Fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris and Other Catholic Churches

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let's be precise

alain soral sentenced for denial to one year in prison with arrest warrant (afp)

The far-right essayist Alain Soral was sentenced Monday by the Paris Criminal Court to one year in prison with an arrest warrant for challenging the existence of the Holocaust.

Soral, whose real name Alain Bonnet, 60, was convicted for publishing on his website contentious conclusions of his lawyer in another case, was not present at the reading of the deliberations.
His counsel, Damien Viguier, was sentenced to 5,000 euros fine for complicity, because of the content of these conclusions.

The court went beyond the prosecutor's requisitions.

So what can I add to the reading of this judgment?
First of all, that judgment was rendered by four women, ... there are no more men in the courts?
We could ask for parity, I do not know if it would change much, given the general feminization, but it's still worth pointing out.
And especially that I am sentenced for the first time to the prison with a warrant de depot, so that means that we ask that I be embastillé, which is quite strange since it is a judgment in first instance.
I will of course appeal, so there is a kind of legal vagueness
I think that we are no longer really in a state of law, and the AFP passes on the judgments even before they are transmitted to us
it is clear that there is no respect for the procedures since I believe that FIP has already announced that I was calling while it is not even done yet
which means ...
the media that systematically relay the briefs of the AFP allow to say just about anything and everything
in any case, the reality is that I was sentenced to imprisonment with a warrant of detention
whereas I have not yet had time to appeal, even though we are not even in criminal law but in the press, ie the 17th chamber
this hysteria is quite strange
what is interesting to note is that it falls at the same time that assange is stopped, so it could be a parallel that could point to Juan Branco, we see much agitation right now
and also the same day that macron is to give the "last chance speech" tonight to respond to the anger of the yellow vests
either he will really propose measures and he will take in the mouth the deep state, because he was not elected for that, either he will propose nothing and he will take in the mouth the anger still aggravated jackets yellows
so he is in a very very bad posture
afterwards it must be said that I was sentenced for what?
I was sentenced initially for a witty cartoon "Charlie" parodying a drawing of Charlie Hebdo (3min17)
drawing that is not mine, published on a site of which I am neither the director of the publication nor the editor-in-chief
but that, as the other would say, they are "points of detail"
so what we could point out is why I'm never attacked on my books, because they would have to learn that I write books, or analyzes, especially in my videos, which they are very precise and detailed
I'm never attacked on that
we even try to forget that I wrote more than 10 books, translated into several languages, quite serious, including "Understanding the Empire"
So all that is tracks of understanding
Maybe my real writings and my real work are difficult to attack
So I'm attacked sideways, if I can say, even from behind
What is interesting is that my lawyer was also convicted, which is a breach characterized the right of defense
that is to say that we really attack the foundations of Western law, habeas corpus
he was convicted for having defended me, in fact, and not to have advised me, I would say, to prostrate myself, since that is what is demanded by the judges at each trial,
it is that I make a show of contrition before the civil parties ... the civil parties, you know who it is.
all the epigones, all the branches of the CRIF, and nothing else, that's
If we think carefully, I was sentenced for blasphemy, I blasphemed ... well, I did not blaspheme, I let blaspheming on the site ..., and I remind you that, as we have already said several times with my lawyer, we were told yet that with the spirit "I am charlie", blasphemy was allowed or even encouraged
what was misquoted was that it was encouraged against Islam and Catholicism, not against political Judaism
that is why I am condemned today by the justice of the French Republic on behalf of the French people for having blasphemed a ... community ... whose strategy ... we will come back to it because it is one of my current projects, is to hide the torah behind the shoah, that is to say a historical persecution that forbids to study according to the criteria of the history, to hide in fact a project of theologic domination -racial perfectly unequal
and that's because I recalled that at the hearing that it's worth to me not only a prison sentence with a warrant of committal but a sentence that has been aggravated by the prosecutor's request.
already the prosecution is the political power, they asked for 6 months, the judges gave a year
that is, there was an overbid, which is quite rare
and I remember, all this for a French intellectual who produces political analysis and who is president of an association called equality and reconciliation, one of whose objects is to fight against communitarianism and the breakup of France in rival communities and in victim communities
in front of me I have people whose breasts are historically elected people and promised land
with behind, what it gives ... unquenchable revenge ... eternal debt ... and hardened lead
just look at israel to see what it gives in terms of practical work
so what can we say ...
we can say that this conviction reminds us of the darkest hours indeed,
but the darkest hours of occupation and collaboration
for the occupation just look at the last dinner of the CRIF and see including someone who officially does not represent anything, since president of a tiny and minority community association in a country that does not recognize communities, I have CRIF and Mr. Kalifat, who lift the arm of our acting president, Macron
who was also a little jaw
I also think that all this should be quite clear especially for the collabos,
on the side of the collaborators we can put away Ardisson for example, who does not stop being shocked that I am not put in jail to undoubtedly be forgiven his past which I recalled several times ... of ... Judeophobic rifleman and revisionist scholar
on that he never answered, he can not
or else a Nolleau, who had co-signed a book with me, who after having let me go to court, finds himself today serving as a pseudo-intellectual surety to the all-powerful Hanouna
Hanouna, who is our new political commissioner for the beaufitude
here it is, you need one in each category
so yes, too, we must mention Marianne, the new editor, editor-in-chief, Pollony, who is disguised more and more as sub-master SM, we do not really know what she wants to try to express that way
and indeed, who has split up through one of his journalists who are members of the Grand Orient, the GO, a delusional article, filled with inaccuracy, misspellings and defamation, and whose critical object (?) was probably on order, to make acceptable to the public my conviction for prison
if you do not understand why this delusional article, that's why
it is to dirty me to the maximum, knowing that I have more right of answer for already ten years, so that people can accept that an intellectual writer, journalist, president of an association which is called equality and reconciliation , either put in jail because he criticizes a deep power more and more visible and which moreover is hidden less and less
there is only to see the last case finkelkraut, the last dinner of the CRIF, the outputs of Meyer Habib, etc., etc., etc.
so what does this prison sentence make me change?
obviously nothing at all that, is 15 years that I stand up to this power, it is not to stop now
I just decided now to never go out without my toothbrush, in case I get stuck, as it can happen unexpectedly ... I was told, actually, that it's very nice when we are embastished d have planned a toothbrush
I will go out now with this little sesame
for the rest I will continue to do the job, and I will remind you that none of our serious political opponents in history have escaped prison
what is surprising is not that I'm fucked in jail, it's that people who claim to fight the system, the bourgeois order, frontally, like ... besancenot, ruffin,
they are never threatened in anything at all
I recall that from Gramsci to Mandela, without even forgetting Stalin and Hitler, all the serious political opponents, including those who finally came to power, went through the prison
so I find it obviously violent and unfair, but politically coherent
it proves, as I often say, that I do not attack a false power
I'm attacking the real power, because the real power is the one who has the means to punish you
not only to criticize you, but to ruin and embellish you
this is what is happening now
Because beyond and beyond this sentence to prison, I still have several other lawsuits in progress, where I am asked for 82500 euros ... the association, the publishing house, the site. ..
And where the plaintiffs are plainly Mr Jakubowicz, I recall, the claimed liar lawyer of the pedophile murderer Nordahl Lelandais
And I also believe the little Klugman, and also the master Malka
that is to say that I am attacked by the cream of the cream
above it is judged directly in Jerusalem ... because next time it will be in Jerusalem, we are getting closer to the Eichmann trial
So I'm likely to go to prison soon and I solemnly say I'm expecting all the cardboard opponents, the Ruffin, Branco, Lapierre, that the system has recently put in place to replace the very worn Besancenot and the Melenchon, to respond to the rising anger of yellow vests, on track, as the current media say, "soralisation"
I am not sure that this embastissement will bring down the "spiralization of spirits" and yellow vests
here it is, so I invite all this new controlled opposition to express themselves and to be scandalized by my next bursting
and perhaps also to have the courage to take on the real power of the dictatorship of the CRIF and what it embodies
thank you all and maybe see you soon

