Frv modulation and synching

Regarding frv I was doing enaegram test today just for fun and I turned up completely different personality I was few years ago. :wow: In a good sense. It turned I'm 1 and 4 was my ill state. Question 4 u: if you feel different frv describe what's going on, how you feel improvement. Tnx

I also did it for fun, the result tells me that I'm probably type 2 but with a score very close to type 1. It's not so bad to be in between :)
I had an experience last year where I was pulled out of my body in to a light realm that I can only describe as the 6th density. Aggregated living light, bright as my eyes could handle, yet very beautiful to look at. This was almost like an astral projection, but much more vivid and "real"..

I am beginning to realize that the message transmitted to me was actually in relation to FRV and reconfiguring the soul. They told me that I needed to stop slacking and figure out Gravity, of all things.. we know that Gravity is the universal binder, but this term never made much sense to me until now, because the context it was given in wasnt really to do with physics or physicality at all, it was more to do with the soul. When you interact with people and you are activating/stimulating the energy centers, I believe this is some sort of gravitational effect, and that this gravity will anchor you in certain areas, almost increasing the density of these bonds, like you are gravitationally attached to that certain point in time where the anchor was created, and this will in turn manifest in to certain areas in the body, if the experience is negative. When the experience is positive it seems like the gravity has an almost opposite effect and it furthers you forward towards ascension. We have other words to describe these things, karmic attachments/wounds, blockages, etc.. But I really think its gravitational in nature. Doing heavy breathing exercises/throat singing exercises that I have developed myself has released me of several of these anchors and I am beginning to feel much lighter overall. I do not have it all figured out yet, but it was a very significant message in my life, and the experience was something I will never forget. When you look back through your life, you will notice there are memories that have had much more impact than others, almost like bookmarks that you can go back to, its almost like you leave parts of yourself in those exact moments in time, and this just relates to gravity to me, and I cant fully explain why, generally this is just termed karma, or karmic attachments, but I guess the jist of what im saying is that gravity is the actual force being used.

When I do pipe breathing, I do it with much more intensity than shown in the EE program.. and I focus on certain areas where I feel pressure/blockages and try and squeeze the energy out with as much force as my body allows. Its hard to explain but its had a very positive outcome, in some cases I burst out laughing after feeling a blockage being removed, and in other cases there still needs to be work done. I am still working out if these exercises themselves are enough to remove these blockages, or if actual hands on energy/holistic therapy is needed to get rid of the deeper stuff, im sure knowledge/understanding/forgiveness/gratitude would do it as well.

I believe all of this stuff you do on the centers and the self, and specifically relationships are the best way to modulate your FRV.. of course we have our diet, and exercises and whatnot, but to truly form a pathway to your heart takes building actual relationships, and finding the right people/person who are aligned with you and can help you reach that level is an incredibly rare thing in my experience, which I suppose is why the C's keep trying to hammer it in our heads to network.
Weontv said:

I believe all of this stuff you do on the centers and the self, and specifically relationships are the best way to modulate your FRV.. of course we have our diet, and exercises and whatnot, but to truly form a pathway to your heart takes building actual relationships, and finding the right people/person who are aligned with you and can help you reach that level is an incredibly rare thing in my experience, which I suppose is why the C's keep trying to hammer it in our heads to network.

Yes, it is agreed that FRV modulation and synching happens through many pathways, perhaps it's fair to say through all pathways.

What you say regarding psychic gravity is a very good point and important to reflect upon IMO.

There is this idea forming in regards to psychic gravity, in a way one could say that "like attracts like".
Also this has to do with the stratification expressed earlier in this thread.

Thanks for sharing, Weontv !
I also did it for fun, the result tells me that I'm probably type 2 but with a score very close to type 1. It's not so bad to be in between :)

hello! I also took the test and I'm a 5 🤔. But don't understand very well about how this is related to my FRV modulation and synching?
hello! I also took the test and I'm a 5 🤔. But don't understand very well about how this is related to my FRV modulation and synching?

Hello Gabriela ! it's just a test for fun, it doesn't really mean something, FRV modulation and synching is related to the cleaning of "your machine" to quoted Gurdjieff, You can go to the tread Important threads for the work, you will find a lot of ressources. I saw you're also a new member so welcome ! once you will have finished to read the wave, you will better understand FRV modulation and synching.
I hope I helped you !
@ Weontv & All

Yes thinking about FRV and gravity together really does give one insight into the notion of gaining or losing "polarity" towards STS or STO thought centers, does it not? Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Great topic.
Thinking about the role of fear in relation to what's happening at the moment and how it affects our actions or rather reactions I came to the conclusion that the proper role that fear should play in our lives is one of "starter". What I mean by this is that it should be the impetus to move us into action, but nothing more than that. Fear should resolve itself once it does its job of providing a starting force.
I just read something today here on the forum that sort of puts this into concrete terms.

Below excerpt from the 5th lecture of Ouspensky's book 'The Psychology Of Man's Possible Evolution:'

Now we must return to the study of centres and to the study of attention and self-remembering, because these are the only ways to understanding.

Besides the division into two parts, positive and negative which, as we saw, is not the same in different centres, each of the four centres is divided into three parts. These three parts correspond to the definition of centres themselves.

The first part is 'mechanical' including moving and instinctive principles, or one of them predominating; the second is 'emotional' and the third is 'intellectual.' The following diagram shows the position of parts in the intellectual centre. The centre is divided into positive and negative parts, each of these two parts is divided into three parts. Thus the Intellectual centre actually consists of six parts.

Each of these six parts is in its turn sub-divided into three parts: mechanical, emotional and intellectual. But about this sub-division we shall speak much later with the exception of one part, that is, the mechanical part of the intellectual centre, about which we shall speak presently.

