
The devil according to NATO. Stolen footage of Gaddafi - "wallowing in luxury and torturing little children":
I just watched this video:! (also on SOTT: )

Tears came to my eyes as well towards the end where she was choking as she was describing her experience in Libya.

There are days like these where I feel paralyzed and just want to scream. It is as we are de-evolving. It seems the ponerization of our world can only be healed by pressing the reset button via comet bombardment. :(

Sometimes I feel like this song by the band TOOL (the song is about Los Angeles, but could be applied to the whole world, imo)


Some say the end is near. Some say we'll see armageddon soon. I certainly hope we will. I sure could use a vacation from this bullshit three ring circus sideshow..... The only way to fix it is to flush it all away. Any f***ing time. Any f***ing day. Learn to swim....

The only way to fix it is to flush it all away. Some say a comet will fall from the sky. Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves. Followed by faultlines that cannot sit still. Followed by millions of dumbfounded dipsh**s.

Some say the end is near. Some say we'll see armageddon soon. I certainly hope we will cuz I sure could use a vacation from this Silly s**t, stupid s**t... One great big festering neon distraction, I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied. Learn to swim. Mom's gonna fix it all soon. Mom's comin' round to put it back the way it ought to be. .....Cuz I'm praying for rain and I'm praying for tidal waves I wanna see the ground give way. I wanna watch it all go down.

Mom please flush it all away. I wanna watch it go right in and down. I wanna watch it go right in. Watch you flush it all away. Time to bring it down again. Don't just call me pessimist. Try and read between the lines. I can't imagine why you wouldn't Welcome any change, my friend. I wanna see it all come down. suck it down. flush it down.
Spiral Out said:
I just watched this video:! (also on SOTT: )

Tears came to my eyes as well towards the end where she was choking as she was describing her experience in Libya.

There are days like these where I feel paralyzed and just want to scream. It is as we are de-evolving. It seems the ponerization of our world can only be healed by pressing the reset button via comet bombardment. :(

Sometimes I feel like this song by the band TOOL (the song is about Los Angeles, but could be applied to the whole world, imo)


Some say the end is near. Some say we'll see armageddon soon. I certainly hope we will. I sure could use a vacation from this bullshit three ring circus sideshow..... The only way to fix it is to flush it all away. Any f***ing time. Any f***ing day. Learn to swim....

The only way to fix it is to flush it all away. Some say a comet will fall from the sky. Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves. Followed by faultlines that cannot sit still. Followed by millions of dumbfounded dipsh**s.

Some say the end is near. Some say we'll see armageddon soon. I certainly hope we will cuz I sure could use a vacation from this Silly s**t, stupid s**t... One great big festering neon distraction, I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied. Learn to swim. Mom's gonna fix it all soon. Mom's comin' round to put it back the way it ought to be. .....Cuz I'm praying for rain and I'm praying for tidal waves I wanna see the ground give way. I wanna watch it all go down.

Mom please flush it all away. I wanna watch it go right in and down. I wanna watch it go right in. Watch you flush it all away. Time to bring it down again. Don't just call me pessimist. Try and read between the lines. I can't imagine why you wouldn't Welcome any change, my friend. I wanna see it all come down. suck it down. flush it down.

One day the sun will rise and psychopaths and this NATO thing will be a shadow in the past. They won't be here forever. The world will move on, life will flourish and there won't be anything they can do from the depths of history and time. I want this world to have the last laugh and show this people that they can't steal its spirit, which has given rise to the wonderful diversity we see, which these people are busy destroying, conquering and dominating with absolutely no respect for the ground on which they walk.

It doesn't even matter anyways because that day is here already but sadly we aren't there yet so we can't see it. My worst nightmare is for these crazy psychos to turn this place into rabbles. That would be soul crashing.

Just my thoughts in these dark days.
Al Today said:
Gawan said:
[...] reminds me of the female soldier of the U.S. troops from some years back. [...]

