Genetically modified mosquitoes to be released in Queensland.


FOTCM Member
The subject of the use of genetically modified mosquitoes reminded me of the following session.

Session 6 Feb 2016
(Andromeda) Do you wanna ask about the Zika virus?

(L) Yeah, we've got this thing called the Zika virus. They're saying it's responsible for causing these cranial and brain malformations in babies. I'm not too sure that the Zika virus is always correlated. I haven't read any serious studies on it. It just seems to me that there are a lot of assumptions being made. Is it the Zika virus causing it? Is the Zika virus caused because of genetically modified mosquitoes, or are birth defects being caused by vaccinations?

(Galatea) What's the cause?

[Noko gets up and moves to the floor, goes back to sleep]

A: Mutations began in humans due to vaccine and then collected by mosquitoes, undergoing further mutations by combining with modifications of the insects.

Q: (L) In other words, the mutation began in the human beings. Then the mosquitoes bit them and sucked up their blood. The blood mixed with the genetic modifications in the mosquitoes, and then the mosquitoes went and bit somebody else which injected it into them? So it was a combination of the genetic modifications of the mosquitoes and the mutation of the vaccinated human? Is that what we're getting at there?

A: Yes

Q: (Chu) Is the virus causes these malformations?

A: At this point, yes.

Q: (L) So in other words, initial problems were probably caused by the vaccine; somebody with Zika virus who had the vaccination got a mutation, and it all mixed together into a deadly cocktail... And is this something that's a real big threat to the human race right now?

A: Not yet.

Q: (Pierre) Apparently it's a dynamic thing.

(L) It could be, and it could go some other way.

(Joe) Passed on by mosquitoes.

(PoB) I read an article, but I didn't go to the study itself. It was written by some investigative journalist. He claimed he went to the test results and this virus was discovered only in very small percentage of these families where the babies were born with deformities, like less than 10%.

(Pierre) If it's mutating a lot, are they detecting all the strains?

(L) The thing is that I think it began with the vaccine... Now the mosquitoes are picking it up and spreading it, but it wasn't that way to begin with. I think it started out as a problem because of the vaccine.

A: Yes

Q: (L) So the vaccine is actually the ultimate origin of this problem. People were vaccinated with something that's causing this mutation. Mutations caused by the vaccination are now being spread by genetically engineered mosquitoes.

A: Yes

Q: (PoB) Apparently in Brazil where it originated from, there was mass vaccinations at that time.

A: Yes

Q: (L) In other words, blaming it on the Zika virus is almost a misrepresentation, or red herring, or misdirection?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Same modus operandi as this Simian virus, and then they started to blame smoking as the cause of cancer.

(L) Yeah.

(PoB) This Zika virus was known for years before. It caused nothing. It was harmless.

(L) It's like just a bug. You got a bug. But now with these mutations in people, it could become more dangerous. As could so many other things. For all we know, when they genetically modify a mosquito to control one thing, that makes the mosquito more liable to further modifications on its own.

A: Yes

Yet there doesn't seem to be a real problem with Dengue Fever in Australia, so it's likely that there are other nefarious plans behind this idea.

Craig Kelly tried to upload a vid to youtube about it, but claims that distribution was restricted.

One Australian govt source says that usually infections start overseas and are spread when the sufferer returns to Australia and then is bitten by a mosquito that spreads the infection and there is only a low risk of infection in far North Qld, but the rest of Australia has no risk.

There's also this from the Journal of Travel Medicine:

Dengue fever australia.png

So it seems totally unnecessary to release these mosquitoes for the reason of controlling Dengue Fever, but as with the Zika virus in Brazil, it has the real potential of becoming something else.

The following article claims that only male mosquitoes will be genetically modified and the males don't bite and they will have a fluorescent gene so that they can be easily identified.

This should convince the public that GM mozzies are a good thing to protect us all from deadly overseas viruses :ohboy:
Well, except for all those right-wing white supremacist conspiracy theorists of course, who just keep spreading and spreading their misinformation into the minds of the masses who never critically think about anything because Russia and that dastardly Putin have got an intractable grip on their hearts and minds with their 6D chess propaganda!!! Oh, woe to the rules-based international order!!! 😂

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