archangelbob said:
One thing I never see in these lofty and hypothetical discussions, none, is the impact the concept of ownership has on all things in our world.
We can point fingers at the psychopaths, and our corrupted version of the society we share courtesy of those psychopaths.
In these discussions about making the world ‘better’, while there is a nod given to the differentiation between the psychopaths and STS people we meet in the day-to-day and TPTB, there is little emphasis made to the difference between a psychopath on the street and the psychopath who believes he owns the street.
The psychopath on the street we can, if we are clear, aware and educated about the matter, disempower in our lives relatively easily. But that psychopath further up on the food chain, he is different, no? He knows what he owns and he knows how to use that to direct attention and energy to maintain and grow what he owns.
In my view this has been what has distinguished western society from eastern and aboriginal societies, and it is what has enabled western society to ravage the rest of the world. There is a concept and system of ownership that has been promulgated that corrupts everything and everyone who lives within this western and increasingly world society. The titling of property is what allows for growth in our current economic society. If you have property you can get money. If you have a lot of property you can get cheap money.
First, thank You so much for bringing this up. Yes, "ownership" by today's standards is very important, especially in terms of land. Land ownership means more money. In the abundance paradigm, with the need to exchange to survive removed, with "money" no longer the goal and measure of "success," "ownership" of land beyond that which One lives on, becomes moot. "Ownership" boils down to that land One lives on and the things One acquires, has the care of.
Everyone accepts this. Everyone. To do what you suggest one has to grapple with this issue, and I find very few people will. (This doesn’t even address whether or not we are collectively intelligent and informed enough, emotionally stable enough, to actually speak to this issue.)
This issue and the perception of it is what limits the free dissemination of information and the common wealth that one can argue is an inherent part of being alive on Earth. This issue corrupts even the most truly noble among us. It is what keep most people from truly letting go and giving freely, as well as accepting freely (which is at least half of the equation).
Yes, with all scarcity paradigm solutions, I agree. Capitalism, communism, socialism all are scarcity paradigm solutions requiring Human energy input from all able bodies. In the abundance paradigm, these issues become moot.
I’m curious Amaterasu Solar, you said in an earlier post you were not very familiar with the Cassiopaea information, I suppose then you haven’t read much of Laura’s work, i.e.- The Wave series or High Strangeness for example? Have you read any of Carlos Castenada’s books?
Not sure of the exact number, but I have read seven or eight of His book, yes.
There is a point for most people during the study of these or similarly mind-opening work (my meaning here is anything which forces the reader to question the nature of our reality and experience) that one must come face to face with the idea that maybe what they thought about themselves as a human, as well as what was previously believed about the nature of our societal reality, was false, a lie.
LOL! Oh, there was a point of severe discomfort in My life as I realized how much accepted in society was lies.
The idea that perhaps, I do not own myself. In Castenada’s books, he freaks out when his teacher suggests to him that we are owned, in essence - food. Laura describes a similar sense of rage and denial as she read Gurdijeff’s thoughts on this topic (The Wave, Book 2 perhaps?).
Yes, quite familiar with that - from both a "psychic energy" food to actual eating of Human flesh - and I have pondered these possibilities. I arrived at the conclusion that I had no evidence for or against these ideas, that if true I had no way of affecting them, that regardless of these, I see a practical solution to the issues in the scarcity paradigm given the vast abundance of the planet, and that I had My work cut out for Me in sharing it with the world such that global discussion ensued.
How does one know one is free? Where is the proof of your personal and our collective freedom? Do you own you? Do you own land? Do you pay property tax for what you ‘own’ materially? Do you pay a registration fee and give your automobile title to your state?
I own virtually nothing. What would fit in two boxes and a suitcase would sum My possessions. As for freedom... I know when I am NOT free... When I am sitting at a job enriching the few at the top, hating it and wishing I had the time/wherewithal to create as I want. I know that when I had the time/wherewithal to do some amount of creating as is My bliss, I surely felt free. Sitting here in poverty, old and (seemingly) unemployable, unable to create as I would choose... Not free at all.
