French 2024-2030 military programming law: a sign?

I saw that yesterday, and it's pretty damning if true, eh? Another hint that he was put in place, and that the goal was never to care for the people. I don't know if the French population will have enough at some point or not, but I have a hard time imagining Macron in power until 2027...
I saw a picture of him yesterday, I can't remember where, he's aged and he looks tired. I wonder how the French put up with him. But I also wonder how he manages to put up with everything he's asked to say, do and so on. How he endures to be what he is. It's hard to be an idiot, a liar, harder to be an empty person, and a psycho at the same time. In fact, psycho's like him are pitiable, mad kings like him are pitiable, Pinocchio like him end up not being able to stand this situation of slave, servant of the soul eater, unless they take drugs to forget how mad he is, how mean he is. He'll end up like an old cart, drained of everything. I hope as soon as possible.
I saw a picture of him yesterday, I can't remember where, he's aged and he looks tired. I wonder how the French put up with him. But I also wonder how he manages to put up with everything he's asked to say, do and so on. How he endures to be what he is. It's hard to be an idiot, a liar, harder to be an empty person, and a psycho at the same time. In fact, psycho's like him are pitiable, mad kings like him are pitiable, Pinocchio like him end up not being able to stand this situation of slave, servant of the soul eater, unless they take drugs to forget how mad he is, how mean he is. He'll end up like an old cart, drained of everything. I hope as soon as possible.

A pitiable personn reflect often a pitiable story.

In this case, it's denying his incompetence and using a war to justify the unjustifiable.
No one is fooled, least of all the French, who will demonstrate this on June 9.

Gabriel Attal
March 12
A Russian victory in Ukraine poses a concrete, tangible and direct risk to the daily lives of the French.
If Ukraine loses, the French lose too.
"I spoke out, which obviously upset the host of the Elysée very much. I was told I had two options: either I'd keep quiet until the European elections, at which point everything would be fine with me, or I'd keep talking and I could have a heart attack."
General Coustou makes shock revelations about the death threats he received after speaking out (on Nexus in particular) 😱
Full interview by
Marianne reveals that the French army is not following #Macron on his war with Russia! ⤵
Reactions gathered off the record show how appalled the military look at Macron and wouldn't follow!
➡ "Several French servicemen, for their part, say they've "fallen out of the cupboard". "Let's not kid ourselves, facing the Russians, we're an army of majorettes!" scoffs a senior officer, convinced that sending French troops to the Ukrainian front would simply be "unreasonable"!
Several confidential defense reports, which Marianne has been able to consult, also point to a "critical situation", a far cry from the official rhetoric!
➡ #MacronLeFou must be blocked!
War in Ukraine: the Senate in turn passes the security agreement with Kiev
Article by leJDD
- 1 h -
On Wednesday March 13, the French Senate largely approved the security agreement between France and Ukraine, following in the footsteps of the National Assembly, which had already given the go-ahead the previous day. In the highest chamber of the French parliament, the vote was 293 in favor and 22 against. Although the presidential camp was in the minority in the chamber, approval of the aid was supported by a large majority of senators, with the notable exception of the Communist group. Despite six oppositions and four abstentions, and the expression of many concerns during the discussions, notably about Ukraine's possible membership of NATO, the Republicans overwhelmingly approved the project.

(EN) - URGENT - French regiments are said to be on their way to #Romania, waiting to be deployed in #Ukraine to face the Russian army, notably in #Odessa. We're talking about the 2nd REI from Nîmes, among others. Read more on the Courrier des Stratèges...

Source: TTU – des régiments français seraient en route pour la Roumanie, avant d’aller à Odessa

TTU – des régiments français seraient en route pour la Roumanie, avant d’aller à Odessa​

Emmanuel Macron pourrait le confirmer ce soir lors de son intervention télévisée ce soir (dont Edouard Husson vous fera le compte-rendu). Selon nos informations, des régiments français seraient en route pour la Roumanie. Il s’agirait d’un pré-positionnement dans l’attente d’un déploiement à Odessa.
TTU - French regiments on their way to Romania, before heading for Odessa
Emmanuel Macron could confirm this this evening during his televised speech (which Edouard Husson will report on). According to our information, French regiments are on their way to Romania. The aim is to pre-position them for deployment to Odessa.