Each of these six parts is in its turn sub-divided into three parts: mechanical, emotional and intellectual. But about this sub-division we shall speak much later with the exception of one part, that is, the mechanical part of the intellectual centre, about which we shall speak presently.

The division of a centre into three parts is very simple. A mechanical part works almost automatically; it does not require any attention. But because of this it cannot adapt itself to a change of circumstances, it cannot 'think' and it continues to work in the way it started when circumstances have completely changed.

In the intellectual centre, the mechanical part includes in itself all the work of registration of impressions, memories and associations. This is all that it should do normally, that is, when other parts do their work. It should never reply to questions addressed to the whole centre, it should never try to solve its problems, and it should never decide anything. Unfortunately, in actual fact, it is always ready to decide and it always replies to questions of all sorts in a very narrow and limited way, in ready-made phrases, in slang expressions, in party slogans. All these, and many other elements of our usual reactions, are the work of the mechanical part of the intellectual centre.

This part has its own name. It is called a 'formatory apparatus' or sometimes 'formatory centre.' Many people, particularly people No. 1, that is, the great majority of mankind, live all their lives with the formatory apparatus only, never touching other parts of their intellectual centre. For all the immediate needs of life, for receiving A influences and responding to them, and for distorting or rejecting influences C, the formatory apparatus is quite sufficient.

It is always possible to recognise 'formatory thinking.' For instance, formatory centre can count only up to two. It always divides everything in two: 'bolshevism and fascism,' 'workers and bourgeois,' proletarians and capitalists' and so on. We owe most modern catchwords to formatory thinking, and not only catchwords but in modern popular theories. Perhaps it is possible to say that at all times all popular theories are formatory.

The emotional part of the intellectual centre consists chiefly of what is called an intellectual emotion, that desire to know, desire to understand, satisfaction knowing, dissatisfaction of not knowing, pleasure discovery and so on, although again all these can manifest themselves on very different levels.

The work of the emotional part requires full attention but in this part of the centre attention does not require any effort. It is attracted and held by the subject itself, very often through identification, which usually is called 'interest,' or 'enthusiasm,' or' passion,' or 'devotion'

The intellectual part of the intellectual centre includes in itself a capacity for creation, construction, invention and discovery. It cannot work without attention, but the attention in this part of the centre must be controlled and kept there by will and effort.

This is the chief criterion in studying parts of centres If we take them from the point of view of attention we shall know at once in which part of centres we are. Without attention or with attention wandering, we are in the mechanical part: with the attention attracted by the subject of observation or reflection and kept there, we are in the emotional part; with the attention con-trolled and held on the subject by will, we are in the intellectual part.

At the same time, the same method shows how to make the intellectual parts of centres work. By observing attention and trying to control it, we compel ourselves to work in the intellectual parts of centres, because the same principle refers to all centres equally, although it may not be so easy for us to distinguish intellectual arts in other centres, as for instance the intellectual art of instinctive centre, which works without any attention that we can perceive or control.

Let us take the emotional centre. I will not speak at present about negative emotions. We will take only the vision of the centre into three parts: mechanical, emotional and intellectual.

The mechanical part consists of the cheapest kind of ready-made humour and a rough sense of the comical, love of excitement, love of spectacular shows, love of pageantry, sentimentality, love of being in a crowd and part of a crowd; attraction to crowd emotions of all kinds and complete disappearance in lower half-animal emotions: cruelty, selfishness, cowardice, envy, jealousy, and so on.

The emotional part may be very different in different people. It may include in itself a sense of humour or a sense of the comical as well as religious emotion, aesthetic emotion, moral emotion and, in this case, it may lead to the awakening of conscience. But with identification it may be something quite different, it may be very ironical, sarcastic, derisive, cruel, obstinate, wicked and jealous— only in a less primitive way than the mechanical part.

The intellectual part of the emotional centre (with the help of the intellectual parts of the moving and instinctive centres) includes in itself the power of artistic creation. In those cases where the intellectual parts of the moving and instinctive centres which are necessary for the manifestation of the creative faculty are not sufficiently educated or do not correspond to it in their development, it may manifest itself in dreams. This explains the beautiful and artistic dreams of otherwise quite unartistic people. The intellectual part of the emotional centre is also the chief seat of the magnetic centre.

I mean that if magnetic centre exists only in the intellectual centre or in the emotional part of the emotional centre, it cannot be strong enough to be effective and is always liable to make mistakes or fail. But the intellectual part of the emotional centre, when it is fully developed and works with its full power, is a way to higher centres.

So fear is the domain of the mechanical part of the emotional centre. The mechanical part of the emotional centre is where the base emotions reside and these do not require any sort of attention to function. It's just like the formatory apparatus in the intellectual centre. It's fully automatic and this is all that is needed for a human being to exist in the world. So I guess living in this part is being aligned with STS FRV.
Going from there, we can see that the fear response should, in a person looking to raise their FRV and do the Work, do its job and get out of the way. The way to get it out of the way is to have the emotional and intellectual parts of the emotional centre do their job and take over from the moving part. It's like, okay, there is fear. What do I need to do to address this fear instilling situation in a proper way?

Let's then say that a proper response would be Fear (mechanical part of E centre)> Curiosity (emotional part of E centre) in the sense that fear is supplanted by a deep yearning to figure out what needs to be done > Resolve (intellectual part of E centre) in the sense that we are resolved to do what needs to be done and we have all the energy of the emotional centre at our disposal to pull the carriage, as it were, to where it needs to go. Obviously, at the same time the intellectual centre needs to be involved fully for us to get anywhere and not just go around in circles. I mean, it's definitely a very complex interplay of the centres that needs to happen here but I hope I have succeeded at least in outlining my thinking.
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