In french :

"soyons précis

alain soral condamné pour négationnisme à un an de prison ferme avec mandat d'arrêt (afp)

L'essayiste d'extrême droite Alain Soral a été condamné lundi par le tribunal correctionnel de Paris à un an de prison ferme assorti d'un mandat d'arrêt, pour contestation de l'existence de la Shoah.

Soral, de son vrai nom Alain Bonnet, 60 ans, a été condamné pour avoir publié sur son site des conclusions litigieuses de son avocat dans une autre affaire, n'était pas présent à la lecture du délibéré.
Son conseil, Damien Viguier, a été condamné à 5 000 euros d'amende pour complicité, en raison du contenu de ces conclusions.

Le tribunal est allé au-delà des réquisitions du parquet.

Donc qu'est-ce que je peux ajouter à la lecture de ce jugement ?
D'abord que ce jugement a été rendu par 4 femmes, ... il n'y a plus d'hommes dans les tribunaux ?
On pourrait demander la parité, je ne sais pas si ça changerait grand chose, vu la féminisation générale, mais c'est quand même à faire remarquer.
Et surtout que je suis condamné pour la première fois à de la prison ferme avec mandat de dépot, donc ça veut dire qu'on demande que je sois embastillé, ce qui est assez étrange puisque c'est un jugement en première instance.
je vais bien sûr faire appel, alors là il y a un espèce de flou juridique
je pense qu'on n'est plus vraiment dans un état de droit, et l'AFP répercute les jugements avant même qu'ils nous soient transmis
on voit bien qu'il n'y a aucun respect des procédures puisque je crois que FIP a déjà annoncé que je faisais appel alors que c'est même pas encore fait
c'est-à-dire que ...
les médias qui relaient systématiquement les brèves de l'AFP se permettent de dire à peu près tout et n'importe quoi
en tout cas, la réalité c'est que j'ai été condamné à de la prison ferme avec mandat de dépôt
alors que j'ai pas encore eu le temps de faire appel, alors qu'on n'est même pas dans du pénal mais du droit de la presse, c'est-à-dire la 17ème chambre
cette hystérie est assez étrange
ce qui est intéressant de remarquer c'est que ça tombe au même moment où assange se fait arrêter, donc ça pourrait faire un parallèle que pourrait faire remarquer Juan Branco, qu'on voit beaucoup s'agiter en ce moment
et aussi le jour même où macron doit ce soir prononcer le "discours de la dernière chance" pour répondre à la colère des gilets jaunes
soit il proposera réellement des mesures et qu'il se prendra dans la gueule l'état profond, parce qu'il n'a pas été élu pour ça, soit il proposera rien et il se prendra dans la gueule la colère encore aggravée des gilets jaunes
donc il est dans une très très mauvaise posture
après il faut préciser que j'ai été condamné, pour quoi ?
j'ai été condamné au départ pour un dessin humoristique d'esprit "Charlie" qui parodiait un dessin de Charlie Hebdo (3min17)
dessin qui n'est pas de moi, publié sur un site dont je ne suis ni le directeur de la publication ni le rédacteur en chef
mais ça, comme dirait l'autre, ce sont des "points de détail"
alors ce qu'on pourrait faire remarquer c'est pourquoi je ne suis jamais attaqué sur mes livres, parce qu'il faudrait qu'ils apprennent que j'écris des livres, ou sur analyses, notamment dans mes vidéos, qui elles sont très précises et circonstanciées
on ne m'attaque jamais là-dessus
on essaie même de faire oublier que j'ai écrit plus de 10 livres, traduits dans plusieurs langues, assez sérieux, notamment "Comprendre l'Empire"
Donc tout ça c'est des pistes de compréhension
Peut-être que mes réels écrits et mon réel travail sont difficilement attaquables
Donc on m'attaque de côté, si je puis dire, voire par derrière
Ce qui est intéressant c'est que mon avocat a été lui aussi condamné, ce qui est une atteinte caractéristée au droit de la défense
c'est-à-dire que là on attaque vraiment les fondements du droit occidental, de l'habeas corpus
il a été condamné pour m'avoir défendu, en réalité, et ne pas m'avoir conseillé, je dirais, de me prosterner, puisque c'est ce qui est demandé par les juges à chaque procès,
c'est que je fasse acte de contrition devant les parties civiles... les parties civiles, vous savez qui c'est.
toutes les épigones, toutes les succursales du CRIF, et rien d'autre, voilà
Si on réfléchit bien, j'ai donc été condamné pour blasphème, j'ai blasphémé ... enfin j'ai pas blasphémé, j'ai laissé blasphémer sur le site..., et je rappelle que, comme on l'a déjà dit plusieurs fois avec mon avocat, on nous avait bien dit pourtant que avec l'esprit "je suis charlie", le blasphème était autorisé voire même encouragé
ce qui a été mal précisé, c'est que c'était encouragé contre l'islam et le catholicisme, et pas contre le judaïsme politique
c'est pour ça qu'effectivement je suis condamné aujourd'hui par la justice de la république française au nom du peuple français pour avoir blasphémé une... communauté... dont la stratégie... on y reviendra parce que c'est un de mes chantiers actuels, est de cacher la torah derrière la shoah, c'est-à-dire une persécution historique qu'ils interdisent d'étudier selon les critères de l'histoire, pour cacher en fait un projet de domination théologico-raciale parfaitement inégalitaire
et c'est parce que j'ai rappelé ça à l'audience que ça me vaut non seulement une peine de prison ferme avec mandat de dépôt mais une condamnation qui a été aggravée par rapport à la demande du parquet
déjà le parquet c'est le pouvoir politique, ils avaient demandé 6 mois, les juges ont donné un an
c'est-à-dire qu'il y a eu surenchère, ce qui est assez rare
et je rappelle, tout ça pour un intellectuel français qui produit des analyses politiques et qui est président d'une association qui s'appelle égalité et réconciliation dont un des objets est de lutter contre le communautarisme et l'éclatement de la france en communautés rivales et en communauté victimaires
