
Laura said:
The whole thing reminds me of something I read once about the reactions of many ruling houses to the execution of the English king by Cromwell's gang: they were VERY uncomfortable because they knew that if the English king could be executed so could THEY.

Well, this is a very bad precedent for all heads of state/tyrants around the world and is just added to the precedent of the killing of Saddam Hussein. Do the people behind this think that the double standard they have set up to protect themselves will actually hold? They've set the pattern/precedent for their own downfall here.

Elizabeth I of England was very reluctant to execute Mary Queen of Scots, who lay claim to the English throne, for the same reason.
I think that when we agree to massacre and torture, then that's a point of no return. Too many people sold their souls out of plain fear, and I have the feeling this have happened all through history.
We humans never learn. It's just too sad.
My overall feeling is one of despondence at the orgy of violence. The opposite of the non-violent but determined human spirit shown at the Occupy Wall St demonstrations.
Lorraine said:
I have to say that I was very upset wen I saw footage of Gaddafi's capture etc. That feeling stayed with me the whole day.

I was sad for him. He was not a saint, but this was beyond decent behaviour. There was a time when this scene wouldn't be shown in its entirety as it would be deemed too shocking. There was no pity, no respect or humanity. To top it all when Hillary Clinton was told there was an unconfirmed report, she seemed gleeful (or so I thought).

Maybe they didn't want to take him as a prisoner.

I was especially sad given the possibility that it isn't even Gaddafi but rather some unfortunate dupe.
Perceval said:
Lorraine said:
I have to say that I was very upset wen I saw footage of Gaddafi's capture etc. That feeling stayed with me the whole day.

I was sad for him. He was not a saint, but this was beyond decent behaviour. There was a time when this scene wouldn't be shown in its entirety as it would be deemed too shocking. There was no pity, no respect or humanity. To top it all when Hillary Clinton was told there was an unconfirmed report, she seemed gleeful (or so I thought).

Maybe they didn't want to take him as a prisoner.

I was especially sad given the possibility that it isn't even Gaddafi but rather some unfortunate dupe.
yes. even if it was Gaddafi it was heart breaking to watch a human being treated like that. welcome in dark age of humanity .
and all that joy of the people arround that guy who praised Allah at the same time they were beating him to death is sick in a special way
I've a lot of difficulty to see the true. We know that Libya people level of life is better than what our media want us to believe but my question is what level of psychopatie was associated with Gaddafi? Did he eliminated opponents by dead? Did he raped girls? Did he practise torture or is it lies?
Ellipse said:
I've a lot of difficulty to see the true. We know that Libya people level of life is better than what our media want us to believe but my question is what level of psychopatie was associated with Gaddafi? Did he eliminated opponents by dead? Did he raped girls? Did he practise torture or is it lies?

Check this out:
Upon hearing of Gaddafi’s death, I felt a deep sadness and that sick feeling in the pit of my stomach as once again a violent, NON-human, resolution was being paraded around as a satisfactory “political” solution. The message for the masses being: rejoice another dictator is dead for democracy, while the message to any leader who tries to rule independently of the PTB—we will take you down and you will die a dog’s death. Clearly any existing law left in the world is only for the little people; those who buy and seek to create their own reality appear hell-bent, literally, on driving us all to destruction.

As has become the norm, I suspect that whatever truth regarding Gaddafi's "death" that exists, it is not the kabuki drama the media is presenting. That the world is not what it seeks to appear to be is so much so an understatement these days that like Winston, in 1984, we have to translate everything we see and hear into its opposite message to even begin to see any “truth.”

Gaddafi’s lawless murder is just another scene moving us toward a final act of humanity’s destruction—we can only hope some in the audience who can see a bit of truth will escape annihilation and get out before the whole theater burns down.
America is on the war rampage seeking to kill millions of innocent people... Next in line, Syria - the lies here are enormous. Have a look at this article


The large rally in Damascus on March 29, "with tens of thousands of supporters" (Reuters) of President Al Assad was barely mentioned. Yet in an unusual twist, the images and video footage of several pro-government events were used by the Western media to convince international public opinion that the President was being confronted by mass anti-government rallies.

