At no point did I mention that I intend to use this ability to make money,wow people or manage tour groups.
If you re-read that part of my post you'll see I wasn't deriding the making of money or showing people around with those types of abilities (not sure where you got the "wow people" from, which I would consider a desire coming from negative emotions). In and of themselves neither of those 2 former things are bad by virtue of the use of PSI to accomplish them. What's important is the intention and aims you set. If your aim is to do A (serve others) then you will find the best way to do that (either via B or C). If you really just want to do B out of interest's sake, you can do that, but again, in the context of someone who is working on themselves to be an STO candidate, I don't see much in the way of practical application towards that end.
I want to develop them because I've been interested in them literally my whole life and have read extensively on them in the last few years.It's a natural inclination for me,it feels ''right'' to go in this direction.
You do you, man. I just hope that some of the reading and networking you've done here and elsewhere has given you enough self-awareness to understand what actually serves you (your real I); and serves your home environment, family, friends, community, etc; versus what serves an obsessive dopamine circuit. I'm not you so I don't know (not that that means you necessarily know either). Maybe it's part of your lesson plan to "follow your bliss" and learn the lessons down that road, however hard they will be.
Moreover serious guide books such as the one I've mentioned often talk about keeping your abilities a secret so as not to draw problems.
That is good advice. Strategic enclosure is generally a good idea.
If you really are as enthusiastic about Miracle Mastery as you say you are, why not start a thread here and create a synopsis of all the chapters, so more eyeballs can study it and develop an opinion? That kind of project (if it is a labor of love) can collectively save people on this forum hundreds of hours of earning $ to buy the book, wait for the book, and read the book.
And by the way,is there a better forum for safely developing these abilities anyway?To be able to network progress?Because from what I've seen most forums centering on psi tend to be very new age,full of wishful thinking and ''enlightened masters''.
Like all things in life, you get what you pay for and there's no free lunch. The average new-agey psi forum is filled with the sort of people attracted to "free."
There's online courses and workshops in places like Vegas that charge a lot but, there's people who go to these things each year because they similarly have been interested in psi for their entire lives. These events are frequented often by members or ex-members of the US military, since they do have their own divisions for repelling remote viewers and the like, as well as influencing how the techniques are taught (eg, saying you can't remote view letters or documents - when you totally can according to a friend of mine who attended such a conference).
This place is free to read, join, and share in; but the costs are in the sincere, conscientious, and disinterested efforts needed to see yourself and learn to do what "it doesn't like" to clean your emotions and remove barriers to knowledge assimilation. I'm sure there are plenty of "better" forums and online groups which can develop psi abilities faster than the pace on here. As for whether they can develop those abilities more "safely," my honest opinion is, "not a chance."
In America, some people have guns to defend themselves.
But the rest of the world has nothing to defend itself physically.
Knowledge is the greatest protection. The C's always say this. There is nothing truer. This view you have is very 3D, because of how much you focus on the physical. Acquiring knowledge and awareness itself exerts an unconscious psi influence by preventing certain types of realities manifesting for you, and moving you (consciously or otherwise) to more beneficial realities. Psi is always active and always working to help you, no extra effort required on your part.
You're just gonna surrender when they storm your house, and hold you, and vaccinate you?
Or are you going to kick their asses with some telekineses, or teleport away?
I choose the second option if i have it, thank you.
You've been either playing way too many videogames or watching way too many action movies.
To be clear, ALL of that is programming a limited 3D perspective into you, making you think it's all about the physical. Do you SEE how focused on the physical your statements are? It is an illusion. The C's say it a lot, and it's a trope on here, but it's true. There are hyperdimensional agents and objects behind these disparate physical manifestations, and it's by networking and interacting with THOSE from a higher perspective that you dissolve the unpleasant physical manifestations. For example, what's more likely than a physical conflict is that gaining and sharing knowledge is more likely to result in no police ever showing up to vaccinate you. Or another option is you can swallow a pill that makes you immune to the negative effects of the vaccine. Or through your knowledge and awareness can direct the evolution of the virus in your body to benefit you or others. In such a situation whether or not police will show up is simply unimportant.
Free will means that you can choose what you want to do in life.
Only the wise are free. To be wise means to be knowledgeable and aware, in as broad a sense of both those words as possible.[/quote][/QUOTE]