Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

The CIA and others have all sorts of poisons and ways to make someone die of an illness, or even accident. They want it to be an assassination, a violent gun-based act. Which, to my thinking, suggest this is as much a demoralizing psyop as a plot to stop Trump. They want a raw assassination, not a quiet and quick one. They want the public outrage.
Also, these agencies aren't unified monoliths, there are surely factions. But your point is well taken.
Interesting thing is that it was golf.
How did they know? I mean for a rally or a public speach everybody knows where he is going to be and when. Golf doesn`t get pblicity like that. So who knew?
Trump himself
his secretary
his family (probably)
people who were playing golf with him
his security detail
anybody else??

and yet, there is this convenient patsy shooter available at a whim.
They just help, arm and provide intelligence and opportunity for anyone that wants to take a shot at Trump, while "staying out of it" themselves.

I'm doubtful that the CIA etc. had anything to do with this. The Butler attempt was meant to kill Trump. They messed up and Trump won big as a result, in terms of popular opinion of him. This latest attempt will have just added to his reputation, so I doubt they would have been party to that.
Maybe he showed up there several days in a row. Chances are Trump's gonna be golfing at some point in the week. Doesn't say much for overall security at the Trump golf course though.
Or even a mind controlled patsy. It's never going to be one of the letter agencies who get the blame publicly. That's just my thought but all we can do is guess if we don't know all the facts.
A Paul Joseph Watson article posted by zerohedge.

From Martin County Sheriff:

“Is this guy part of a conspiracy? Is he a lone gunman? If he’s a lone gunman, President Trump is that much safer because we have him. But if he’s part of a conspiracy then this whole thing really takes on a very ominous tone,”
added the Sheriff."

“The biggest question to answer is: ‘How did the would-be assassin know to be at that location at that time?'” he said.
“There are only three possible answers:

He guessed and got very lucky; he conducted surveillance on Trump and followed him to the golf course or he had inside information about Trump’s schedule.”

"Routh, who reportedly was hanging around the golf course for 12 hours, being apprehended."

"Meanwhile, the legacy media is still claiming that Routh’s politics are “unclear,” despite him literally having a Biden/Harris sticker on his truck."

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I'm doubtful that the CIA etc. had anything to do with this. The Butler attempt was meant to kill Trump. They messed up and Trump won big as a result, in terms of popular opinion of him. This latest attempt will have just added to his reputation, so I doubt they would have been party to that.
But this guy has all the hallmarks of an intel asset. He got probation for very serious charges. So many other things. While I understand your logic and agree in isolation, combined with all the other circumstantial evidence, I believe he is an asset - perhaps just a faction of the deep state that is concerned Trump will end the war in Ukraine.
I was wondering if this was just a show to let us see that the Secret Service is being much more attentive to protecting Trump. The election is getting near, maybe they need to calm his supporters and redeem themselves. I guess I'm not the only one thinking this.

I don't understand this attempted attack. Come on! After the first one, Trump must have had a super-powerful surveillance team to protect him, how come there was this man with a gun to kill him in the golf course? They have all the information from him, wasn't there someone monitoring who entered or left the golf course? Didn't they have drones? Of course it's the CIA, but even if it's the CIA, who's protecting Trump? That's pretty strange. But then, maybe it's the same young incompetents who were watching Trump and protecting him when the first attempted attack...

Somebody didn’t like the vote to change the program and want to change it back to their original plan? It’s a bit weird though I must agree, but it might just be a switch has been flipped by the first failed attempt and the rest of the potential timelines have to be played out or something like that.

I see dominoes, one madman after the next after the next after the next. Once the first one falls and the trigger is activated they can’t help but follow suit and do what their one personal programming tells them to.

Like knife attacks, they’re everywhere, super trendy. May be shooting at Trump just got trendy too.
Maybe he showed up there several days in a row. Chances are Trump's gonna be golfing at some point in the week. Doesn't say much for overall security at the Trump golf course though.

Monitors in cars, phones, other surveillance probes? I guess if someone with contacts wants to know someone’s every move it’s an easy thing to know.
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