@Jo Bugman I am also wearing a tin foil hat at this time watching how things unfold. I do support the truckers and their stance against mandates, but once the mandates have been removed, which several provinces seem to be co-coordinating. Whats next, we continue to have the same globalist puppets in power that can enact new legislation, meetings with MLA's in Canada where no public is allowed, so no public input or oversight.
Right now I find it bizarre, in Ottawa it is as though Ottawa has turned into the Canadian version of the Burning Man Festival in the US. All peace love and light, with a christian group walking around the outskirts of the city streets, with the intention of bringing down the walls of Jericho. All this along with music concerts, bouncy castles, free food for all, educational information regarding the virus.
The phrase that is running at the back of my mind is from a movie I watched , the phrase is
The Sleeper Has Awakened. That being said that is exactly what needed to happen to fight against the global totalitarian nightmare. From my understanding of Professor Dessmet, when he explains his theory/hypotheses of Mass Crowd Formation, to flood people with truthful information as an antidote to the psychological social programming of the past 2 years and longer.
I watched a video last night from the Dark Journalist website, he was interviewing CAF, titled It's Happening Global Control Coup. I will post more of my thoughts later in the post. She made a interesting point, with all the satellites and information technology. A trucker convoy, of almost 100 kms long traversing across Canada, and nothing happened, to stop them, their is something very fishy about that IMO.
From the blurb
reveals how the Central Bankers and the Deep State have implemented a worldwide surveillance and transaction tracking infrastructure to harvest humanity physically, financially and spiritually. Catherine sees this as a time to choose between freedom and tyranny and suggests we have a limited time to restore the Constitution and Rule of Law.
Areas Discussed:CBDC Bitcoin UFOs Black Budget Digital Tyranny
She also discusses Truckers and Justin Trudeau briefly. her focus is for the most part related to the US, but let us remember as Canadian's we have a border, but that is only a geographical divide. So what she is explains also pertains to Canada IMO.
A discussion regarding land grabs in the US and how that will impact the introduction of synthetic food.
Another interesting thing she discussed was Bitcoin, she related an experience of one of her members that wanted to liquidate the assets had in Bitcoin, it took him 18 months, the backstory of how he was able claim his assents back is not disclosed, but I think it should give people pause for thought. At time people in the Trucker organization in Canada, after the failure of GoFundMe and GiveSendGo are now talking about Bitcoin as a funding resource.
Another interesting part of the discussion starts at the 40 min mark in the video. She gives and interesting disclosure regarding all the financial software and terms and conditions used throughout the world, this is chilling IMO and should be a must listen, it demonstrates the power of digital systems, it involves almost every country on the planet. There are no borders, where money is transacted in the digital world.
This makes it the easy argument of why using cash is so important at this time...Cash is the key and Cash is King.
Don't want to read like a pessiment, but if we want to face a brave new world, we should be looking at reality right now on the ground and make up our own minds. Not some fantasy by reality creators.