Germany: Religious Circumcisions Are Crimes

Just a note to say that now there have people spoken up against circumcision and banning it in Switzerland up to the age of 16 when a person would be ready to decide for themselves (the Zürcher children's hospital and the Switzerland children's lobby). The same article (in German) states however, that chances to be successful with this in Switzerland's parliament are very low, there's hardly been any backing for it so far. Are we surprised? :(
Here is the translation of the interview I was talking about.

Enosch: „Many people want to ransom themselves with circumcision“

20.07.2012 | 18:20 | by Susanne Knaul (Die Presse)

Circumcision is the „most accepted crime in world-history“, says the Israeli Anti-Circumcision activist Enosch.

Die Presse: What do you think about the debate about circumcision, that has emerged in Europe?

Jonathan Enosch: We were very happy that a german court of law condemned the unethical act of circumcision, of all things a german court. What's absurd is that all of a sudden, Jews and Muslims become the greatest friends, to fight this hand in hand. It's sad to see that apparently they were successful.

Why do you fight circumcision so passionately?

Because it's an act of rape. It is being forced upon a defenceless child, that is unable to have a say in this. However if you would circumcise boys at the age of 13, I am sure that many would resist.

In 1999 your organisation „Ben Shalem“ went to the Surpreme Court in Israel. What did you achieve?

The judges didn't decide against circumsion itself, but they tightened measures in order to protect the safety of children. Six children had died shortly before in Boston, after the cirmuciser had sucked the blood from their wounds with herpesinfected lips.
The Minister of the Interior at that time, Elijah Swissa from the ultra-orthodox Schas-Party, was that angry at the petitionists, that he appealed to throwing them out of the window. How do you explain such an extreme reaction to yourself?
The orthodox jews claim that circumcision is the fundament of Jewism, the covenant with God, who secures the survival of the Jewish People. What many people don't know is that the original circumcision, like the one Abraham used on himself, was much softer than it is nowaday. Abraham only cut off the tip of his foreskin. Nowadays the procedure is much more cruel and dangerous.

How many families in Israel don't let their children be cirsumcised?

When we started to organize ourselves twenty years ago, there were only a few dozens of families. Today we talk about 2 percent of the jewish Population in Israel.

If circumcision is really that cruel, shouldn't then many more people become active about it?

Just take a sample of 100 random people and ask them what exactly happens during a circumcision: How do you circumcise, what exactly is being cut away? They won't know it.

Your son is 15 years old. Does he suffer from the fact that he is not circumcised?

No, not at all. You see, it is also about how the child deals with it. After all, it's not as if he has red hair or big ears. You don't immediately see that he's not circumcised. And the other children don't care about it, all they care about is that he's a nice guy.

Have you made any bad experiences with doctors or teachers?

Actually no. The fact is that a lot of people in Israel feel uneasy about the fact that their children get circumcised. They know that they make a deal with the devil: They drive their car on Schabbat und eat porc. They want to ransom themselves with the circumcision. There's a lot of hypocrisy in this.

How did your parents react?

My ex-wife and I have been downright boycotted by our families. I have heards of young parents, where the grandparent even threaten to kidnap the child in order to circumcise it. Many families use pressure and insist on the ceremony and the celebration, where the Baby is being presented and given a name.

What's your opinion on the occasionally used argument that circumcision has health benefits?

That it's absolutely absurd. They take a healthy baby and perform surgery on it, without any necessity. Why? Because the operation is supposed to avoid future sicknesses. Within the same logic, women would have to ampute their breasts in order to avoid cancer. This is totally sadistic and insane. Circumcision is the most accepted crime in world-history.

Does the media have any joint guilt in this?

First of all I blame the intellectuals, but also media and artists. There's as good as no article or broadcast on this topic, neither are there any novels or plays. The intellectuals are cowards. The brainwashing just works that well. A whole people is dazed.

About the person:

Jonathan Enosch, 51, is an Israeli Anti-Circumcision activist und founder of the initiative „Ben Shalem“, which can be translated as „intact son“ or „complete son“. He is the father of an 15 year old, uncircumcised son and a daughter, and he estimates that about two percent of the jewish parents in Israel don't want to circumcise their sons anymore. A small but growing minority.


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