Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

Which also is why they are not attempting to cool off the ‘hot talk’. Hilleroid, the Demonic Shell of a Luciferian in Human Skin keeps ramping it up. EVERYONE keeps ramping it up.

Apparently, the toxic rhetoric is achieving its goal:

According to a survey that was conducted after the most recent attempt on Trump’s life, 17 percent of all Americans think that America would “be better off” if Trump had been killed
Veteran pollster Scott Rasmussen’s national survey of 1,000 registered voters, conducted by RMG Research for the Napolitan News Service, asked Americans about Sunday’s second assassination attempt on Trump. It included this pointed question:

While it is always difficult to wish ill of another human being, would America be better off if Donald Trump had been killed last weekend?

17% Yes
69% No
14% Not sure
There are approximately 333 million people living in the United States today.

17 percent of 333 million is 56.6 million.

So there are approximately 56.6 million Americans that wish that Trump had been killed last weekend.

As heard on Jesse Watters Primetime, 46% of demorats wish the Trump assassination attempts had been successful.
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As far as people who got sick at Trump's rally, people who supported Trump, that doesn't surprise me at all. In the 80s, I read somewhere (I don't remember if it was an article or a book) that this kind of situation was commonplace during elections. For example, to prevent people from voting, a product was put in the city water and people with diarrhoea were obviously unable to vote. Also, some people had noticed that during voting day, it sometimes rained so hard that, once again, people couldn't get out to vote. It's awful what happened, but we know that those who do these experiments regard people as insects. Or rats.

The CIA has always carried out experiments on populations, because they see us as if we were in a laboratory. Just the other day, I was talking to someone about an experiment they did in a village in France during the 50's when they put LSD in the flour used to make bread. A whole village of stone people and sick also was affected. Anything is possible with crazy people.

I put here the article about the French village for those who are interested. How many more experiments they do with us? And we also know that the Covid was the super experiment.

As per this RT article, 5 teams are working to assassinate Trump. For few bucks, there are lot of people out there to do the dirty work.
Five “assassination teams” are currently attempting to kill former US President Donald Trump, Florida Representative Matt Gaetz has claimed, citing sources in the Department of Homeland Security.

Speaking to Breitbart News on Thursday, Gaetz condemned an apparent attempt on Trump’s life last weekend as “tragic” and “avoidable,” claiming that there is insufficient security around the former president to protect him from harm.

Gaetz went on to claim that he recently met with an official from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), who told him that there are “at least five teams in-country that are geared toward killing Trump.”

Three of them that we know are foreign in nature. Two of them we know are domestic in nature, and that calls for a force protection that we do not have around the former president right now,”
Gaetz continued, noting that the foreign teams are linked to Ukraine, Iran, and Pakistan.
Well, Ukranians are Ukranians like hot air baloon at this point. Pakistani's are in that business for a while under its Military Inc. But what is the point of Iran doing? Probably we should read 'Iran' as Israel/Mossad.
The second attempt took place at Trump’s golf course in West Palm Beach, Florida, on Sunday. A gunman aiming at Trump from behind bushes was spooked by Secret Service agents and arrested after he fled the scene. The suspect, identified as Ryan Wesley Routh, had unsuccessfully attempted to join the Ukrainian military in 2022, and afterwards embarked on a scheme to recruit former Afghan commandos to fight for Kiev.

Routh was questioned by US Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agents upon his return to the US later that year. According to Gaetz, the agents “thought his story was so suspicious that he was recruiting freedom fighters all over the world to go fight in Ukraine, and when they asked him how he was financing this, he said, ‘Oh, well, my wife is paying for it.’”

The CBP referred Routh to the DHS’ investigations unit, which “declined to even proceed with an investigation,” Gaetz continued.
“They just stopped and let the guy in the country. And we’ve got a lot of questions about that.”
When 100's of billions of dollars at stake, they must have a quite a lot of professionals out there to kill him.

Why Did The Biden DoJ Release Trump Assassin's $150,000 Reward To "Complete The Job" Letter To The Public?​

"Former President Trump's would-be assassin Ryan Wesley Routh wrote a chilling letter admitting he failed in trying to take the life of the former president, and offering a reward for anyone who can finish the job..."

"The note was addressed to the “World” and reads:"

“This was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump but I failed you. I tried my best and gave it all the gumption I could muster. It is up to you now to finish the job; and I will offer $150,000 to whomever can complete the job,” according to court papers.

"Routh dropped off a box at a person’s home that included the letter, the court documents state."

"Finally, Matt Walsh brings up a crucial point about the release of this letter:"

"They didn't release the Covenant shooter manifesto because they were allegedly afraid it would inspire more shootings. And yet within a week they release a letter from Trump's would-be assassin where he openly encourages more shootings and offers to pay for them."


Pedo's everywhere!​


“These files include videos from a known child pornography series created outside the state of North Carolina,” court documents say. “Videos from the series depict minors engaged in sex acts.”

The complaint against Oran Routh included graphic descriptions of videos of minors approximately 6-8 and 12-14 years of age engaged in sex acts, and a chat from a messaging application in July, where he allegedly asked for a preview of content for sale
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Perhaps Trump feels he needs to at least pay lip service to this Iranian Bullshido guy. Like ok, I'm on board with the war, can we stop with the assassinations now
I think this is a good possibility. There are things that Trump says that can't be taken at face value and deception is needed at times. His "side" can do psy-ops as well.
Either Tuump lacks common sense or he is a closet Zionist.
No, I don't think so to all those posts above. Trump and his team know exactly who's responsible for everything. I would say he has impeccable intelligence assets working with him. About being a Zionist, he is against war and killing so if thats what Bibi wants he needs to think again.

Big threats on my life by Iran. The entire U.S. Military is watching and waiting. Moves were already made by Iran that didn’t work out, but they will try again. Not a good situation for anyone. I am surrounded by more men, guns, and weapons than I have ever seen before. Thank you.
Sounds like the military is protecting Trump which is thought provoking. Does this mean the military is ready to fight Iran or something different? I think there is way more going on then the public knows and most everything said is speculation and guess work, its all surface stuff.
About being a Zionist, he is against war and killing so if thats what Bibi wants he needs to think again.

He may not be a Zionist but he will do nothing against his masters in Israel whether he is in office or not. Israel can continue its slaughter and the weapons will keep coming in to help make MIGA (Make Israel Greatest again) possible after all Trump's plan for years has been to isolate the US and f**k the world.​

He recently stated:

"Israel is one of the greatest, if not perhaps the single greatest nation on earth – and the Jewish people are incredible

I am the best friend of the Jews, and I will spend my entire Presidency defending and protecting the State of Israel, nobody loves Jewish people more than me'. If I do not win the elections, Israel, in my opinion, will cease to exist within two years."

In the past, if you said something about a Jewish person or something about Israel that was bad, you were out of politics."

What a difference with Vladimir Putin who stated that, "what is happening now in Gaza, in response to the well-known terrorist act in Israel, does not really look like a war, it is a kind of total destruction of the civilian population"​
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