

FOTCM Member
Thought I'd share a little of my frustration with y'all over the recent Gaddafi business. Here's what I wrote on my FB wall

So, did you all enjoy the 'snuff movie' that was broadcast around the world yesterday? Were you all satisfied that the 'bad man' got what he deserved? Did you all feel comforted that the leaders of the 'free world' came on TV to tell you that it was all a very good thing? I hope so, because you should take your comfort wherever you can get it , because this world is completely f**ked, and almost no one has any idea that it is so. Welcome to hell.

Discuss! :)
I think what they did is absolute criminality. How can they just go around shooting whoever they feel like just because they feel like? Absolutely disgusting... What they have done to libya has got to be one of the lowest things in NATO's history. It boggles the mind how they can still walk around in the light of day with there heads held up high..

The worst is that you arent even meant to say any of this, if you say it in the open it is like you are somekind of terrorist supporter or anti-western... They have turned what it is to be human inside out that now we have anti-humans walking around claiming to be humans... Crazy!

Absolutely disgusting. :barf:

Am not just saying this but something seriously has to happen to counter the one sided nature of this evil that is eating up the planet and it's absolute evil, no respect for life or anything decent whatsoever... These guys are taking it to a whole new level. It's literally like a virus spreading...
I agree = a sad time for our world - for humanity. They are in overdrive as usual and it is totally sickening. I am staying with friends that have TV's and it really makes me angry and sick inside listening to the blatent lies and psychopathic reports. It seems to be so easy for them to convice so many ignorant people - can they really be that hypnotised or diverted? Seems so - I have given up repeating myself.

Everything seems to be screaming at me 'preparedness'. Some sick showtime. EE, diet and meditation for balance absolutely essential now in these times. Bloodshedding and severe economic suffering is increasing everywhere. Our forum and Sott reporting is so important. Awake and aware.
Perceval said:
Thought I'd share a little of my frustration with y'all over the recent Gaddafi business. Here's what I wrote on my FB wall

So, did you all enjoy the 'snuff movie' that was broadcast around the world yesterday? Were you all satisfied that the 'bad man' got what he deserved? Did you all feel comforted that the leaders of the 'free world' came on TV to tell you that it was all a very good thing? I hope so, because you should take your comfort wherever you can get it , because this world is completely f**ked, and almost no one has any idea that it is so. Welcome to hell.

Discuss! :)

"...because this world is completely f**ked, and almost no one has any idea that it is so. Welcome to hell."
I was thinking about this part. This mass illusion, this delusion or whatever you name it (i prefer eclipse of the minds) have always been here for thousands of years , but rising exponentially, has become so big and hysterical and yes hellish. It's really sickening.

BTW i am not sure if this relevant here, or if somebody shared it on the forum before, but here is a link to the UN Human Rights report on Libya, which US tried to hinder last year. I can tell you this the situation looked better -even in an UN report- than many countries , at least mine.
I got the feeling that something very deep has just changed, that the world entered a new phase of history were barbaric crimes has been normalized for humanity's collective psyche. A global acceptance of such horrendous crimes can have only destructive consequences, and it is as if humanity was embarrassing its future annihilation and suffering. Just random thoughts that i have trouble to explain clearly.
PBS New-Hour correspondent on-site, said that NATO
aircraft located a convoy and sent bombs flying towards
the convoy, blowing everything up. She said that Q was
severely hurt, crawled out of a burning truck, crawled
into a roadside culvert, later was found by the insurgents
who dragged Q out of the culvert, tortured Q, then a 18yr
insurgent pumped Q with several bullets.
(paraphrased from memory)

Sounds to me these Libyan insurgents are behaving like
primal bloodthirsty animals with a vengeance. On the
other hand, after listening to some Libyans (esp. the NATO
approved politicians), they were expressing a bit of anger
that Q was killed and that they were denied the right to try
Q for crimes and to seek full justice...

Gee, I dunno. Which is better for Q: a semi-speedy death
that he got, or a humiliated, deloused, hair-plucked, tortured,
caged, drawn out death sentence, to be paraded around like
Saddam of Iraq?

It is what it is, and all there is, is lessons. For me, psychopaths
are here, and we will struggle against them. We will choose that
which favours our destiny so as long as we learn our history to
change the present through our works, and the future will follow.

What can one say? Hope is a comet or comets ending it all for us. That´s hope. I had enough of this BS a long time ago. People just dont have enough knowledge to do anything about the direction we are heading. They are worried , and rightfully so about the shape of things , but they on the whole do not understand anywhere enough about the real driving force behind this existence. The occupation movements around the globe against the banks and politicians is a fine thing to see , but those bstrds ,the PTB show their arrogance,contempt , and hatred towards mankind by pulling this murder off.

