Amaterasu Solar
The Force is Strong With This One
Have You ever looked into foundational economics? Foundational economics examines the WHY of Our exchange to survive (trade, barter, work exchange, accounting tokens). This is not taught in schools of economics, which begin with the assumption that money is as much a part of the way things work as rain is. It is not taught because, once We see the foundation of Our use of exchange to survive, it becomes clear that We now have the technology to eliminate this impedance of flow between the vast abundance of this planet and Us Humans who live here. This impedance creates artificial scarcity. It creates poverty, oppression, wage/debt slavery, intrusion, and profiteering (war profiteering, prison profiteering, pharma profiteering, medical profiteering, chemical profiteering, food, water, air profiteering).
And on top of that, it promotes the psychopaths to the top of the money/power heap - They will do ANYTHING to get and keep money/power over Others. Today We see an incredible amount of evidence of psychopathy in control here on this planet - from sodium fluoride (a toxic industrial waste product used in German and Soviet concentration camps to keep prisoners docile) added to many water supplies, allowing the industries producing it to sell it for profit rather than dispose of it as the toxic substance it is, to GMO's loosed into the ecosystem in an effort to take over the food supply on the planet. Toxic vaccines, "geoengineering" with nanoparticulates of toxins such as aluminum, barium and strontium along with biologics and other nasty stuff, rat poison sweetening Our foods (Aspartame), "planned obsolescence" creating HUGE quantities of waste all to ensure profit, fake "news," propaganda, false flags, psyops, lies, false rumors, torture, Agenda 21 and the Codex Alimentarius, the NSA, the TSA, FEMA camps... The list of evidence of psychopathy in control here on this planet is very, very long.
But We CAN change this. We CAN create better on this planet. We can free Humanity from the impedance of a system that accounts for the energy We add into the system that accounts for the energy We add into the system. (A rather redundant thing, eh?) Because the two valid functions of money are to account for Our energy added and to motivate People to do necessary work no One wants to do, it is clear that We can add free energy - and before You scoff, know that I have personal awareness of electrogravitics that offers both gravity control and unlimited extraction of usable energy from the aether/"dark" energy/zero point energy/"vacuum," and which was pulled into black projects in the late 1950's because of its energy extraction capability which threatens the money/power-over-Others system - thereby making energy accounting moot, like accounting for grains of sand. We now can add robotics where We have work that needs to be done that no One WANTS to do, thereby removing the need to account for energy and force/coerce/bribe (pay) People to do things They don't want to do.
This allows the abundance of the planet - and to be sure, one of the psychopaths' lies-for-profit is "scarcity" - to flow to ALL Humans, freeing Us to create as We love to do rather than having to give up that love for a "career." The arts and sciences will burgeon, and Humanity can then allow the sane and not the psychopathic to choose the paths on this planet.
In fact, I propose We eliminate governMENT (controlMIND) - a system of "authority" within "law," which is unnatural, archonic, and very useful to psychopaths - and bring in a natural, stigmergic system within Ethics. Presently, the motive for most unEthical behavior can be traced to money/power-over-Others. Without that motivation, We would see a drastic drop in the breaching of Ethics.
There is a lot more I could write here, but I will offer a link to a collection of My work which includes analyses, details, and proposals:
T.A.P. - You're It!
I hope You choose to read and share awareness that We Humans DO have choices. If enough of Us are aware that We can... We WILL create better on this planet.
Amaterasu Solar
"Revolution in ideas, not blood."
"Did You give an oath and find it's bait and switch? Well, there is no oath then, is there?"
"ALL money systems promote the most psychopathic to the top of the money/power heap - THEY will do ANYTHING to get there."
"The love of money is the root of all evil; remove the soil in which the root grows..."
"If the universe is made of mostly "dark" energy...can We use it to run Our cars?"
"If You want peace, take the PROFIT out of war."
And on top of that, it promotes the psychopaths to the top of the money/power heap - They will do ANYTHING to get and keep money/power over Others. Today We see an incredible amount of evidence of psychopathy in control here on this planet - from sodium fluoride (a toxic industrial waste product used in German and Soviet concentration camps to keep prisoners docile) added to many water supplies, allowing the industries producing it to sell it for profit rather than dispose of it as the toxic substance it is, to GMO's loosed into the ecosystem in an effort to take over the food supply on the planet. Toxic vaccines, "geoengineering" with nanoparticulates of toxins such as aluminum, barium and strontium along with biologics and other nasty stuff, rat poison sweetening Our foods (Aspartame), "planned obsolescence" creating HUGE quantities of waste all to ensure profit, fake "news," propaganda, false flags, psyops, lies, false rumors, torture, Agenda 21 and the Codex Alimentarius, the NSA, the TSA, FEMA camps... The list of evidence of psychopathy in control here on this planet is very, very long.
But We CAN change this. We CAN create better on this planet. We can free Humanity from the impedance of a system that accounts for the energy We add into the system that accounts for the energy We add into the system. (A rather redundant thing, eh?) Because the two valid functions of money are to account for Our energy added and to motivate People to do necessary work no One wants to do, it is clear that We can add free energy - and before You scoff, know that I have personal awareness of electrogravitics that offers both gravity control and unlimited extraction of usable energy from the aether/"dark" energy/zero point energy/"vacuum," and which was pulled into black projects in the late 1950's because of its energy extraction capability which threatens the money/power-over-Others system - thereby making energy accounting moot, like accounting for grains of sand. We now can add robotics where We have work that needs to be done that no One WANTS to do, thereby removing the need to account for energy and force/coerce/bribe (pay) People to do things They don't want to do.
This allows the abundance of the planet - and to be sure, one of the psychopaths' lies-for-profit is "scarcity" - to flow to ALL Humans, freeing Us to create as We love to do rather than having to give up that love for a "career." The arts and sciences will burgeon, and Humanity can then allow the sane and not the psychopathic to choose the paths on this planet.
In fact, I propose We eliminate governMENT (controlMIND) - a system of "authority" within "law," which is unnatural, archonic, and very useful to psychopaths - and bring in a natural, stigmergic system within Ethics. Presently, the motive for most unEthical behavior can be traced to money/power-over-Others. Without that motivation, We would see a drastic drop in the breaching of Ethics.
There is a lot more I could write here, but I will offer a link to a collection of My work which includes analyses, details, and proposals:
T.A.P. - You're It!
I hope You choose to read and share awareness that We Humans DO have choices. If enough of Us are aware that We can... We WILL create better on this planet.
Amaterasu Solar
"Revolution in ideas, not blood."
"Did You give an oath and find it's bait and switch? Well, there is no oath then, is there?"
"ALL money systems promote the most psychopathic to the top of the money/power heap - THEY will do ANYTHING to get there."
"The love of money is the root of all evil; remove the soil in which the root grows..."
"If the universe is made of mostly "dark" energy...can We use it to run Our cars?"
"If You want peace, take the PROFIT out of war."