From My perspective, no One but Me. I withdrew My consent from the present corporate system and its admiralty law, lost the name, and even should I receive compensation for My time/energy, would pay nothing to that system.
I am not just speaking here about some expression of low self-esteem, some self-defeating perception that we’re screwed in this world; I speak literally here.
Do you absolutely know why you have done everything you have ever said or done? I do not.
From My perspective, I would say I know why I have done most things, yes. I chose to do them within the parameters of what was available to choose from. Not saying I have never done anything "mindlessly," for I surely have, but it is rare in My life.
There have been moments in my life where I have done things for others in a spontaneous way, with no forethought or plan, and the result was more beautiful than I could have imagined. On the other hand, there have been moments when I was frightened in a way I could not have imagined and ran like a rabbit. And I did not know why.
I walk without fear. In My youth, I was more timid, and allowed fear in. But I made a Conscious choice to refuse that. Yes, I have done things - lots of things - with seeming spontaneity, but can see that in each case, I evaluated and chose My actions as My heart led Me in a rather gestalt fashion. And yes, in many instances, I have been rewarded magnificently.
Do I own me? It does not feel that way. Day to day, I do what I want. No one owns my decision this afternoon about what I do here at home, I do. And then a moment arrives and I do that which I would not normally do. Again, do I own me?
That I cannot answer for You. [smile]
This is hard-core existentialism that I am speaking about, the perception of which affects everything all of us do with our time and our thoughts and yes, our imagination for a better world.
And you do not address it, regardless of your experience and study of economics. As I said at the beginning of this, no one that I come across really does, at least not much, particularly when the discussion is along these lines.
I see no need to address these things in a practical solution. To what end? And with what data? Given all I have is My subjective experience to draw on and cannot give answers to Others regarding Their perception, where would I go with it?
In the early debates about the structure of law the United States of America would be based upon, the founding of the Library of Congress was intended to store and disseminate for all interested all information. Think about that. There was the idea that everyone had the right to know everything that was known. Copyright law was established at that time to insure that the writers (producers) of information would own their work, the physical work - that is the books and papers and art (as that was all that was being produced then) - would be a source of income for that person who produced it for as long as one could expect to live. And after that, it was common property.
And in the abundance paradigm One owns the credit for the work One does, not corporations. If One tried to take credit for anOther's work, One can easily be shown not to have credit and loses greatly in the social currencies, risking becoming pariah for such. There is no profit in claiming Others' work.
Personally, I think it is a beautiful idea.
And in this scarcity paradigm world, it is an AWESOME idea.
Interesting how such a beautiful concept gets perverted isn’t it?
All for profit.
Anyway, though I appreciate the thoughts and concepts you are sharing Amaterasu Solar, I personally do not feel that one can espouse anything like what you are talking about here. At least not without addressing the massive undertaking it would be to reeducate the entire world some other way to think about ownership. I believe this is the heart of the blank Point #2 Dylan is referring to in his response to you.
Like I said, My work is cut out for Me. But I have studied the tipping point and know that it only takes a small percentage to tip an idea out to where it seems eberyOne is talking about it.
Speak to any owner of a successful business or holder of land. Quickly one realizes the hard rationale that would have to be overcome to affect the sort of change in our society that you imply. Free energy would never be free among a populace so deeply indoctrinated as the one in which we live, if it is ever distributed to the broader population at all.
And if You speak to These, You will be speaking to a very small percentage of Humanity on this planet. It is not These I expect to initially shift the paradigm in. It is the 90+% of Us that scrape merely to survive.
In this world, ownership is the question, and currently, it is the answer to the question of why things are the way they are.
And I addressed that in My previous post... [smile]
But hey! Good luck with wherever your heart is leading you!
Humble thanks. [smile]