There is so much hatred on this planet. So many people asleep.
:( :( :(

What they did to Gaddafi was shown on TV, but just imagine all the things they´ve done to unknown innocent people. Now the superficiality with which many people in the media (and many acquaintancies of mine) have seen and commented it, it`s sad. I think that after this, it`s all entering the final stretch
Wow, the way people react to Gaddafi's death is just sick, showing footage of his dead body (if in fact it is truly him), throwing to whoever want to hear that justice has been done, we killed the bad man, the tyrant. Sick, sick, sick...

I must admit that I had never done much reasearch on him, so I believed whatever the media said about him but then today I read an article about him on SOTT, and it gave me a new point of view about him. Well obviously the guy wasn't a saint but apparently he wasn't as evil as people portrayed him to be either. It seems that life in Libya wasn't completely horrid during Gaddafi reign but I wonder how much it will evolve now that Gaddafi is dead.
Honestly it remind me of the book 1984, the way they made me believe lies, the way they made everyone believe lies. And it is interesting to see how nothing change, the form may change but the foundation is exactly the same. 1984 was published in, if I remember correctly in 1948 and the description that it give to the world back in the day is the description that we could give to our world today.
Going a bit further back, Yasser Arafat met a similar fate when he was poisoned by Israel. He was demonized to the point where the world did not care that he was taken out with ruthless impunity. So they either demonize someone they don't like so much that the world looks the other way when that person is murdered in cold blood, or if they can't demonize someone, they associate their country with terrorism and level everything with bombs anyway. Hugo Chavez and Ahmadinejad are kinda in the same boat right now - demonized relentlessly so that if they do decide to invade or murder either one, the western population will just say "good riddance" once again. Of course, if they can't demonize or claim association with terrorism, then the just get a few lackeys to blow themselves up and assassinate the person anyway, like with Benazir Bhutto.

Seems like they are really busy taking out anyone that cares about their people left and right, preparing the ground for a finer order of control for the world, trying to make sure no one will act as a beacon to mobilize people against it. Then again, people are already mobilizing themselves, and with the idea that "corrupt tyrants" should be killed being forced into everyone's head, one has to wonder what happens when our own politicians are seen as "corrupt tyrants" by a very upset majority.
SAO said:
Of course, if they can't demonize or claim association with terrorism, then the just get a few lackeys to blow themselves up and assassinate the person anyway, like with Benazir Bhutto.

Seems like they are really busy taking out anyone that cares about their people left and right,

I still wonder why none of you mentionned Kennedy's execution, his brain exploded at full sight in the middle of the street.
This has been happening again and again as long as my memory recalls. The only thing new is the awareness of the people now.
Reading the thread I can't tell if my politically-oriented comment/analysis would be conducive or appreciated here or not.

Even if one considers dictators 'evil', executing them is little more then executing people for their political views - in this case, a political view in power. "Democracy" has only been around for a short time, and I'm not one to think that it works in every situation or country, though if one wants to babble about democracy, Gaddafi is popular enough in Sirte (where he supposedly died) that they'd probably elect him. But I guess it would be 'undemocratic' for the "rebels" to not have the whole country, because "the U.N. recognizes the rebels".

Though, his death looks the same as the rest of the "rebel war"; like someone shooting a movie. I can't say that he's dead. It didn't even occur to me that they might be using an innocent look-alike; the video is so jittery the whole time. I don't know that one would even need photoshop.

If anyone isn't sure about Gaddafi, the United States Federal Research Division did a report on Libya. It is available free online at their website. Even coming from a United States government-related organization, and though it's about the Libya up to the 1980's, one can tell that he did a lot for his country even if one doesn't agree with all of his political system. In the document it is stated that many of Libya's laws were conceived in college groups - not at the top, like in other so-called democratic countries.

As regars to representative democracy, Gaddafi's ideology for local democracy is better. If the rebels don't think it is practised, which it may or may not be, if they gave a damn about democracy they would try and put it into practice themselves. To me the rebels are just people who went to war with their own country so they could get into power. Representative democracy is filled with the same. And if more local democracy was practiced, you may very well need a sort of dictator at the top of such an open system. Gaddafi got rid of his military because he feared a coup.
His idea about democracy is quite intriguing.. I have read that he believed parliamentary democracy is inherently corrupt which is true given observations.. He thought that the people should and can represent themselves. This is revolutionary stuff...