face à moi j'ai des gens dont les mamelles sont historiquement peuple élu et terre promise
avec derrière, ce que ça donne... vengeance inextinguible... dette éternelle... et plomb durci
il suffit de regarder du côté d'israel pour voir ce que ça donne en terme de travaux pratiques
donc qu'est-ce qu'on peut dire...
on peut dire que cette condamnation nous rappelle les heures les plus sombres effectivement,
mais les heures les plus sombres de l'occupation et de la collaboration
pour l'occupation il suffit de regarder le dernier dîner du CRIF et de voir notamment quelqu'un qui officiellement ne représente rien, puisque président d'une associaiton communautaire minuscule et minoritaire dans un pays qui ne reconnaît pas les communautés, j'ai bien donné le CRIF et monsieur Kalifat, qui lève le bras de force de notre président par interim, Macron
qui faisait d'ailleurs un peu la gueule
je crois d'ailleurs que tout ça devrait être assez clair notamment pour les collabos,
du côté des collabos on peut ranger Ardisson par exemple, qui n'arrête pas d'être choqué que je ne sois pas mis en prison pour sans doute se faire pardonner son passé que j'ai rappelé plusieurs fois... de ... judéophobe carabiné et révisionniste érudit
là-dessus il n'a jamais répondu, il ne peut pas
ou alors un Nolleau, qui avait co-signé un livre avec moi, qui après m'avoir lâché au tribunal, se retrouve aujourd'hui à servir de caution pseudo-intellectuelle au tout-puissant Hanouna
Hanouna, qui est notre nouveau commissaire politique préposé à la beaufitude
voilà, il en faut un dans chaque catégorie
alors oui, aussi, il faut signaler Marianne, de la nouvelle directrice de la publication, rédactrice en chef, Pollony, qui se déguise de plus en plus en sous-maîtresse SM, on ne sait pas trop ce qu'elle veut essayer d'exprimer par là
et effectivement, qui s'est fendue par l'intermédiaire d'un de ses journalistes membres du Grand Orient, du GO, d'un article délirant à charge, gavé d'inexactitude, de fautes d'orthographes et de diffamation caractérisée, et dont l'objet critique(?) était sans doute sur commande, de rendre acceptable par le public ma condamnation pour prison ferme
si vous n'avez pas compris pourquoi cet article délirant, c'est pour ça
c'est me salir au maximum, sachant que je n'ai plus de droit de réponse depuis déjà dix ans, pour que les gens puissent accepter qu'un intellectuel écrivain, journaliste, président d'une assocation qui s'appelle égalité et réconciliation, soit mis en prison parce qu'il critique un pouvoir profond de plus en plus visible et qui d'ailleurs ne se cache de moins en moins
il n'y a qu'à voir la dernière affaire finkelkraut, le dernier diner du CRIF, les sorties de Meyer Habib, etc, etc, etc
alors qu'est-ce que cette condamnation à la prison ferme va me faire changer ?
bien évidemment rien du tout ça, fait 15 ans que je tiens tête à ce pouvoir, ce n'est pas pour arrêter maintenant
simplement j'ai décidé maintenant de ne jamais sortir sans ma brosse à dents, au cas où je serais interpelé, comme ça peut arriver intempestivement... on m'a dit, effectivement, que c'est très agréable quand on est embastillé d'avoir prévu une brosse à dents
je sortirai dorénavent avec ce petit sésame
pour le reste je vais continuer à faire le boulot, et je vais rappeler qu'aucun de nos opposants politiques sérieux dans l'histoire n'a échappé à la prison
ce dont il faut s'étonner c'est pas que je sois foutu en prison, c'est que des gens qui prétendent combattre le système, l'ordre bourgeois, frontalement, comme des ... besancenot, des ruffin,
eux ne sont jamais menacés en rien du tout
je rappelle que, de Gramsci à Mandela, sans même oublier Staline et Hitler, tous les opposants politiques sérieux, dont ceux qui ont fini par prendre le pouvoir, sont passés par la prison ferme
donc je trouve ça bien évidemment violent et injuste, mais politiquement cohérent
ça prouve, comme je le dis souvent, que je ne m'attaque pas à un faux pouvoir
je m'attaque au vrai pouvoir, car le vrai pouvoir c'est celui qui a les moyens de vous punir
pas seulement de vous critiquer, mais de vous ruiner et de vous embastiller
c'est ce qui se passe actuellement
Car au-delà et en-dehors de cette condamnation à de la prison ferme, j'ai encore plusieurs autres procès en cours, où on me demande des 82500 euros... l'association, la maison d'édition, le site...
Et où les parties civiles sont carrément monsieur Jakubowicz, je rappelle, l'avocat menteur revendiqué de l'assassin pédocriminel Nordahl Lelandais
Et aussi je crois aussi le petit Klugman, et aussi le maître Malka
c'est-à-dire que là je suis attaqué par la crème de la crème
au-dessus c'est directement jugé à Jérusalem... parce que la prochaine fois ça sera à Jérusalem, on se rapproche du procès Eichmann
Donc je risque effectivement prochainement d'aller en prison et je le dis solennellement j'y attends tous les opposants en carton, les Ruffin, les Branco, les Lapierre, que le système a récemment mis en place pour remplacer les très usés Besancenot et les peu crédibles Mélenchon, pour répondre à la colère montante des gilets jaunes, en voie, comme le disent les médias actuels, de "soralisation"
je ne suis pas sûr que cet embastillement va faire baisser la "soralisation des esprits" et des gilets jaunes
voilà, donc j'invite toute cette nouvelle opposition contrôlée à s'exprimer et à se scandaliser de mon prochain embastillement
et aussi peut-être d'avoir le courage de s'en prendre au vrai pouvoir c'est-à-dire à la dictature du CRIF et à ce qu'elle incarne
merci à tous et peut-être à bientôt
Joe is correct - the time and timeline of events was Posted early in the thread.

Question I have - "Why did it take 50 minutes for the fire dept. to arrive AND why a full hour from the time the fire was reported -
for the French president’s office to state - "Macron is rushing to the scene?"

