Thank you Drea! And congrat for your success!
I'll give these valuable info to my friend. I think that IV magnesium sulfat can help a lot though it's something to which doctors and even naturopaths don't think. You used epsom salt, it's sulfate magnesium :) ; combined to products that dissolve the stones and to products that detox, we have a winner team
Magnesium makes sphinters relax (thus facilitates stones expulsion I think), and is antagoniste of calcium (stones). Moreover, sulfate is important in cholesterol metabolism. I haven't find info on Mercola's or Dr Dean's or Dr Seneff or N. Gedgaudas' websites. I've forgotten pubmed. I'll have a look!
While searching for chanca piedra, I learned that this plant is the same family as tamarind, something I can find at the market (tamarind fruit).
I think thats doctors should, when a patient comes to emergency room with a colic of gallblader lithiasis or of a kidney stone, he should hospitalize the patient and give stone dissolving remedies (chanca piedra, plus lecithine for gallblader, etc) + muscle relaxant (IV Mg SO4) + taurine (helps balance Mg/Ca) + anti-inflam (curcumin or other) + detox (vit C IV high dose, castor oil as you mentionned, and coffee enema will be easier at hospital) + glutathion or NAC for supporting liver. And even IR light therapy can be helpfull. Plus keto diet for a while. There is so much to do!
And if a stone is getting stucked in the excretory canal, then surgery. At least, the patient is in the hospital and pain killers can be given immediately and by infusion, and surgery can be performed in case of side effect that could make surgery unavoidable.
And in the orher hand, the patient is given the chance to heal without undergoing surgery.
Thank you again for your post
, you gave me info about 2 other products I ignored: kratom and malic acid. I'll have a look to them too.