As par the new government, they have the support of NATO obviously but I wonder in the long term how they will be viewed by there counterparts in the middle east and africa aswell. Also given all what Gaddafi did as stated in this Video posted on SOTT, once the rebels start undoing all his policies, like free education/health care etc, subsidising housing, no interest rates and all other benefits the libyan population was used to, I wonder what the reaction will be - when people who had a future no longer have a future and anything to lose. The media propaganda doesnt change the situation for normal libyans.

As with iraq I fear the hardest part is not the actual getting rid of the leader but might be the occupation of the land. I am beginning to see a huge flaw in NATO, they can bomb a country back to pre-development, they can kill tens of thousands of people, even hundreds of thousands, but a country has millions, they can instigate sectarian violence by financing hardliners, but what they can't do is occupy a country without a MASSIVE financial and equipment overlay. Over multiple countries it'll be spread very thin and hemorrhaging money/equipment/supplies beyond limit. I think this will ultimately be its downfall. It wants the whole world - but it can't have the whole world. As stated in one of the articles, the world of today is not the world of 100 years ago. Also given the trajectory sooner or later, people in the developing world might realise what they have in common and unite and then you'll have a divided world. What about if you have a Union of developing countries headed by brazil, china, russia, India, south africa etc. Nightmare scenario. Hardliners like Chavez and Gaddafi will appear and keep on appearing all over the place and NATO will forever be scrambling from one place to another to deal with the situation.
SAO said:
Going a bit further back, Yasser Arafat met a similar fate when he was poisoned by Israel. He was demonized to the point where the world did not care that he was taken out with ruthless impunity. So they either demonize someone they don't like so much that the world looks the other way when that person is murdered in cold blood, or if they can't demonize someone, they associate their country with terrorism and level everything with bombs anyway. Hugo Chavez and Ahmadinejad are kinda in the same boat right now - demonized relentlessly so that if they do decide to invade or murder either one, the western population will just say "good riddance" once again. Of course, if they can't demonize or claim association with terrorism, then the just get a few lackeys to blow themselves up and assassinate the person anyway, like with Benazir Bhutto.

Seems like they are really busy taking out anyone that cares about their people left and right, preparing the ground for a finer order of control for the world, trying to make sure no one will act as a beacon to mobilize people against it. Then again, people are already mobilizing themselves, and with the idea that "corrupt tyrants" should be killed being forced into everyone's head, one has to wonder what happens when our own politicians are seen as "corrupt tyrants" by a very upset majority.

Yes, Arafat, Ahmadinejad, Chaves - on and on and further back, all the same. This process to demonize, in the case of Gaddafi, has been a media spectacle since the 70's when even Saturday Night Live got into the act. But the acts seem to wane and wax over the decades, depending on the PTB at the time and long range planning - by some, until the trial runs are deemed over and coordinated theater is enacted for a more complete physical and mental dominance of any that have a different way, a different leader.

In thinking about Gaddafi, what i've noticed is that even of people I know who would generally be open to much, the western Libyan media program has a strong grasp in their minds with little room for repose; and that's scary. Yet, history reenacts over and over in every global nook and cranny it seems and of the people, they pay dearly. :(

As for: " has to wonder what happens when our own politicians are seen as "corrupt tyrants" by a very upset majority."

Seems to me, at least in history, someone(s) always step in to fill the vacuum of the deposed, and 'authoritarian control' tends to be its middle name - often, the other side of the same coin, osit.
Note to SOTT editors:

The article, Hard Truth - Testimony of Lizzy Phelan On Events In Libya no longer shows the video because the link was not to the original authors youtube post. is the correct link.

Sorry for posting this here, but i couldn't log in to post a comment on the SOTT article for some reason.
luke wilson said:
On a separate note, why are NATO after Assad, the syrian president? Even Turkey are in on the act...

You can't really use logic to try to understand these creatures and their behavior (they're freaking insane :mad:), but the closest explanation i have is that its a feeding frenzy and they are gorging themselves on Blood, death, destruction, and despair. That is what they are hardwired for in the first place isn't it.
I just read this piece on yahoo news with total disgust


it looks like the NATO henchman who executed Gadafi were cream of psychopatic crop...

WARNING if you follow the link the video beware of some disturbing images
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