
Ellipse said:
Perceval, Adaryn, when you read my post, as often with me, think I put myself in the shoes of devil's advocate. I try to go to the bottom of things by asking questions for which I know the answer but for which I need to hear the explanation because some steps are missing in the logic of the whole or some areas are vague.

It might be worth deeply examining why you run this program, since it does appear to be mechanical behavior on your part. Asking questions for which you know the answer and arguing for the sake of argument (devil's advocate) are both signs that you're missing the crux of the matter, whatever that might be in each particular situation.
Ellipse said:
When you read the French SOTT news, you can think Gaddafi was a very good guy and Libya a paradise. So I try to know where to put the cursor.

The thing is, I think, that all countries are corrupted in their own ways and that most leaders aren't ''good'' people. The point is that nobody is listening to the people, to what they want and how they see the situation, the psychopaths are trying to make us believe that they can decide what is ''best'' for others by making up stories, creating drama, photoshopping, spreading negative propaganda etc. and make as many people believe (and thus make them support) that what has happened is a good thing, when it actually made the situation worse (for the people, that is). Not to mention how such manipulations and lies damage especially the ignorant people on many levels.

And just think about the Iraqi people and the people living in Afghanistan, are they doing any better now? No, they're actually doing worse. I remember an Iraqi woman (student) saying that the times before "Saddam's" execution were much better than how the situation in Iraq is now. Doesn't mean per se that Saddam was a saint and everyone lived happily with him leading, just that it was better.
Perceval said:
Thought I'd share a little of my frustration with y'all over the recent Gaddafi business. Here's what I wrote on my FB wall

So, did you all enjoy the 'snuff movie' that was broadcast around the world yesterday? Were you all satisfied that the 'bad man' got what he deserved? Did you all feel comforted that the leaders of the 'free world' came on TV to tell you that it was all a very good thing? I hope so, because you should take your comfort wherever you can get it , because this world is completely f**ked, and almost no one has any idea that it is so. Welcome to hell.

Discuss! :)

Maybe it's wrong, but I'm actually kind of grateful whenever they're preoccupied with killing each other ....instead of us. Whenever they're busy replacing one of their worn out puppets, it feels like we get a bit of breathing room for a hot minute?

I worry about the innocent people who might wind up in the wrong place at the wrong time, and I hope they had enough forewarning to head to the hills for a little R and R while the psychos kill each other.
Guardian said:
Maybe it's wrong, but I'm actually kind of grateful whenever they're preoccupied with killing each other ....instead of us. Whenever they're busy replacing one of their worn out puppets, it feels like we get a bit of breathing room for a hot minute?

Well, their ''fight'' or ''theatre show'' is costing a lot of innocent people's lives, and as Perceval noted before, the guy supposedly being Gaddafi could very well be just another innocent man.
anart said:
Can you even imagine a western leader (who is just as dictatorial, corrupt and murderous as any of these men are made out to be) being caught in a 'spider hole', disheveled and beaten for the cameras

Yes, in another decade or so. I think the elite will follow the same pattern in the west as they have everywhere else, it will just take longer 'cause there's more of us.
Guardian said:
Perceval said:
Thought I'd share a little of my frustration with y'all over the recent Gaddafi business. Here's what I wrote on my FB wall

So, did you all enjoy the 'snuff movie' that was broadcast around the world yesterday? Were you all satisfied that the 'bad man' got what he deserved? Did you all feel comforted that the leaders of the 'free world' came on TV to tell you that it was all a very good thing? I hope so, because you should take your comfort wherever you can get it , because this world is completely f**ked, and almost no one has any idea that it is so. Welcome to hell.

Discuss! :)

Maybe it's wrong, but I'm actually kind of grateful whenever they're preoccupied with killing each other ....instead of us. Whenever they're busy replacing one of their worn out puppets, it feels like we get a bit of breathing room for a hot minute?

I worry about the innocent people who might wind up in the wrong place at the wrong time, and I hope they had enough forewarning to head to the hills for a little R and R while the psychos kill each other.

The wrong place in this case is probably being within the confines of the country...


In an interview inside his Northwest D.C. home last week, the noted civil rights leader, told the Afro that he watched French and Danish troops storm small villages late at night beheading, maiming and killing rebels and loyalists to show them who was in control.

"’What the hell’ I’m thinking to myself. I’m getting out of here. So I went in hiding," Fauntroy said.

The rebels told Fauntroy they had been told by the European forces to stay inside. According to Fauntroy, the European forces would tell the rebels, "’Look at what you did.’ In other words, the French and Danish were ordering the bombings and killings, and giving credit to the rebels.