One could get the impression - the fire was "allowed" to intensify - so Macron could make a Grand Entrance, in a pre-mediated script?
The Cathedral fire is now taking center stage (Globally) and the YV protests are being drowned out and taking a back seat? Macron will go down in History books, as the esteemed French President, who was given the task of "rebuilding Notre-Dame" and not the lazy oppressive dictator - he is?
Here's another report on the first alarm initiated at 6:20 p.m. on Monday night. The article states that nothing was found at the 6:20 mark:

PARIS—An alarm was raised at Notre Dame at 6:20 p.m. on Monday night—23 minutes before the structure was engulfed in flames—but officials found no sign of a fire.

Firefighters who responded to a second alert raced to the scene but were unable to tame an inferno that ripped through the 12th century cathedral for the next 9 hours.

Skipping down:

Paris public prosecutor Rémy Heitz announced on Tuesday that a full investigation would uncover how a massive fire was allowed to gut the cathedral.

“What we know at this stage is that there was an initial alarm at 6:20 p.m., followed by a procedure to verify this but no fire as found,” Heitz explained. “Then, there was a second alarm at 6:43 p.m. and at that point a fire was detected in the structure.”

Skipping Down:

Investigators from the Paris public prosecutor’s office launched an investigation into what is for now being called “the unintentional destruction by fire.” They have identified and interviewed some of the construction workers who had been working on the €6 million ($6.8 million), four-year renovation project, which began last April.

“The investigation is going to be long and complex,” he added. “We are in the process of interviewing witnesses.”

According to Heitz, some five different construction companies were involved in the ongoing restoration of the cathedral's iconic spire.

The work was being overseen by Le Bras Frères, a company headquartered west of the French city of Metz. Founded in 1954, Le Bras Frères specializes in the restoration of historic monuments. Prior to the start of the Notre Dame project, the company had already worked on several of France's historical churches, including those in Amiens, Reims, and Poitiers.

Last edited:
Saw it as it was happening. Found the whole thing heart breaking.

So, they were having trouble raising funds to renovate the church.

This caught my eye - I remember hearing that one thing that predicts economic downturns/recessions is that of insurance claims due to fire.
It was 'common practice' in other recessions to burn a failing business to the ground to claim on the insurance.

Declining international trade and consequent reduction in export and imports have resulted in inflated inventories and consequent redundancy of work force has increased job loss claims. Reduced international trade has also impacted marine cargo and marine hull insurance businesses and premium incomes have dropped substantially.

There are other issues too to ponder. Insurance industry is likely to see multiple bad moral hazard cases as depressed market conditions may lead to payment defaults and corporate frauds. Such situation stimulates claims on fire losses, business interruption losses and losses arising out of Directors’ and Officers’ liability litigation. Madoff and Satyam Computers are two recent examples to prove the point.

On that note, I wonder if this is perhaps not the case? That of insurance fraud/drumming up funds to repair the church?
That the fire took so fast was perhaps a miscalculation (and part of the symbolism)?
That 'the heart of France' was gutted, could be symbolic of the economic situation in general. Not to mention that of greed, corruption, materialism and nihilism - the lack of transcendence and meaning.
Not just in France either, but most of the West.

Greed and corruption may explain the time the fire fighter took to get their too.

A person in The Notre Dame while it is burning.
Logically speaking, who could it be? Could it be a fire fighter? I noticed the head seems to be silver/reflective.
They also seem to be wearing a florescent jacket.
Here are some firefighters from Paris:
That's just so sad. I think whatever happened there, the symbolism is very powerful. The old world is in flames, a new world is coming. And the new world is both utterly depressing, and it will crush many people, but it is also the beginning of something better and will lift other people up.

Notre Dame is a symbol for human potential and aspirations, for spiritual union with the Higher Planes, but ALSO a symbol of oppression and authoritarian thought-policing - up in flames. Macron and gang are part of the forces that want to crush and stamp out our higher aspirations. And that's the reality they create and that many find themselves in. In that sense, Macron is right speaking of a "Renaissance", but what he actually means is a brave new world. At the same time, those forces generate an opportunity for the emergence of a very different new world - where a burning Notre Dame fuels the higher aspirations in people to see beyond the curtain and step beyond both traditional religions AND materialist satanism gripping our world.

Anyway, some thoughts I had when I saw this great monument burning.
edit : better translation (of the previous post)

Video with google translate :

let's be precise

alain soral sentenced for denial to one year in prison with arrest warrant (afp)

The far-right essayist Alain Soral was sentenced Monday by the Paris Criminal Court to one year in prison with an arrest warrant for challenging the existence of the Holocaust.

Soral, whose real name Alain Bonnet, 60, was convicted for publishing on his website contentious conclusions of his lawyer in another case, was not present at the reading of the deliberations.
His counsel, Damien Viguier, was sentenced to 5,000 euros fine for complicity, because of the content of these conclusions.

The court went beyond the prosecutor's requisitions.

So what can I add to the reading of this judgment?
First of all, that judgment was rendered by four women, ... there are no more men in the courts?
We could ask for parity, I do not know if it would change much, given the general feminization, but it's still worth pointing out.
And especially that I am sentenced for the first time to the prison with a warrant de depot, so that means that we ask that I be embastillé, which is quite strange since it is a judgment in first instance.
I will of course appeal, so there is a kind of legal vagueness
I think that we are no longer really in a state of law, and the AFP passes on the judgments even before they are transmitted to us
it is clear that there is no respect for the procedures since I believe that FIP [a radio] has already announced that I was appealing while it is not even done yet
which means ...
the media that systematically relay the briefs of the AFP allow to say just about anything and everything
in any case, the reality is that I was sentenced to imprisonment with a warrant of detention
whereas I have not yet had time to appeal, even though we are not even in criminal law but in the press, ie the 17th chamber
this hysteria is quite strange
what is interesting to note is that it falls at the same time that assange is stopped, so it could be a parallel that could point to Juan Branco, we see him talking everywhere right now
and also the same day that macron is to give the "last chance speech" tonight to respond to the anger of the yellow vests
either he will really propose measures and he will take in the mouth the deep state, because he was not elected for that, either he will propose nothing and he will take in the mouth the anger still aggravated of the jackets yellows
so he is in a very very bad posture

moreover, it must be said that I was sentenced for what?
I was sentenced initially for a witty cartoon like the ones of "Charlie" parodying a drawing of Charlie Hebdo (3min17)
A drawing that is not mine, published on a site [égalité&réconciliation] of which I am neither the director of the publication nor the editor-in-chief
but that, as the other would say, are "points of detail"
so what we could point out is why I'm never attacked on my books, because they would have to learn that I write books, and analyzes, especially in my videos, which they are very precise and detailed
I'm never attacked on that
they even try to make forget that I wrote more than 10 books, translated into several languages, quite serious, including "Understanding the Empire"
So all that, is tracks of understanding
Maybe my real writings and my real work are difficult to attack
So I'm attacked sideways, if we can say, or even from behind