They take a pro-president rally and twist it into an anti-regime demonstration by techno wizardryy that is then projected into people's living room...

Also have a look at Libya’s National Transitional Council First To Recognize Syrian Equivalent. The puppet government is already being put to good use to ferment more bloodshed and tyranny.



"Citizens of Libya have realized that the new government is not bringing anything good to the nation and even attacked Tripoli, inflicting serious damage on the authorities. Exactly they could become a replacement to Gaddafi, but the West will do all it can to ward off this prospect. A Libya with an independent government will not suit it," said Leonid Ivashov, the president of the Geopolitical Problems Academy. The war did not end after Gadhafi's death, he said.

Asked by Kommersant who will be the next, most experts said Syria and Iran will not escape Libya's fate.

"As one watches the general trend in the Arab revolutions one can see that the secular-type dictators, with whom at least some sort of a deal could be reached, are being removed in an attempt to replace them with Wahhabis. Behind all this stands Saudi Arabia, which has been building up its influence in search for a dominating role in the region," said Yevgeny Satanovsky, the president of the Middle East Institute.

This is extremely dangerous since no agreement at all can be forged with the radicals. "The entire sequence of the Arab revolutions is the outcome of one game played by the Islamists," Satanovsky said.

Deputy head of the Liberal Democratic Party faction Maxim Rokhmistrov agrees with this opinion and he argues that exactly the leaders "who are not dictators" are being removed in the Arab revolutions.

"All those who have been to Libya know that Gaddafi was not a tyrant, while living standards in that country where higher than in many of the industrialized states...," he said.

They have a host of countries in there crosshairs waging multiple covert and overt wars on the global scene... This is truly a dark point in man's history as this monolithic death-bringer is free to walk about the world stage with nothing to stop or even hinder its movements. How Ironic that Barack Obama, the so-called son of africa is the one to instigate open warfare against his own continent and retake it back to a new 2.0 colonial age...

More NATO wheeling and dealings


"Missile Diplomacy" and "The Free Market"

War and Globalization are intiricately related. The IMF and NATO work in tandem, in liason with the Washington think tanks.

The NATO operation purports to enforce the neoliberal economic agenda. Countries which are reluctant to accept the sugar coated bullets of IMF "economic medicine" will eventually be the object of a R2P NATO humanitarian operation.

Déjà Vu? Under the British Empire, "gun boat diplomacy" was a means to imposing "free trade". On October 5, 1850, England's Envoy to the Kingdom of Siam, Sir James Brooke recommended to Her Majesty's government that:

"should these just demands [to impose free trade] be refused, a force should be present, immediately to enforce them by the rapid destruction of the defenses of the [Chaopaya] river... Siam may be taught the lesson which it has long been tempting-- its Government may be remodelled, A better disposed king placed on the throne and an influence acquired in the country which will make it of immense commercial importance to England" (The Mission of Sir James Brooke, quoted in M.L. Manich Jumsai, King Mongkut and Sir John Bowring, Chalermit, Bangkok, 1970, p. 23)

Today we call it "Regime Change" and "Missile Diplomacy" which invariably takes the shape of a UN sponsored "No Fly Zone". Its objective is to impose the IMF's deadly "economic medicine" of austerity measures and privatization.

The World Bank financed "reconstruction" programs of war torn countries are coordinated with US-NATO military planning. They are invariably formulated prior to onslaught of the military campaign...

Confiscating Libyan Financial Assets

Libya`s frozen overseas financial assets are estimated to be of the order of $150 billion, with NATO countries holding more than $100 billion.

Prior to the war, Libya had no debts. In fact quite the opposite. It was a creditor nation investing in neighboring African countries.

The R2P military intervention is intended to spearhead the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya into the straightjacket of an indebted developing country, under the surveillance of the Washington based Bretton Woods institutions.

In a bitter irony, after having stolen Libya's oil wealth and confiscated its overseas financial assets, the "donor community" has pledged to lend the (stolen) money back to finance Libya's post-war "reconstruction". Libya is slated to join the ranks of indebted African countries which have driven into poverty by IMF and the World Bank since the onsalught of the debt crisis in the early 1980s.