I think they kill just for fun to instill fear in the population. There is just luck or no luck.
Oxajil said:
Well, their ''fight'' or ''theatre show'' is costing a lot of innocent people's lives, and as Perceval noted before, the guy supposedly being Gaddafi could very well be just another innocent man.

I hear you, and I am sorry for those people's plights. I think a good rule of thumb for anyone who even remotely resembles a third world dictator would be to shave their head and get a few prominent tattoos as soon as possible. :scared:
Guardian said:
Oxajil said:
Well, their ''fight'' or ''theatre show'' is costing a lot of innocent people's lives, and as Perceval noted before, the guy supposedly being Gaddafi could very well be just another innocent man.

I hear you, and I am sorry for those people's plights. I think a good rule of thumb for anyone who even remotely resembles a third world dictator would be to shave their head and get a few prominent tattoos as soon as possible. :scared:

Again rumor has it they really aren't after dictators, instead they are going after leaders who put there country's need first over that of NATO. Contrary to normal belief they actually like dictators and tyrants.
Guardian said:
Oxajil said:
Well, their ''fight'' or ''theatre show'' is costing a lot of innocent people's lives, and as Perceval noted before, the guy supposedly being Gaddafi could very well be just another innocent man.

I hear you, and I am sorry for those people's plights. I think a good rule of thumb for anyone who even remotely resembles a third world dictator would be to shave their head and get a few prominent tattoos as soon as possible. :scared:

Won't work! Not when Photoshop is a popular used program in media...
anart said:
Ellipse said:
Perceval, Adaryn, when you read my post, as often with me, think I put myself in the shoes of devil's advocate. I try to go to the bottom of things by asking questions for which I know the answer but for which I need to hear the explanation because some steps are missing in the logic of the whole or some areas are vague.

It might be worth deeply examining why you run this program, since it does appear to be mechanical behavior on your part. Asking questions for which you know the answer and arguing for the sake of argument (devil's advocate) are both signs that you're missing the crux of the matter, whatever that might be in each particular situation.
Hello Anart,

Well, in my mind, being the devil's advocate is not arguing for the sake of argument but to make clear, points which are not. I see the whole situation but there's some fog to dissipate so I want to hear the other part explanation. Sometime it can make me look stupid because the explanation is simple but I don't care, the important point for me is to be sure there's no misunderstanding, I'm sure of what is the mind of my interlocutor. Very important for me to be sure I talk about the same think as my interlocutor.

The other approach would be to stay silent, to make an arrangement with myself saying "oh, there's this red flag but the whole seem to perfectly fit so don't ask, you can appear stupid, follow the crew."

I think people are stop by their ego to ask because they're afraid to appear stupid. Of course you haven't to do it to the detriment of the interlocutor.

This is how I see my situation, thanks for your inside.
I have not watched the footage you are all mentionning, but I have read Joe's article on french SOTT, and seen the photo of the dead, who either is not Gaddafi at all or which has been photoshopped so as to appear it is not the real Gaddafi's head.

Obviously everything has been done by the Otanians to report differents versions of Gaddafi's murder, obviously they have served him als prey to kill by their local puppets but no the body won't be analysed, and officially the war lords regret he has been killed and can't be tried.
Looks just like the Otanians are keeping an option to use him again later for other purposes. Remember Ousama ?

In some time they are going to need to extend their WWIII to Latin America, not to mention Syria and Iran. What if they produced then a sudden fake uncover that the dead wasn't actually Gaddafi, in order to tale he is now hidden in Venezuela in care of Chavez, and allow themselves therefore to butcher the Venezuelians and Chavez ?

For the rest as Anart I see it's more of the same. Now it (the same) is more visible to more people who were not willing to see the horror before. And those people now sense with fear that a part of Earth's people have become different.

This summer I was walking along the banks of the Seine behind two late teen-agers or young adults. They were talking about a new version of a video game. The one asked many questions, very excited if there were new functions in that game to allow freedom of acting. The other answered "no, it's the same as before : you go to the places you have to go to make your murders, or you go where you have to go to beat up the guys you have to beat up, and you are done, like before."
Only the aesthetic of the pictures had been consistently ameliorated, I understood finally.

Bloody raw circus games for one part, softly bright colored virtualized butchery for one other part. There are programming offers suited for every segment.

Danse la vie
Ellipse said:
anart said:
Ellipse said:
Perceval, Adaryn, when you read my post, as often with me, think I put myself in the shoes of devil's advocate. I try to go to the bottom of things by asking questions for which I know the answer but for which I need to hear the explanation because some steps are missing in the logic of the whole or some areas are vague.