What is interesting is that my lawyer was also convicted, which is a characterized breach of the right of defense
that is to say that we really attack the foundations of Western law, habeas corpus
he was convicted for having defended me, in fact, and not to have advised me, I would say, to prostrate myself, since that is what is demanded by the judges at each trial,
they ask that I make a show of contrition before the civil parties ... the civil parties, you know who it is.
all the epigones, all the branches of the CRIF [zionists], and nothing else

If we think carefully, I was sentenced for blasphemy, I blasphemed ... well, I did not blaspheme, I let blaspheming on the site ..., and I remind you that, as we have already said several times with my lawyer, we were told yet that with the spirit "I am charlie", blasphemy was allowed or even encouraged
what was poorly specified was that it was encouraged against Islam and Catholicism, not against political Judaism
that is why I am condemned today by the justice of the French Republic on behalf of the French people for having blasphemed a ... community ... whose strategy ... - we will come back to it because it is one of my current projects,- their current strategy is to hide the torah behind the shoah, that is to say a historical persecution that forbids to study according to the criteria of the history, to hide in fact a project of theologic domination -racial perfectly unequal
and that's because I recalled that at the hearing that it's worth to me not only a prison sentence with a warrant of committal but a sentence that has been aggravated by the prosecutor's request.
already the prosecution is the political power, they asked for 6 months, the judges gave a year
that is, there was an overbid, which is quite rare

and I remember, all this for a French intellectual who produces political analysis and who is president of an association called Egalité & réconciliation , one of whose objects is to fight against communitarianism and the breakup of France in rival communities and in victimary communities
in front of me I have people whose two udders are, "chosen people" and "promised land"
with behind, what it gives ... unquenchable revenge ... eternal debt ... and hardened lead
just look at israel to see what it gives in terms of practical work

so what can we say ...
we can say that this conviction reminds us of the darkest hours indeed,
but the darkest hours of occupation and collaboration
for the occupation just look at the last dinner of the CRIF and see including someone who officially does not represent anything, since president of a tiny and minority community association in a country that does not recognize communities, I have CRIF and Mr. Kalifat, who we saw lifting by force the arm of our acting president, Macron ( video :
who was also made a face , (he was not really happy)

I also think that all this should be quite clear especially for the collabos,
on the side of the collaborators we can put away Ardisson [a french well-known TV presenter] for example, who does not stop being shocked that I am not put in jail to undoubtedly be forgiven his past which I recalled several times ... of ... Judeophobic rifleman and revisionist scholar
on that he never answered, he can not answer

or else a Naulleau, who had co-signed a book with me, who after having let me go to court, finds himself today serving as a pseudo-intellectual surety to the all-powerful Hanouna
Hanouna, who is our new political commissioner for the beaufitude [rednecks attitude]
voilà, you need one (collabo) in each category

so yes, too, we must mention [the journal] Marianne, the new editor, editor-in-chief, Pollony [a well known anti-government journalist], who is disguised more and more as sub-master SM [sadomasochistic], we do not really know what she wants to try to express that way
and indeed, who did , despite herself , through one of his journalists who are members of the Grand Orient, the GO, a delusional article, filled with inaccuracy, misspellings and defamation, and whose critical object (?) was probably on order, to make acceptable to the public my conviction for prison

if you do not understand why there was this delusional article, now you understand
it is to dirty me to the maximum, knowing that I have more right of answer for already ten years, so that people can accept that an intellectual writer, journalist, president of an association which is called Egalité & reconciliation , either put in jail because he criticizes a deep state more and more visible and which moreover is hidden less and less

there is only to see the last case Finkelkraut [Finkelkraut was rejected from a yellow vests protest], the last dinner of the CRIF, the outputs of Meyer Habib, etc., etc., etc.
so what does this prison sentence make me change?
obviously nothing at all that, is 15 years that I stand up to this power, it is not to stop now
I just decided now to never go out without my toothbrush, in case I get stuck, as it can happen unexpectedly ... I was told, actually, that it's very nice when we are embastillé [jailed, like in the Bastille prison] have planned a toothbrush
I will go out now with this little sesame

for the rest I will continue to do the job, and I will remind you that none of our serious political opponents in history have escaped prison
what is surprising is not that I'm fucked in jail, it's that people who claim to fight the system, the bourgeois order, frontally, like ... besancenot, ruffin,
they are never threatened in anything at all

I recall that from Gramsci to Mandela, without even forgetting Stalin and Hitler, all the serious political opponents, including those who finally came to power, went through the prison
so I find it obviously violent and unfair, but politically coherent
it proves, as I often say, that I do not attack a false power
I'm attacking the real power, because the real power is the one who has the means to punish you
not only to criticize you, but to ruin and jail you
this is what is happening now

Because beyond and beyond this sentence to prison, I still have several other lawsuits in progress, where I am asked for 82500 euros ... the association, the publishing house, the site. ..
And where the plaintiffs are plainly Mr Jakubowicz, I recall, the claimed liar lawyer of the pedophile murderer Nordahl Lelandais
And I also believe the little Klugman, and also the master Malka
that is to say that I am attacked by the cream of the cream
above it is judged directly in Jerusalem ... because next time it will be in Jerusalem, we are getting closer to the Eichmann trial

So I'm likely to go to prison soon and I solemnly say I'm expecting all the cardboard opponents, the Ruffin, Branco, Lapierre [youtube : "le média pour tous", he worked with Soral before], that the system has recently put in place to replace the very worn Besancenot and the Melenchon, to respond to the rising anger of yellow vests, on track, as the current media say, "soralisation"
I am not sure that this embastissement will bring down the "soralisation of spirits" and of yellow vests

voilà, so I invite all this new controlled opposition to express themselves and to be scandalized by my next imprisonment
and perhaps also to have the courage to take on the real power of the dictatorship of the CRIF and what it embodies
thank you all and maybe see you soon

In french :

"soyons précis

alain soral condamné pour négationnisme à un an de prison ferme avec mandat d'arrêt (afp)

L'essayiste d'extrême droite Alain Soral a été condamné lundi par le tribunal correctionnel de Paris à un an de prison ferme assorti d'un mandat d'arrêt, pour contestation de l'existence de la Shoah.

Soral, de son vrai nom Alain Bonnet, 60 ans, a été condamné pour avoir publié sur son site des conclusions litigieuses de son avocat dans une autre affaire, n'était pas présent à la lecture du délibéré.
Son conseil, Damien Viguier, a été condamné à 5 000 euros d'amende pour complicité, en raison du contenu de ces conclusions.

