Fire and Ice: The Day After Tomorrow


This article today: was a rerun of an excellent article written by Laura back in 2007. As explained in the forwarding comment the topic significantly over-shadows other current concerns on political corruption and the like.

Comment: To better set the tone of the new perspective that SOTT is taking, and in consideration of the current state of the planet, we are re-running this prescient article written by Laura Knight-Jadczyk back in 2007. We hope that our readers realize that what is happening on Earth in the Cosmic sense, is far more important than politics.

You can get the politics here, too, but it is no longer our focus. There has been a One World Government running the show for many years now, the conflicts are just the "bread and circuses" they use to control the masses.

Political change may still happen, but it is no longer possible for it to prevent Earth Changes that are significant and cataclysmic. If the only thing that happens is global cooling, that, alone, can bring about the deaths of billions of people. Global warming, on the other hand, would have been a boon to mankind. But that was all a fraud, a distraction, a cruel game played by psychopaths on you, humanity.

So, read on and see what it is that is on our minds: preparing you for what is to be - what is already happening.

The comments mention the "new tone" focus for toward this issue, and I applaud them for their diligent forward thinking to always provide us readers with the most current and relevant information!

I know many of us are keeping our eyes open to objective reality. There are many layers of complex issues and lots of unraveling and reading between the lines to get to the true nature of the world we live in. I was thrilled with the sott team for rerunning this article for newbs like me. I agree this topic is of significant importance. Paired with the other events of crucial importance affecting our earth via the cosmos, the cyclical peak of comet activities in which we are witnessing the affect of daily ie, flooding, earth quakes and volcanic activity, we are in for one heck of a show. Laura does a beautiful job of tying-in some some of these other anomalous earth events together with this information giving us a good "big picture" of what's really happening now.

Many years ago right about the time all the hoopla started about "Global Warming" I was fortunate enough to see a documentary on television that spelled out the situation very clearly. (Which was extra fortunate for me as I watched very little TV back then and don't even own a TV at present.) I can't remember who made the documentary or what channel it was on or anything, but it was an easy to understand no frills account of the exact scenario that is underlined in this article. It spoke of how the global warming would affect the Gulf Stream causing the Gulf Stream to diminish and inevitably bring on an ice-age. The documentary was of-course far from that simplistic, but it made complete sense to me, and so much so that I held on to that account as an accurate portrayal of the current "Global Warming myth". I guess I was one of the lucky few who saw that documentary. As the years have passed I've always used that premise when discussing Global Warming, only to receive awkward feedback like I was some crazy conspiracy theorist speaking of how we are heading into an ice-age when everybody was waving around proof that the ice-caps are melting etc. Excellent as the documentary was, I was left with a few unanswered questions all of which I must say were answered beautifully in this article. This is an excellent summary:

In short, the process that could shut off the Gulf Stream conveyor began in the 1970s. No one knows where the absolute shut-off point is. We only know we are getting closer day by day.

Let's recap the facts. Science indicates that a shut off of the Gulf Stream is closely connected to ice ages. The mechanism of the conveyor function of the Gulf Stream is generally understood and the effect of fresh water on same is theorized - with strong evidence. We know that the temperature of the Earth is increasing and that this is increasing the amount of moisture in the air, general precipitation, as well as the zone of precipitation. This is dumping the fresh water into the zone of conveyor return. Measurements have been taken showing that the salinity of the ocean in the critical area is decreasing. So it is safe to say that it is a certainty that the result will be a shutting off of the Gulf Stream conveyer resulting in an ice age. You can pretty well take that to the bank.

This whole article is a must read IMHO. I would welcome any feedback and discussion on this article or topic itself. But I realize there is a separate thread for "Weather" on the forum, so let's play it by ear.
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