On separate news, Turkey is no saint either as it is currently involved with the situation in Syria funneling in freedom fighters through its borders. The true face of the palestinian leaders showed itself when they withdrew there solidarity from Tripoli during the invasion with the hope of seducing NATO.

I hope Hillary Clinton and all her buddies have had a party to celebrate there latest success... They deserve it. Job well done!! They are truly the masters of this world.
I lived during the 90's a period where graphic crimes and cruelty was normalized at a local scale. It happenned during a period of economic, social and political turmoils. There was some awareness that it was orchestrated by some invisible elite. However, the whole society has rapidly been changed by the events. I cannot describe the events here but the assassination of Ghaddhafi is reminiscent of the horrors committed against men, women and children by the hundred of thousands. Politics and other low-grad officials were not safe neither. The message was: This can happen to you too if you do not follow the orders. Once cruelty has been put onto the face of people as a somehow acceptable fatality, the whole psyche turns into the fear mode, and ultimately into the obedience mode. People became slaves, dangerous slaves too (blind obedience and total submission to authority).

In Ghaddhafi's case, not only cruelty is being normalized, but it is somehow glorified on a large scale. Today we have social frustration on large scale as we have seen with the OWS movement. It could be a cheap speculation from my part by it is possible that the two events may be related and possibly orchestrated on a 4th density level. Frustrated people have to turn against someone, and when a few designated personae from the visible elite are sacrificed, the rage turns people against each other. And that's what want the invisible elite and their hyperdimensional masters, to sabotage human psyche.

On a local level the assassination of Ghaddhafi is a crime directed towards the Libyan people's psyche, it will make them switch to a totally different mode of behaviour (maybe like Hiroshima in Japan). However, glorifying the event on a global scale may have other repercussions in the near future. All the Libyan saga made me think of Plato's tale about Atlantis, and Ghaddhafi was the only one to resist the atlantist (NATO) takeover of Africa (and Egypt).
Laura said:
Well, this is a very bad precedent for all heads of state/tyrants around the world and is just added to the precedent of the killing of Saddam Hussein.

Yes, it's the follow up act to Saddam. With Saddam, they presented it as 'his own people hanging him' - (which we know is not the case, or at least it certainly seemed not the case, with a body double and the usual "can't quite tell it's him" nonsense). This is after presenting him as a spider-dwelling madman and making the hanging publicly viewable via the media - which is just barbaric, but was presented as 'good'. Of course, this was prefaced with the grisly murder of both of his sons and the global publication of those death photos - which was really the breaking of long-standing decorum that pictures of 'war dead' are not published. Personally, I think we can thank the death-cult psychopaths of Cheney and Bush and their handlers for that one, and it was a powerful salvo in the destruction of human decency in the western mind (though one could argue the bombing of Hiroshima was the recent era's opening salvo as that was hailed as good). It's all a global psychological operation designed to remove the idea that basic human decency is normal and should be a guiding principle (IMO).

Then, with Osama, it was 'justice' and a body dumping - another obvious step toward murder hailed as triumph/justice - and normal. Now, with Gaddaffi, it's plain out murder (as justice) hailed as a gleeful event. The progression is obvious, though the undercurrent is the same.

It is now generally accepted as standard practice that anyone the western governments don't 'like' can and will be shot down in cold blood and that this is a good thing.

Can you even imagine a western leader (who is just as dictatorial, corrupt and murderous as any of these men are made out to be) being caught in a 'spider hole', disheveled and beaten for the cameras? Never - because all of this is theatre for the western mind to continue the charade that 'we' are better than the rest of the world and thus our psychopathic murdering/torturing of human beings in all of these countries is justified. It is, without question, the implanting of the 'mark of the beast' of acceptance of torture/brutality/murder of another human being because not only is the general populace 'told' it is 'right', they believe it.