It might be worth deeply examining why you run this program, since it does appear to be mechanical behavior on your part. Asking questions for which you know the answer and arguing for the sake of argument (devil's advocate) are both signs that you're missing the crux of the matter, whatever that might be in each particular situation.
Hello Anart,

Well, in my mind, being the devil's advocate is not arguing for the sake of argument but to make clear, points which are not. I see the whole situation but there's some fog to dissipate so I want to hear the other part explanation. Sometime it can make me look stupid because the explanation is simple but I don't care, the important point for me is to be sure there's no misunderstanding, I'm sure of what is the mind of my interlocutor. Very important for me to be sure I talk about the same think as my interlocutor.

The other approach would be to stay silent, to make an arrangement with myself saying "oh, there's this red flag but the whole seem to perfectly fit so don't ask, you can appear stupid, follow the crew."

I think people are stop by their ego to ask because they're afraid to appear stupid. Of course you haven't to do it to the detriment of the interlocutor.

This is how I see my situation, thanks for your inside.

Part of your question was: "my question is what level of psychopatie was associated with Gaddafi? Did he eliminated opponents by dead? Did he raped girls? Did he practise torture or is it lies?"

The answer to these questions is 'maybe', we can assume he ordered things done that were far from pleasant, but we can also reasonably assume (in fact we know) that members of the American, British, French etc. governments have done exactly the same thing, in fact probably far worse things. So, where does that leave your questions? What is the point in asking them? If you were to know for sure that Gaddafi was guilty of those things, what difference would it make to recent events? Would it justify them? The point is that those questions about Gaddafi are not relevant to recent events, and they are not relevant to the points I made in my first post on this thread. If you really impartially interested in those questions, surely you could have researched for yourself and presented the most probable answers along with the questions.
mkrnhr said:
I got the feeling that something very deep has just changed, that the world entered a new phase of history were barbaric crimes has been normalized for humanity's collective psyche. A global acceptance of such horrendous crimes can have only destructive consequences, and it is as if humanity was embarrassing its future annihilation and suffering. Just random thoughts that i have trouble to explain clearly.

Yes, this feeling has been very palpable to me even when i haven't been online or watched any T.V. this past week. "I" sense that we have definitely entered into a different phase (completely subjective and vague, i know but that is exactly how it feels, vague and ephemeral, but still palpable and barely perceptible.

Laura said:
The whole thing reminds me of something I read once about the reactions of many ruling houses to the execution of the English king by
Cromwell's gang: they were VERY uncomfortable because they knew that if the English king could be executed so could THEY.

Well, this is a very bad precedent for all heads of state/tyrants around the world and is just added to the precedent of the killing of Saddam Hussein. Do the people behind this think that the double standard they have set up to protect themselves will actually hold? They've set the pattern/precedent for their own downfall here.
The old adage that "those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it" comes to mind. It seems that the potholed brains of psychopaths limits them to a very few set of possibilities, and thus behaviors(WOW, they really are machines aren't they). They cannot SEE the consequences of their actions which are pretty obvious to anyone who has learned the lesson of "you put your hand in the fire, you get burned." :D (its probably a more complex lesson, but not by much)

anart said:
Laura said:
Well, this is a very bad precedent for all heads of state/tyrants around the world and is just added to the precedent of the killing of Saddam Hussein.

because all of this is theatre for the western mind to continue the charade that 'we' are better than the rest of the world and thus our psychopathic murdering/torturing of human beings in all of these countries is justified. It is, without question, the implanting of the 'mark of the beast' of acceptance of torture/brutality/murder of another human being because not only is the general populace 'told' it is 'right', they believe it.

The earth benefits from a periodic cleansing...

This is just a feeling, but the cleanse, indeed the waterfall like shower is near.
What is written about those who accept the mark of the beast? Preparedness is key, remember "tubulence is life force, it is opportunity. Let us love turbulence and use it for growth and change," in the times to come "Do not pray for easy lives, pray to be stronger people," for “As threshing separates the wheat from the chaff, so does affliction purify virtue.”

