Fears that I can not control

Thanks SMM and Iron! Sorry for the delay in responding, apparently I had "forgotten" this post.
Yes, at the moment I'm not doing Beatha. I'm not doing therapy, because I not found the right one. The doctor that I went, found it too "square" and focused more than anything else in pharmacological therapy. Still have a couple more cognitive therapists to interviewing in this area. Maybe get lucky with one of them.
And I'm much better since I realized the need to metabolize certain emotions, work some narratives and downloading the violence/stress/frustration in a theatrical form by hitting a pillow, for example. And read M. Klein also is helping me. All have to do with the relationship with my mother. Or relationships with other people that replicate my relationship with my mother. With all this question of the true Christ here in the forum, I've discovered that the real Christ in my life, and heaven itself, it was always my mother. With effort, making me see the negative and positive, and working emotionally i'm getting position myself somewhere else, and there are new perspectives for my actual independence in every way.
Thank you both and to this great forum! :)
I have recently begun reading and learning about the works of Peter Levine
and David Berceli.
This may be worth a look, it seems fear is the how we are all controlled by something or someone in some way. This is very interesting work that may be very complementary to EE.
Hi I apprenti de forgeron,

I have only come to read through this thread now and when I looked at the dates of all the posts and checked your recent inputs, it appears that you have found your way out. That would be truly fantastic :clap:

I am curious as to whether you might be able to analyze and pinpoint what was most likely the solution (which combination of factors) to deal with your situation. If you get to read this, your feedback will be much appreciated.
Heal your old scars by a clearing session or two, learn to love your self and put your past to rest.
anka said:
Hi I apprenti de forgeron,

I have only come to read through this thread now and when I looked at the dates of all the posts and checked your recent inputs, it appears that you have found your way out. That would be truly fantastic :clap:

I am curious as to whether you might be able to analyze and pinpoint what was most likely the solution (which combination of factors) to deal with your situation. If you get to read this, your feedback will be much appreciated.
Hello anka!
I still do not know what triggered that episode. If it was some supplement that I took or what, but it was for a short time and everything returned to normal. But since then I made some changes and give more time to read news of what is happening, what has helped me to combat states of "daydreaming", "what if that things change" (by themselves) and live in the imagination. Read the forum and SOTT helps to feel the real weight of the limits and learn how to work on them to "one day" be part of real change. To be completely honest, I think the improvements came with good sleep and be more verbose with my diet.
Thanks for your concern and support!. :)
l apprenti de forgeron said:
... But since then I made some changes and give more time to read news of what is happening, what has helped me to combat states of "daydreaming", "what if that things change" (by themselves) and live in the imagination. Read the forum and SOTT helps to feel the real weight of the limits and learn how to work on them to "one day" be part of real change. To be completely honest, I think the improvements came with good sleep and be more verbose with my diet.
Thanks for your concern and support!. :)

I can relate to the above, and very much so. I am still struggling with my habbit of going late to bed, usually after midnight around 1am, but whenever I make it at 10 or 11pm, feel a huge difference in the ability to really wake up fresh, not to mention early and have a good start of the day. The darkening the room help a good bit too.

ÉE and the keto diet are naturally a major contributing factors in overall well-being and successful detox process for me (guess for everyone who has applied them), though I need to work on awareness especially in case of ÉE since when I get tired by sitting at my computer till late, it's pretty hard to get up and do full stretching, three-stage breathing etc.

Eliminating non-sense surfing and clicking on distracting ads and "news" has also been a fight so I had to employ really strict computer hygiene to get out of that.

I'm happy to hear you are keeping well.
Thanks very much for taking the time to reply! :hug:
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