If not comets , I can only hope like castanedas says "We can choose our own death"
The fact that I've only heard about Gaddafi's death from this thread shows how out of touch with the rest of the world I've been lately. This is just horrible; humanity as a whole has reached a low point where most either condone the torture and murder of a man or not care about it at all. And that people paid to see his corpse in a meat freezer and danced and rejoiced... I just don't know what to say.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention, everyone. I would have been further sucked into the void that is "higher education" without your eyes that can see.
Perceval said:
Discuss! :)


I found out about this yesterday and today when I was driving from work I was almost crying, it is very sad to hear about this; at this point and stage, as things are in the world today, from my point of view and from what I have learned here, Ponerology and Psychopathy, it is very sad to see how normalized Evil is, and how easy has become for Humanity (generally speaking) to accept cruelty. The whole politics thing and circumstances around this horrible event is not even necessary I think, because then again it would be like rationalizing the crime, like *normalizing* Evil even more (Ponerology).

mkrnhr said:
I got the feeling that something very deep has just changed, that the world entered a new phase of history were barbaric crimes has been normalized for humanity's collective psyche.

I agree, this is more or less what I was thinking about today, that we have just entered a new Era, like when 9/11, since then many things have accelerated and this horrible event did too; I have the same feeling as you, I thought: "this draw a line or a starting point to accept cruelty and psychopathy even more".
LauraFromTheSea~ said:
mkrnhr said:
I got the feeling that something very deep has just changed, that the world entered a new phase of history were barbaric crimes has been normalized for humanity's collective psyche.

I agree, this is more or less what I was thinking about today, that we have just entered a new Era, like when 9/11, since then many things have accelerated and this horrible event did too; I have the same feeling as you, I thought: "this draw a line or a starting point to accept cruelty and psychopathy even more".

That's interesting because I don't get that sense from this - that something very deep has changed. I think it's just more of the same - another example of the insanity and depravity of the human species at this point in time. Just more proof of how asleep in this nightmare humanity is. I don't think it's extraordinary or even a marker event - I think it's just business as usual in 'hell' where psychopaths rule normal human beings who are soundly, soundly asleep in a nightmare. Just my take, of course.
anart said:
That's interesting because I don't get that sense from this - that something very deep has changed. I think it's just more of the same -

Hi Anart,

I agree, nothing deep has really changed, the core issue is the same and its just more of the same.

I guess I was thinking more in terms of apparent levels, of how this event and the distribution of it will spread even more the normalization of Evil but then again its just the apparent side because at the end of the day the problem is not new, it has been here for a long time and nothing deep has really changed as you very well mentioned it.
I have to say that I was very upset wen I saw footage of Gaddafi's capture etc. That feeling stayed with me the whole day.

I was sad for him. He was not a saint, but this was beyond decent behaviour. There was a time when this scene wouldn't be shown in its entirety as it would be deemed too shocking. There was no pity, no respect or humanity. To top it all when Hillary Clinton was told there was an unconfirmed report, she seemed gleeful (or so I thought).

Maybe they didn't want to take him as a prisoner.
LauraFromTheSea~ said:
anart said:
That's interesting because I don't get that sense from this - that something very deep has changed. I think it's just more of the same -

Hi Anart,

I agree, nothing deep has really changed, the core issue is the same and its just more of the same.

I agree with this too -- and as I was reading this, it struck me that what has made me feel this way recently is OWS. The two are like night and day for me -- whether it 'succeeds' or 'fails' in the end, there's something about OWS that sends a shiver down my spine. Not so with the Gaddafi situation, which seems like more of the same old-same old.

Lorraine said:
I have to say that I was very upset wen I saw footage of Gaddafi's capture etc. That feeling stayed with me the whole day.

I was sad for him. He was not a saint, but this was beyond decent behaviour. There was a time when this scene wouldn't be shown in its entirety as it would be deemed too shocking. There was no pity, no respect or humanity. To top it all when Hillary Clinton was told there was an unconfirmed report, she seemed gleeful (or so I thought).

Maybe they didn't want to take him as a prisoner.

Keep in mind that there might be more to this than meets the eye. For anyone who hasn't seen Joe Quinn's blog post on Gaddafi's 'death', it (and the links therein) provide some interesting food for thought.
Thanks Path27, just had a look at your link from Joe Quinn's blog ---- oh how easily one does get manipulated :zzz: TGFS (Thank Goodness for Sott)
The whole thing reminds me of something I read once about the reactions of many ruling houses to the execution of the English king by Cromwell's gang: they were VERY uncomfortable because they knew that if the English king could be executed so could THEY.

Well, this is a very bad precedent for all heads of state/tyrants around the world and is just added to the precedent of the killing of Saddam Hussein. Do the people behind this think that the double standard they have set up to protect themselves will actually hold? They've set the pattern/precedent for their own downfall here.

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