trump describes in this book shows how it's all done. Finding loopholes in legal codes, making friends with the "right" people, and cashing in on other's failures are his chief strategies. Sounds simple? Think again. In New York, everybody is scrambling to find their own ways around while Trump has already found his.
The difference is that he is on the worlds geopolitical stage now, a big step up from New York for sure, but he did hold the presidency for a term and he is not dead yet. I really don’t know if he has sold out or not. Or is he just naieve to how the world truely operates.

"...bagman Zelenskyy now plans to meet with laundry business disruptor President Trump." Laundry business disruptor? Apparently Zelensky requested to meet with Trump. Is he worried that his gravy train is in danger?
Will there be more attempts at Trump's life after this?
ALERT: The 9 missiles that have come over the New Mexico boarder.

The teams of Pete Chambers and Bazzel Baz are the ones who have received this information from their confidential informants on the US/Mexico boarder.

One source describes 9 missiles coming over the boarder in New Mexico another source says there are 3 teams who have taken position of these missiles. The target is Trumps plane but if they can't do that they could be used for something else.

Sinaloa cartel operates in this area which may have assisted in the movement of the missiles with help from those in the US gov. Paper trail of money being transferred to the cartel can be discovered that will expose who is involved in this activity.

How the missiles function and other details.

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I personally see this whole Trump thing as just another way to divide and conquer us regardless of what the actual "truth" is. And taking up one side against another, no matter how much you believe your side is in the right after doing proper "researching", may in fact prove problematic when almost all of the news media has sold out to one side or another, regardless of what the REAL objective truth actually is... which may, in fact, be impossible to determine now for anyone using the mainstream "news" as a major source of information.

I personally believe all of this has been created in order to divide each and every one of us from each other. We all have internal sources of "truth" or "not truth". By tuning into one side or another instead of looking at both sides and seeing the patterns created to keep us divided we are just playing into their division game.

I don't think this "game" can be "won" using straight logic. Remember your heart, and how all of us that I've seen on this forum only wishes the best for each of us going forward. Do not ever let your own beliefs about what you may think is true cut you off from anyone else here if they don't see what you think you see. Instead be willing to stretch yourself to see what THEY see before judging.

We are in a unique time in history when it seem the conditions have been laid down to allow any said thing to be believed to be true, even in the absence of objective truth. Stay true to yourselves and remember love and connection to others. I believe that to be the best way forward.
It is a whole lots of “wait and see…”.
Who knows what’s going on here. We do know that this a game, with horrific consequences for parts or all of the world. The stakes are very high.

Trump himself is perfectly capable of playing high level games. He has been doing it for years…
On The Art of the Deal:

The difference is that he is on the worlds geopolitical stage now, a big step up from New York for sure, but he did hold the presidency for a term and he is not dead yet. I really don’t know if he has sold out or not. Or is he just naieve to how the world truely operates.
I'm really not sure what to think, but I tend to think Trump is always mid negotiation which is definitely on brand for him. So oftentimes when we hear things like bombing Iran, I think back to his 2016 campaign rhetoric and how over the top it was and how relatively peaceful it ended up. From that position, perceived as an impulsive wildcard, he is in an excellent negotiating position.
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