Le tribunal est allé au-delà des réquisitions du parquet.

Donc qu'est-ce que je peux ajouter à la lecture de ce jugement ?
D'abord que ce jugement a été rendu par 4 femmes, ... il n'y a plus d'hommes dans les tribunaux ?
On pourrait demander la parité, je ne sais pas si ça changerait grand chose, vu la féminisation générale, mais c'est quand même à faire remarquer.
Et surtout que je suis condamné pour la première fois à de la prison ferme avec mandat de dépot, donc ça veut dire qu'on demande que je sois embastillé, ce qui est assez étrange puisque c'est un jugement en première instance.
je vais bien sûr faire appel, alors là il y a un espèce de flou juridique
je pense qu'on n'est plus vraiment dans un état de droit, et l'AFP répercute les jugements avant même qu'ils nous soient transmis
on voit bien qu'il n'y a aucun respect des procédures puisque je crois que FIP a déjà annoncé que je faisais appel alors que c'est même pas encore fait
c'est-à-dire que ...
les médias qui relaient systématiquement les brèves de l'AFP se permettent de dire à peu près tout et n'importe quoi
en tout cas, la réalité c'est que j'ai été condamné à de la prison ferme avec mandat de dépôt
alors que j'ai pas encore eu le temps de faire appel, alors qu'on n'est même pas dans du pénal mais du droit de la presse, c'est-à-dire la 17ème chambre
cette hystérie est assez étrange
ce qui est intéressant de remarquer c'est que ça tombe au même moment où assange se fait arrêter, donc ça pourrait faire un parallèle que pourrait faire remarquer Juan Branco, qu'on voit beaucoup s'agiter en ce moment
et aussi le jour même où macron doit ce soir prononcer le "discours de la dernière chance" pour répondre à la colère des gilets jaunes
soit il proposera réellement des mesures et qu'il se prendra dans la gueule l'état profond, parce qu'il n'a pas été élu pour ça, soit il proposera rien et il se prendra dans la gueule la colère encore aggravée des gilets jaunes
donc il est dans une très très mauvaise posture
après il faut préciser que j'ai été condamné, pour quoi ?
j'ai été condamné au départ pour un dessin humoristique d'esprit "Charlie" qui parodiait un dessin de Charlie Hebdo (3min17)
dessin qui n'est pas de moi, publié sur un site dont je ne suis ni le directeur de la publication ni le rédacteur en chef
mais ça, comme dirait l'autre, ce sont des "points de détail"
alors ce qu'on pourrait faire remarquer c'est pourquoi je ne suis jamais attaqué sur mes livres, parce qu'il faudrait qu'ils apprennent que j'écris des livres, ou sur analyses, notamment dans mes vidéos, qui elles sont très précises et circonstanciées
on ne m'attaque jamais là-dessus
on essaie même de faire oublier que j'ai écrit plus de 10 livres, traduits dans plusieurs langues, assez sérieux, notamment "Comprendre l'Empire"
Donc tout ça c'est des pistes de compréhension
Peut-être que mes réels écrits et mon réel travail sont difficilement attaquables
Donc on m'attaque de côté, si je puis dire, voire par derrière
Ce qui est intéressant c'est que mon avocat a été lui aussi condamné, ce qui est une atteinte caractéristée au droit de la défense
c'est-à-dire que là on attaque vraiment les fondements du droit occidental, de l'habeas corpus
il a été condamné pour m'avoir défendu, en réalité, et ne pas m'avoir conseillé, je dirais, de me prosterner, puisque c'est ce qui est demandé par les juges à chaque procès,
c'est que je fasse acte de contrition devant les parties civiles... les parties civiles, vous savez qui c'est.
toutes les épigones, toutes les succursales du CRIF, et rien d'autre, voilà
Si on réfléchit bien, j'ai donc été condamné pour blasphème, j'ai blasphémé ... enfin j'ai pas blasphémé, j'ai laissé blasphémer sur le site..., et je rappelle que, comme on l'a déjà dit plusieurs fois avec mon avocat, on nous avait bien dit pourtant que avec l'esprit "je suis charlie", le blasphème était autorisé voire même encouragé
ce qui a été mal précisé, c'est que c'était encouragé contre l'islam et le catholicisme, et pas contre le judaïsme politique
c'est pour ça qu'effectivement je suis condamné aujourd'hui par la justice de la république française au nom du peuple français pour avoir blasphémé une... communauté... dont la stratégie... on y reviendra parce que c'est un de mes chantiers actuels, est de cacher la torah derrière la shoah, c'est-à-dire une persécution historique qu'ils interdisent d'étudier selon les critères de l'histoire, pour cacher en fait un projet de domination théologico-raciale parfaitement inégalitaire
et c'est parce que j'ai rappelé ça à l'audience que ça me vaut non seulement une peine de prison ferme avec mandat de dépôt mais une condamnation qui a été aggravée par rapport à la demande du parquet
déjà le parquet c'est le pouvoir politique, ils avaient demandé 6 mois, les juges ont donné un an
c'est-à-dire qu'il y a eu surenchère, ce qui est assez rare
et je rappelle, tout ça pour un intellectuel français qui produit des analyses politiques et qui est président d'une association qui s'appelle égalité et réconciliation dont un des objets est de lutter contre le communautarisme et l'éclatement de la france en communautés rivales et en communauté victimaires
face à moi j'ai des gens dont les mamelles sont historiquement peuple élu et terre promise
avec derrière, ce que ça donne... vengeance inextinguible... dette éternelle... et plomb durci
il suffit de regarder du côté d'israel pour voir ce que ça donne en terme de travaux pratiques
donc qu'est-ce qu'on peut dire...
on peut dire que cette condamnation nous rappelle les heures les plus sombres effectivement,
mais les heures les plus sombres de l'occupation et de la collaboration
pour l'occupation il suffit de regarder le dernier dîner du CRIF et de voir notamment quelqu'un qui officiellement ne représente rien, puisque président d'une associaiton communautaire minuscule et minoritaire dans un pays qui ne reconnaît pas les communautés, j'ai bien donné le CRIF et monsieur Kalifat, qui lève le bras de force de notre président par interim, Macron
qui faisait d'ailleurs un peu la gueule
je crois d'ailleurs que tout ça devrait être assez clair notamment pour les collabos,
du côté des collabos on peut ranger Ardisson par exemple, qui n'arrête pas d'être choqué que je ne sois pas mis en prison pour sans doute se faire pardonner son passé que j'ai rappelé plusieurs fois... de ... judéophobe carabiné et révisionniste érudit
là-dessus il n'a jamais répondu, il ne peut pas
ou alors un Nolleau, qui avait co-signé un livre avec moi, qui après m'avoir lâché au tribunal, se retrouve aujourd'hui à servir de caution pseudo-intellectuelle au tout-puissant Hanouna
Hanouna, qui est notre nouveau commissaire politique préposé à la beaufitude
voilà, il en faut un dans chaque catégorie
alors oui, aussi, il faut signaler Marianne, de la nouvelle directrice de la publication, rédactrice en chef, Pollony, qui se déguise de plus en plus en sous-maîtresse SM, on ne sait pas trop ce qu'elle veut essayer d'exprimer par là
et effectivement, qui s'est fendue par l'intermédiaire d'un de ses journalistes membres du Grand Orient, du GO, d'un article délirant à charge, gavé d'inexactitude, de fautes d'orthographes et de diffamation caractérisée, et dont l'objet critique(?) était sans doute sur commande, de rendre acceptable par le public ma condamnation pour prison ferme
si vous n'avez pas compris pourquoi cet article délirant, c'est pour ça
c'est me salir au maximum, sachant que je n'ai plus de droit de réponse depuis déjà dix ans, pour que les gens puissent accepter qu'un intellectuel écrivain, journaliste, président d'une assocation qui s'appelle égalité et réconciliation, soit mis en prison parce qu'il critique un pouvoir profond de plus en plus visible et qui d'ailleurs ne se cache de moins en moins
il n'y a qu'à voir la dernière affaire finkelkraut, le dernier diner du CRIF, les sorties de Meyer Habib, etc, etc, etc
alors qu'est-ce que cette condamnation à la prison ferme va me faire changer ?
bien évidemment rien du tout ça, fait 15 ans que je tiens tête à ce pouvoir, ce n'est pas pour arrêter maintenant
simplement j'ai décidé maintenant de ne jamais sortir sans ma brosse à dents, au cas où je serais interpelé, comme ça peut arriver intempestivement... on m'a dit, effectivement, que c'est très agréable quand on est embastillé d'avoir prévu une brosse à dents
je sortirai dorénavent avec ce petit sésame
pour le reste je vais continuer à faire le boulot, et je vais rappeler qu'aucun de nos opposants politiques sérieux dans l'histoire n'a échappé à la prison
ce dont il faut s'étonner c'est pas que je sois foutu en prison, c'est que des gens qui prétendent combattre le système, l'ordre bourgeois, frontalement, comme des ... besancenot, des ruffin,
eux ne sont jamais menacés en rien du tout
je rappelle que, de Gramsci à Mandela, sans même oublier Staline et Hitler, tous les opposants politiques sérieux, dont ceux qui ont fini par prendre le pouvoir, sont passés par la prison ferme
donc je trouve ça bien évidemment violent et injuste, mais politiquement cohérent
ça prouve, comme je le dis souvent, que je ne m'attaque pas à un faux pouvoir
je m'attaque au vrai pouvoir, car le vrai pouvoir c'est celui qui a les moyens de vous punir
pas seulement de vous critiquer, mais de vous ruiner et de vous embastiller
c'est ce qui se passe actuellement
Car au-delà et en-dehors de cette condamnation à de la prison ferme, j'ai encore plusieurs autres procès en cours, où on me demande des 82500 euros... l'association, la maison d'édition, le site...
Et où les parties civiles sont carrément monsieur Jakubowicz, je rappelle, l'avocat menteur revendiqué de l'assassin pédocriminel Nordahl Lelandais
Et aussi je crois aussi le petit Klugman, et aussi le maître Malka
c'est-à-dire que là je suis attaqué par la crème de la crème
au-dessus c'est directement jugé à Jérusalem... parce que la prochaine fois ça sera à Jérusalem, on se rapproche du procès Eichmann
Donc je risque effectivement prochainement d'aller en prison et je le dis solennellement j'y attends tous les opposants en carton, les Ruffin, les Branco, les Lapierre, que le système a récemment mis en place pour remplacer les très usés Besancenot et les peu crédibles Mélenchon, pour répondre à la colère montante des gilets jaunes, en voie, comme le disent les médias actuels, de "soralisation"
je ne suis pas sûr que cet embastillement va faire baisser la "soralisation des esprits" et des gilets jaunes
voilà, donc j'invite toute cette nouvelle opposition contrôlée à s'exprimer et à se scandaliser de mon prochain embastillement
et aussi peut-être d'avoir le courage de s'en prendre au vrai pouvoir c'est-à-dire à la dictature du CRIF et à ce qu'elle incarne
merci à tous et peut-être à bientôt
I suspect that religious orders have always been assets of the state. And as laws maintain order, militaries protect territories, religions inspire and persuade.

