John has recently resurfaced, rejoined the forum under a different name (same IP and server) and sent me a PM:
John AKA SystemSlave said:SystemSlave
The Force is strong with this one
have you considered the following?
« Sent to: Laura on: Today at 20:28:24 »
This stuff you have learned over last 15years is relevantly new to you yes? how you discover it was a shock to you right? Some people have known about it longer than the cassiopaea group has been around, there is people who lets just say understand the universe quite easily because have been there done that.
Now reason I contacted you is because there is a reason for you to reread your transcripts. You are afraid of becoming that not so nice person in the future right the one you saw in your experience mentioned in your texts, there is reason now to look back into the part in your transcripts which spoke off the possible futures for you.
because another way to polarize towards STS is to judge others and by doing so control there development by you limiting of what is possible directions of learning this is a form of assuming, you pride yourself on object reality approach rather than subjective but in doing so have also because of quest to find truth have started to judge people rather than to discern them the difference is discernment is open and judgement is closed, using both objective and subjective is balance.
My advice to you is when you speak of something it should be done with a neutral perspective, if you give something a polarity it then takes on that polarity the lessons you have been taught is all is illusions created by the mind then understand also how you utilize knowledge also determines it polarity because you are giving it such, if you think of something as negative it then becomes negative this is shown in much of the later work after the transcripts because of prejudice views during the subversion of your balancing can blame STS activities for that but you let it happen.
Now you enjoy to talk about politics in your sign of times page but the people who work with the research of it allow there own prejudice as do you to affect the work, a more balanced perspective would be to take a neutral viewpoint of the information as in you should learned by now negative has it function in universe as much as positive so why even attach a illusion of duality when all just is events which themselves are manifestions of lessons generated by consciousness and experienced through consciousness.
What do you think is perspective of 6th density could it be say represent balance a neutral perspective on everything then why do you continually attach a judgement to things and in doing so create polarisation and food for the STS beings? It is not that what your trying to do is wrong it is in the approach that determines how benefits or harmful it can be to a souls development many people who read your work are now suffering from paranoia's and many other imbalances in there human psyche these are unnecessary if the lessons giving of the transcripts had of been understood properly then utilized.
I advise you to see from perspective of those in your forum who you have labled who you have publically tried to humiliate and who you have used things against to understand them, if you want to continue to be attacked by STS forces then continue with perspective you have now as you think now so shall it continue to happen. What is relevant is only that which advances the soul the distractions should be presented as they are what do you think the third density events happening now in areas like politics are for consider the emotional responses people get from the medias networking of it and what is it you are doing by doing same without neutral presentation or revealing it as a distraction in the work as well, your doing same thing which media does to give STS entities a meal plus it is a form of disinforming as it is not presented in it highest truth.
Once your mind is truly enlightened you will not be able to be attacked by STS forces any longer but if you truly seek to change to a STO reality experience then first thing you must stop doing is to label people through your judgement of them because you don't know what lessons they need and when you do label and judge them the emotions that they generate from your response is also tied to creation of karma for you which will act like inertia holding you back, which has played out in all the dramas you have experienced and in your being sued and more is coming because of you passing the responsibility to public a bigger lesson is to come 'you got sued cause you opened yourself to it by judging others if you had done it properly with discernment there would be no means for it to have manifested' Also untruthful intentions of money donated and what it was for is STS action and doesn't help progress into STO at all either; we know you spent some on yourself and family appealing to human kindness is ok if the intention is balanced.
What you claim it for it must be used for and means in which you ask can not be a manipulation example you use term "keep the light house burning" defend freedom of speech this is viewed as a manipulation because for one thing do you know you are a lighthouse and are you sure it was not just that you attacked the credence of company in question so they presumed had right to sue and what knowledge did you base such accusations against some of what the group says is truths and others untruths but your job isn't to judge the world I guess you didn't learn the lesson in bible about what happens to those who judge, plus when you went into the session were you asked about the case you did so with assumptions and produce so got answers within those limits.
I ask you this do you think a STO society could work if everyone is constantly worrying about everyone else around them judging them for everything they do how could there ever be balance found if the group is constantly being judged and the perspective is owned by one and must be followed by the rest. What you have done is form a religion and it is no different to what occurred in past during the Lizzie's implantions of the believes goods news is with further evaluation of approach it could be balanced further and have higher percentage of truth.
Another thing some of the communications were not same entities you spoke too there is ways to tell this you may have even sensed it, 6th density entity's would not open with destructive predictions as is they would suggest a possibility of it as it is a possibility just as the election also was a possibility of either mc kain or obama reason it went for obama is because the global consciousness percentage wanting change was higher than those who wanted to continue the path as it has gone, actually sites like yours are responsible also in helping this change it is even possible that the comet cluster may not arrive however this is unlikely but the possibility is there.
Originally it would of been bush to remain in power it is still a possibility but less likely now efforts will be made to aim for easiest transition don't presume STS has won already remember who you are and the power you all hold. Orion's main power is human ignorance to self realisation while mankind doesn't know there own power they can continue to direct your reality's experience but many are beginning to awaken now and they will lose in end of this game.
My task this lifetime is to monitor all groups who are teaching to when right timing comes re balance so that they progress at higher potential of course if the groups listen or not is there choice, your group is one the better groups because you are aware of both polarity's were many others focus only on one aspect however many of your moderators and readers are not at same level of balance you have achieved and have diverted your work, but this doesn't mean you cant go further it depends on if you are ready to let go of your assumptions entirely and let the universe guide you to your destiny.
I can help with achieving balance perspectives, you could say I have been attacked but not for long time now because I've learned how to stop it all together silk is only a temporary solution if you empower your mind you will not need it and empowering your mind is what you should be focusing on to prepare for 4th density because 4th density the mind plays much more of a roll in the reality experience than on 3rd density as in your consciousness has more access to play with.
Sorry for my English I haven't grasp this form of communication yet it is a on going process of learning. Thou whole invention of written language of it was to cause division amongst man and remove telepathy but let not go into all that thou I'm sure you noted the passages in bible texts which spoke of it 'but all is the divine plan in end so it irrelevant but interesting to note'. BTW true telepathy is mental images not a written language.
It is hard for me to not type things as a simultaneous approach as in past future present worded, means used now is for your benefit. All given above is a option you can do what ever you like.
Atm your percieved by many as not as nice as you us't to be this coming from people you have interacted with in person, you have also been labled a opportunist. Do you not know there is others out there who are also aware and can observe things as progress we known about you since you began it.