I guess it is related to the following info from beginning of March 2024

Macron has decided, unilaterally and without consulting the French Parliament, to move forces from the 1er Régiment Parachutiste d'Infanterie de Marine (1er RPIMA) currently in Africa, to a border zone between Moldavia and Transnistria.
1er RPIMA are part of French Special Forces
FR: 1er régiment de parachutistes d'infanterie de marine — Wikipédia
EN: 1st Marine Infantry Parachute Regiment - Wikipedia
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For those sharing tweets and links, please make sure to explain why you are sharing those, or make comments, etc. The idea here is always to discuss, and for each poster to show at least some understanding and intent behind the post. Otherwise, those links are easily found online without any need to add them here. Thank you very much! As a reminder, please read this:
sure, sorry for not setting the context in my previous thread

It was related to the following points which will likely lead to a further escalation and ties the following elements
  1. Transnistria is calling for the assistance of Russia: Breakaway Transnistria Asks for Russian Aid
  2. French troops will be also deployed in the vicinity: cf. my previous post / quoted above
  3. in yesterday's discourse Macron evoked that what happens in Ukraine is an existential threat for France
  4. The French 2024-2030 military programming law can allow requisition of persons, goods and services within that context
On a quand même un super moment français. L'idée avancée par Candace Owen d'un chantage sur macron pour lui faire faire ça est vraiment pertinente à prendre en compte pour recadrer simplement la complexité du sujet.
J'ai vu passer sur les fils telegram les propos d'un député français qui semblent corroborer les nukes sionistes dont parle les Cs.
Mais les deux camps sont à la manœuvre pour lui mettre la pression.
Le prochain mouvement serait un dévoilement de la preuve que le couple à l'Elysée est une supercherie.
Mais je pense que l'entrée de troupe à l'ouest du territoire ukrainien est le plus probable. Suivi d'un rideau de fer inversé pour un temps.
Jusqu'à ce que les peuples entrent en rébellion,que le pouvoir essaie de réprimer avec une telle violence qu'une partie de l'armée tente un renversement. A ce moment on verra quel est l'équilibre des forces. Y a t'il une organisation de certaines élites prêtes à prendre le pouvoir pour nettoyer le nid et aller vers un renouvellement de la société ou l'effondrement est il inévitable?
Notre regard libre d'anticipation est une force primordiale pour les jours présents. Le sentiment d'impuissance est faux selon ma foi et ma compréhension, donc l'idée c'est de prier avec la meilleure présence-conscience dont on dispose et de voir ce que le Divin Esprit Cosmique formule en réponse.
Ici le soleil est de retour. Avec lui et le moment cosmique de la vague le réel m'est une expérience nouvelle. Vision et conscience de la 4eme densité en approche, April drops date pour le mois prochain?
Amour, foi et espoir.

Still, we have a great French moment. The idea put forward by Candace Owen of blackmailing macron into doing this is really relevant to consider to simply reframe the complexity of the subject.

I saw on telegram feeds the words of a French deputy that seem to corroborate the Zionist nukes the Cs are talking about.

But both sides are maneuvering to put pressure on him.

The next move would be an unveiling of the proof that the couple at the Elysée is a sham.

But I think the entry of troops into western Ukrainian territory is the most likely. Followed by an inverted iron curtain for a while.

Until the people go into rebellion, which the authorities try to suppress with such violence that part of the army attempts an overthrow. Then we'll see what the balance of power is. Is there an organization of certain elites ready to take power to clean out the nest and move towards a renewal of society, or is collapse inevitable?

Our free, anticipatory outlook is a primordial force for the present day. The feeling of powerlessness is false in my faith and understanding, so the idea is to pray with the best presence-consciousness we have and see what the Divine Cosmic Spirit formulates in response.

Here the sun is back. With it and the cosmic moment of the wave, reality is a new experience for me. 4th density vision and consciousness
April drops dates for the next month?
Love, faith and hope
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