So, did you all enjoy the 'snuff movie' that was broadcast around the world yesterday? Were you all satisfied that the 'bad man' got what he deserved? Did you all feel comforted that the leaders of the 'free world' came on TV to tell you that it was all a very good thing? I hope so, because you should take your comfort wherever you can get it , because this world is completely f**ked, and almost no one has any idea that it is so. Welcome to hell

So thats why the food tastes like this, and the inhabitants of this place are the way they are. :D

“Hell is a place, a time, a consciousness, in which there is no love,” so "If you are going through hell, keep going.” and that "we must suffer our way to wisdom," for "times of stress and crisis are necessary to bring about needed changes that would not otherwise occur." Remembering always that "The best way out of a difficulty, is through it," "The worst thing that happens to you, can be the best thing for you, if you don't let it get the best of you," "The purest ore is produced from the hottest furnace," and that "The brightest thunderbolt is elicited from the darkest storm,"

"The SOTT herald a new age. It is close at hand. Will it be better, will it be worse than the present one? The precipice is within inches of the summit. Everyone of us contributes in a certain measure to the course events take. Let us be CONSCIOUS of our RESPONSIBILITY."

"The future is shaped largely by intention backed by ACTION. The stronger the intention, and the more it is backed up by ACTION, the more solid the future will tend to be. The future is therefore maleable. A future reality, no matter how many prophets have agreed to its existence, can be changed. It will be irreversible only if people continue to perform, or fail to perform, those actions which will cause that future to come about, and no one does anything effective enough to counter those actions or inactions."
Here is the commentary by Croatian journalist Vedrana Rudan that I translated on the spur of the moment:
Lady Macbeth of Global Village

Our life would be so beautiful if there was no Internet. Sometimes you just want to check your mail, but somehow you end up surfing the net. And although you don’t watch TV or read newspaper, you just simply cannot avoid live coverage of the orgasm that Hilary Clinton reached when she was served on the silver platter with the head of the biggest villain on the planet – Gadhafi. Eight year ago it was that other guy, who cares to remember his name. They put tick rope around his neck, kicked the box from under his feet and he was wriggling and swaying on the rope in front of the whole planet. So that we can all se how the Justice wins again.
Same happens these days. Dead Gadhafi laid on the stone floor of some butcher shop, allegedly still in one piece. Allegedly still not dismembered by rabid dogs or Libyan freedom fighters. He is laid on the shop floor because the fighters cannot decide whether to dump his body into the sea or not.
I read something about his son too. Not all of it. Lately my stomach is slightly upset. I saw he had bloodied shirt on and he asked for a cigarette before death. If there wasn’t for that Hilary Clinton I would frown with disgust and say – it’s a men’s world. This world is ruled by men, emotionless creatures that give no birth and don’t have a clue what it means to bring to this world tiny helpless heap of meat which will in time become human being. Its understandable that men cannot care less for human life when they are possessed with greed for money, power, oil, gold and cannot fathom the beauty of creation of another human being. But Hillary? Hillary? The example of this Lady Macbeth shows us that politicians are not determined by sex.
Hillary is mother and she still has orgasms when watching mutilated cadavers. Barack Obama, Good Black man serving White Man announced America is pulling out of Iraq after nine years of war. He doesn’t have to announce America is moving into Lybia. We see that without announcement. Nothing changes except for the means of slaughter.
Henry VIII or similar historic characters use to kill their enemies with fire and sword. Hillary and Obama with the help of French do it with remote navigated jets. In order to “save human lives”. Nothing changed really.
Now that I know the truth should I be happy and peaceful and wait for remotely navigated jet to appear above my head? Beats me, since I don’t have courage to shoot myself in the head, I made my life simple learning from Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama. I killed my neighbors, stole their savings that idiots kept in the frozen chicken and then burned their house. 20 K is not peanuts, when I spend it I will move on. I live in a big city and I want to die happy woman when World’s Fighters for Democracy render me into mince.
But maybe, …you never know. Maybe I will see the day when some yellow, happy little man will be ejaculating all over the computer screens whilst watching smashed skull of Hilary Clinton. I will finally be able to see what color is Chinese sperm. That will be a little step for mankind but huge step for my piece of mind.
anart said:
Laura said:
Well, this is a very bad precedent for all heads of state/tyrants around the world and is just added to the precedent of the killing of Saddam Hussein.

It is now generally accepted as standard practice that anyone the western governments don't 'like' can and will be shot down in cold blood and that this is a good thing.

Can you even imagine a western leader (who is just as dictatorial, corrupt and murderous as any of these men are made out to be) being caught in a 'spider hole', disheveled and beaten for the cameras? Never - because all of this is theatre for the western mind to continue the charade that 'we' are better than the rest of the world and thus our psychopathic murdering/torturing of human beings in all of these countries is justified. It is, without question, the implanting of the 'mark of the beast' of acceptance of torture/brutality/murder of another human being because not only is the general populace 'told' it is 'right', they believe it.

The earth benefits from a periodic cleansing...


I was also shocked by this picture:
and reminds me of the female soldier of the U.S. troops:
from some years back.
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