Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

Definitely possible. This is how social contagions work.
Let's pray that no more of these attempts happen. If they were successful a lot of conservatives might just finally do something. They own the majority of the guns in this country and they aren't accustomed to missing their targets.

One caveat though: if crazies/the government starts targeting liberal politicians and blames it on the MAGA movement and it gets discovered through their typical sloppy actions, you'll see a civil war morph into a revolution overnight. I'm starting to wonder if that's exactly the kind of chaos they want...
Like knife attacks, they’re everywhere, super trendy. May be shooting at Trump just got trendy too.

This being a "trendy" assassination attempt has my early bet. Local enforcement giving out lots of info, the fact he was spotted 300-500 yards out vs. given a perfect line of fire at Butler, and the fact that he is still alive sure doesn't sound a whole lot like a planned out deep state operation to me.
Anyone else see this ass-ass-in-a-tion* ( i.e. two asses, one playing golf, one playing tag with an AKM, both seeking safety from an enemy) as more distraction ?

Maybe the world owners use this kinda thing to just fill in the gaps, to keep people occupied with more trivial stuff.
Am wondering when will the Nato vs East circus will get out of hand, not in a real nuke 'em way, but in a perceived way - just in time for that other forgotten "race" to step forward and offer their "assistance" to the surface dwellers who believe nuclear annihilation is immanent.

* tion - pronounced shun: old english - to seek safety from an enemy.
And apparently he was also on a Blackrock commercial:

The chances of both Trump assassins randomly featuring in a Blackrock commercial are probably zero. So, what could explain that? If both assassins were a part of some Blackrock covert CIA assassination program, it would still seem unlikely that both would feature in a commercial for them. Some level of information field/bleedthrough a la Francis Scott Key Bridge and the London Horses seems a lot more likely to me.
I don't understand this attempted attack. Come on! After the first one, Trump must have had a super-powerful surveillance team to protect him, how come there was this man with a gun to kill him in the golf course? They have all the information from him, wasn't there someone monitoring who entered or left the golf course? Didn't they have drones? Of course it's the CIA, but even if it's the CIA, who's protecting Trump? That's pretty strange. But then, maybe it's the same young incompetents who were watching Trump and protecting him when the first attempted attack...
Trump does not have perimeter security, only the president does. Golf courses are large and the secret service is shorthanded in such a case.
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