Forced to vaccinate 2 year old - how to reduce risks?

Maybe you can show them article like this?
Hi :)

Thank you all for your help! :)

Since my kids have dental operation now in one week, and second kid in two weeks, all vaccination is forbidden, so I've dogged that bullet. :D
After the health check with pediatrician (so I get an attest that kids are allowed to go to operation) no other vaccination appointment was scheduled (I've talked to the nurses and we just changed the appointment from vaccination to checkup) ;D

So my plan is:

School kid:
- is in school and I don't think that they are allowed to sign him out
- plus no vaccination for entering school is mandatory
- plus he will have allergy tests in August (as he has had symptoms of asthma before and he has symptoms of allergies now) so combine all of that I can discard the vaccination on medical bases

Kindergarden kid:
- wait for normal checkup in September with all literature and see what happens then - I have to go to these checkups because the state controls that
- talk with KITA with all literature I can find, and see if they actually report parents

Kosma said:
thank You all for another tips and good words. So far I could succesfully postpone shots at least for a few weeks without bigger problems I think, but this is a tiresome game with many factors to always have in mind ( law exclusions, law interpretations, influencing people, protective considerations)

Echo Blue said:
Today the pressure of compliance is brought to bear on everyone. It's really an insane world we are living in at the moment. Sometimes I can hardly stand it.
Indeed... its a tough challenge.

I know this post reference is a few years old, yet Mari, your seem to be doing the best you can do more recently, and as the bolded part says, there is a lot of pressure.

While traveling home, my partner called to let me know our granddaughter is arriving tomorrow, and she is all but 20 months of age. Before she arrives she is scheduled to receive vaccinations. The parents, like most all parents, are under unjust pressure from all sides and yet they have also read up on the subject. I'm to blame for that part having talked and sent them reading material and hoping it would help lead to new decisions of their making - this was not obviously successful. It's more complicated than that too, as both parents have different opinions, as do the families et al.

Anyway, after the call this wave of deep sadness came over me for my granddaughter, and although by now I should understand the emotional reactions, I was angry, while thinking what can I do. The point is, there is nothing I can do that will not infringe on their free will even though I want to intervene.

I did discuss mitigation measure with my son, however, it is up to them and thus I'm relegated to being an observer. My anger, though, cry's out to those who would dish out all this pressure on young people, to those who know full well of what they are doing and of the science that has been made obscure while the corrupted science is placed on a pedestal. There is plenty of anger to go around to those at the WHO, the policy makers, the revolving door of government and pharma, the physicians who either add pressure because they have to for their very jobs or physicians who don't know but are obliged to know for the health of their patients. This is a large list indeed, so the anger needs to be channeled somehow to do the only thing that can be done, which is to try and add some light to the issue.

Although this is in part a rant, and the steps feel like they go backwards, it's perhaps a plea also to those who may feel the same and can find a better way forward, a better way to support those that fight to bring their scientific work out of obscurity into the light - god knows there is enough evidence in their work.

Thanks for reading and good luck with things, Mari!
things look steady so far
Ehh, not anymore. Seems my mindless ex is subduing herself to increasing propaganda (likely reason : number of people aware on vaccines in Poland has trippled to over 100 000 this year) about alleged measles epidemy - so she is insisting again on vaccinations. Years of psychotropics have made her brain resistant to facts...
Hi Kosma,

I´m sad to hear that.

Are you forced to vaccinate by law or is it only fear because of all propaganda?
If it is the second one, perhaps talking with her again would resolve the problem? Perhaps she is willing to at least give your child VitC and homeopathy to lower the damage...?
Second one, will try my best with convincing her, it's still a few weeks before any final decision. And maybe I've put a little too much anger in that post, but things were complicated for a long time :nuts:
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