The earth benefits from a periodic cleansing...
anart said:
That's interesting because I don't get that sense from this - that something very deep has changed. I think it's just more of the same - another example of the insanity and depravity of the human species at this point in time. Just more proof of how asleep in this nightmare humanity is. I don't think it's extraordinary or even a marker event - I think it's just business as usual in 'hell' where psychopaths rule normal human beings who are soundly, soundly asleep in a nightmare. Just my take, of course.

Totally agree with that and this hell is not new eh and it is the awakening of some people (more and more numerous I hope...) who reveal it because it is necessary to take the measure that so profoundly inequitable seem to us these horrors, they are new not at all, regrettably. It will thus be on the duration when this awakening will become more important and not by curves sometimes rising, sometimes downward according to the more or less horrible horrors...
The Resistance thus passes to fall asleep again no never! Writing this, I was telling myself: How could it be possible to sleep again after have discover all these terrific lies and hidden truths? I guess it is not possible and by the way, it won't be for me. It is enough registered profoundly in me, so that I lose the memory.

I am so sad for all those people suffering in an almost general incomprehension helped by disinformation of Western media and governments (between elses and without forget Qatar for example with Al-Jazeera). So it is also the time and place for thanking all those who work everyday to let us know the truth, or a part of it.
The entire situation is appalling.

And the reaction of some of my American acquaintances is also appalling. Celebrating murder is repulsive to me, and because I won't join in the merriment they probably think me unpatriotic.

The hell with them. People like that are a liability to my soul. :(
Adaryn said:
Ellipse said:
I've a lot of difficulty to see the true. We know that Libya people level of life is better than what our media want us to believe but my question is what level of psychopatie was associated with Gaddafi? Did he eliminated opponents by dead? Did he raped girls? Did he practise torture or is it lies?

Check this out:

Thanks for the links but this is about rapes during this war. I don't care much because it's propaganda techniques. What I ask myself is what was the behaviour of Gaddafi during is long reign? How did he managed to stay in place? Blood and terror or not?
anart said:
Laura said:
Well, this is a very bad precedent for all heads of state/tyrants around the world and is just added to the precedent of the killing of Saddam Hussein.

Yes, it's the follow up act to Saddam. With Saddam, they presented it as 'his own people hanging him' - (which we know is not the case, or at least it certainly seemed not the case, with a body double and the usual "can't quite tell it's him" nonsense). This is after presenting him as a spider-dwelling madman and making the hanging publicly viewable via the media - which is just barbaric, but was presented as 'good'. Of course, this was prefaced with the grisly murder of both of his sons and the global publication of those death photos - which was really the breaking of long-standing decorum that pictures of 'war dead' are not published. Personally, I think we can thank the death-cult psychopaths of Cheney and Bush and their handlers for that one, and it was a powerful salvo in the destruction of human decency in the western mind (though one could argue the bombing of Hiroshima was the recent era's opening salvo as that was hailed as good). It's all a global psychological operation designed to remove the idea that basic human decency is normal and should be a guiding principle (IMO).

Then, with Osama, it was 'justice' and a body dumping - another obvious step toward murder hailed as triumph/justice - and normal. Now, with Gaddaffi, it's plain out murder (as justice) hailed as a gleeful event. The progression is obvious, though the undercurrent is the same.

It is now generally accepted as standard practice that anyone the western governments don't 'like' can and will be shot down in cold blood and that this is a good thing.

Can you even imagine a western leader (who is just as dictatorial, corrupt and murderous as any of these men are made out to be) being caught in a 'spider hole', disheveled and beaten for the cameras? Never - because all of this is theatre for the western mind to continue the charade that 'we' are better than the rest of the world and thus our psychopathic murdering/torturing of human beings in all of these countries is justified. It is, without question, the implanting of the 'mark of the beast' of acceptance of torture/brutality/murder of another human being because not only is the general populace 'told' it is 'right', they believe it.

[size=12pt]The earth benefits from a periodic cleansing...[/size]

Yeah, I think that pretty much sums up how this will all play out. Both the Puppet Masters and the Puppets are just bent on continuing on this path and the destructive forces that will be drawn down is basically inevitable and even predicted in many different ways and sources....
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