And so religion is the most valued asset, as love and devotion is the most powerful attribute that give a nation character, and a kind of selfless allegiance.

And so all these established institutions mirror our inner constitution, and our nature and state are resonant with each other. And it is natural and as it is meant to be.

But for whatever reason, it is infitrated with nefarious goals, then we are open to being sabotaged in a manner so insidious, that we become self destructive, and TPTB are orchestrating - not in a organized fashion, but a chaotic fashion. And so they need not be masterminds, they merely have to sow chaos and confusion, and as people are dissonant, they are in a blindness of being dissonant - not resonant. And as resonance is the norm, we as a people embodied in humanity have been too reliant on being citizens and not being individual souls. And so this leaves us without a source of direction save for the state, and it is deliberatly sowing confusion.

So, we all have seen the failing of the press and media, and everyone knows the way business runs, but religion, like all other institutions, are assets of the state, and so it is another angle from which the controllers attack us, and it is particularly insidious because we have to first sever ourselves from the false notions maintained in us that is the chaos of the day - by recognizing its contrived nature. All these events occuring in these days are suspect, that alone should cast suspicions as to what is going on. It all stems from the state.

So that is my view. Does it mean 'burn down the government!'? No.

What is going on is instigation. And so the attempt to sway us one way or another into action should be met with: 'wait a moment, let's not jump to conclusions, and think this through'.

So, to deny the instigator the fruition of his scheme means to not let it direct our actions.

And the instigators are restless. They act out of urgency. And commit terrorist acts to rile and anger. And they come at you from many fronts and guises, but they are always trying to stir you into action.
Oak wood, one of the strongest wood in the world.

The live oak is a southern symbol of strength.
Oak wood is very dense making it very heavy
– 55 pounds per cubic foot when dry. In fact, the U.S.S. Constitution reportedly received its nickname, “Old Ironsides,” during the War of 1812 because of its live oak hull. The hull was so tough that cannon balls fired from British war ships literally bounced off it.


