Freedom, freely

Things Americans or everyone else should discuss about the elections. Have you really decided that you only have two candidates and who they will be? Unless systems or established form are discussed; It won't mean anything if the hidden hand gives a choice from A to B. Is this really your choice, whether it's Joe Biden or Trump's nomination? did you choose this The real problem is here
I saw two men on Twitter reporting that their followers were illegally and possibly deleted from Twitter. Some of us are moving to a backup and second application called Parler. In addition, facebook, google, youtube are censoring. Have you ever thought about these? For example, we could use the "vk" of the Russians. I can't share news properly on facebook because of the "independent verifier" bullshit from the sott portal.
In Australia, a TV channel called MSM says that eating more than one egg will increase your risk of diabetes by 60%. This is the mass media, and this is propaganda. This is real. This is the USA and every country also exists. Women watch this and feed their children. Think. my mother raised me with the low-fat propaganda your country (USA) and TVs spread. this is a real war. They do this without hiding. Good grains for diabetes?
Increase saturated fat. If vitamin D is 80-100 without any supplements then you are eating right. That's the whole rule.

If vitamin D is normal, B12 max and normal without any supplements, then IR is below 3 and normal, TSH and CRP is low and normal; You are normal, you eat well. Do not take supplements, eat properly.

Nutrition requiring supplements, wrong diet
I made some reviews on this account today. Advice. There is valuable information.
I did not fit some of them, but in general it wouldn't hurt. Well suited for those who are not looking for "strict" orientations. He knows his hormone health well. Many patient experiences and especially female observation are high.

I'm doing this now because I don't trust the doctors. Free health information. If you do not know the health, you need access to the appropriate doctor or network, but that is little. I think that the more health information available in later ages, the more protection it means.

Dr. Jay Wrigley

Functional medical practitioner, speaker, correcting disturbed metabolisms and hormonal imbalance with various low-carb protocols and supplements
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