(Arranged in order of resistance)
1. Pitch pine
2. Chestnut oak
3. Norway pine
4. Black oak
5. White oak

6. Scarlet oak
7. N. white pine
8. Eastern hemlock
9. Sugar maple

As for the notion that wood is vulnerable to fire, Thibaut insists that it is "neither more nor less than for other materials. All firemen know that if a few inches of wood burn during a fire, it maintains its structural properties longer than other materials, and gives them the time they need to act. Metal, on the other hand, quickly deforms under the effect of heat." As a result, even insurers, who were once reluctant to cover wooden structures, are now becoming convinced.

Beech rots easily and retains tree-ring data only for a short while, whereas oak is rot-resistant and retains tree-ring data for a long time.

The activation energy of spontaneous ignition for Teak wood was 78.23 kJ.mol/1 and for Oak wood was 59.24 kJ.mol-1. The spontaneous ignition temperature for Teak wood was 460 °C and for Oak wood was 450 °C. Thus despite slight difference between spontaneous -ignition temperatures of investigated materials the difference between activation energy of spontaneous -ignition is significant.

To start an OAK PLANK on fire you will need one hell of a fire to begin with. A spark WILL NOT DO IT or HEATING. That is what my literature search leads me to conclude. But I bet in Paris they know exactly what happened but that version will not be on TV.


My take on what happened:
Macron is unable to control the Yellow Vests even with branding them as Anti-Semite. His Rothschild buddies quickly swoop-in to his rescue with their magnificent idea:
- Lets burn down the Notre Dame! Then we will rush in declaring our support - via giving you hundreds of millions of euros we stole from the Frenchies, so you can task the working class slaves to restore Notre Dame. You will then immediately become the center of attention!
After this, anyone - especially the pesky Yellow Vests - who dares to oppose you - the president in the desperate process to restore the Notre Dame - will be branded as
1. Enemy of The Church
2. Satanist
3. Terrorist
Let's see, how many Yellow Vests dare to protest you after this great national tragedy!
On that note, I wonder if this is perhaps not the case? That of insurance fraud/drumming up funds to repair the church?
That the fire took so fast was perhaps a miscalculation (and part of the symbolism)?
That 'the heart of France' was gutted, could be symbolic of the economic situation in general. Not to mention that of greed, corruption, materialism and nihilism - the lack of transcendence and meaning.
Not just in France either, but most of the West.

Greed and corruption may explain the time the fire fighter took to get their too.

Insurers expect France to bear Notre-Dame rebuilding cost
Firefighters work at Notre-Dame Cathedral after a massive fire devastated large parts of the gothic gem in Paris, France April 16, 2019.   REUTERS/Yves Herman
Major European insurers expect France to bear the bulk of the cost of rebuilding the Notre-Dame Cathedral after a fire tore through the eight-centuries-old Paris landmark on Monday.

“It is really going to be up to the French state and benefactors to help to restore and rebuild this,” Robert Read, head of art and private client at Lloyd’s of London insurer Hiscox told Reuters, adding it could take up to 20 years to restore the cathedral.

The cost of repairs and upgrades to the neo-Gothic fronted parliament building on the banks of the River Thames has been estimated at up to $8 billion. French President Emmanuel Macron has said France would launch a fundraising campaign to rebuild Notre-Dame,
which ranks among the finest examples of French Gothic cathedral architecture.

2019-04-16 - Macron’s Eternal Shame
Macron's Eternal Shame - Eurasia Future

Last night should have been a time of humility for the deeply unpopular French President Emmanuel Macron. It was on his watch that his country’s most famous monument, the Notre Dame Cathedral burnt throughout the evening, causing damage that has been described as catastrophic. But rather than express supreme contrition for the fact that the French government had refused to provide adequate funds for the maintenance and repair of the cathedral, once much of Notre Dame was destroyed, Macron started asking the world for money.

France is currently ranked as the seventh largest economy in the world in terms of GDP. It is consistently in the top two or top three wealthiest countries in Europe. And yet, Emmanuel Macron has asked people from throughout the world to donate to fund Notre Dame’s rebuilding. It is abundantly clear that Macron is a man completely without shame.
If a large scale monument burnt down in a poor or developing country, it is entirely conceivable that international funds could and should be raised in order to help rebuild.

But the audacity of a political leader in one of the world’s richest countries asking for money from ordinary people from throughout the world is nothing short of disgusting, despicable and reprehensible. Macron’s shame is compounded by the fact that it was his government’s clear duty of care to maintain the cathedral and self-evidently the French government failed spectacularly.

Because of the importance of Notre Dame to French culture, the honorable thing for Macron to do, would have been to tender his resignation because of the supreme embarrassment to the French people that has been wrought by the burning of Notre Dame. Instead, Macron is now begging the world for money in spite of the fact that France has more than enough money to rebuild Notre Dame. It seems however that Macron would rather spend the money on other pursuits whilst forcing the rest of the world to foot the bill.
Why they didn't use dropping water :water

fell by F(IRE)
In order for In-spire-tion
To tran-spire (that manifest outward)

Yesterday by the fall of the spire the energy of the matrix was altered
This event happened before...three years before the French Revolution...
Expect an interesting 2022

Also 15th April has been a significant-titanic date in the past

There are no coincidences
That's just so sad. I think whatever happened there, the symbolism is very powerful. The old world is in flames, a new world is coming. And the new world is both utterly depressing, and it will crush many people, but it is also the beginning of something better and will lift other people up.

Notre Dame is a symbol for human potential and aspirations, for spiritual union with the Higher Planes, but ALSO a symbol of oppression and authoritarian thought-policing - up in flames. Macron and gang are part of the forces that want to crush and stamp out our higher aspirations. And that's the reality they create and that many find themselves in. In that sense, Macron is right speaking of a "Renaissance", but what he actually means is a brave new world. At the same time, those forces generate an opportunity for the emergence of a very different new world - where a burning Notre Dame fuels the higher aspirations in people to see beyond the curtain and step beyond both traditional religions AND materialist satanism gripping our world.

Anyway, some thoughts I had when I saw this great monument burning.
Imagine they rebuild Notre-Dame with ugly post-modernist art ! :nuts:
edit : better translation (of the previous post)

Video with google translate :

In french :
Decidedly, April 2019 is the month of free-speech firing, arrest and jailing men who dare to speak . This week have seen the diabolical arrest of Assange. Also the whistleblower Chelsea Manning.
Very sad, indeed and very likely symbolic. Not sure whether it was posted previously but I found a definition of "drop dead date" on Wikipedia:

In trade and contract law, a drop dead date is a provision added to a legal or trade act, such as a contract or a court order.[1] Such a provision sets a last-delay date (hence the name drop dead date) past which certain consequences will automatically follow, such as cancelling the contract, taking property or entering a judgment.

In contract law, a typical drop dead date example is the contract for the baking of a birthday cake, where it is implied that a late delivery will constitute a material breach.

In German and Swiss Law, this is called a "Fixgeschäft".
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