Getting stronger: Danger of developing PSI powers

Yes, in terms of man being a mirror of the whole a.k.a God. But later, as you can see, it is about accessing these realities via conscious choices. And while that would seem to say that one has that knowledge within, or all knowledge conflicts with the fact of our experiences and lessons to be lived, as a way of obtaining knowledge. Therefore, the way to access knowledge is by studying the natural world, which comprises everything around us including man. Which in the end boils down to: Know yourself.

Why couldn't you do both at the same time?
You have any idea what your brain is capable off?
by getting to know myself, i receive knowledge.
Just because all knowledge is inside you doesn’t mean you can access it. That’s why the C’s said “it’s fun to see how much you can access,” because we can only access what we are capable of accessing. If we were capable of accessing everything there would be no such thing as believing in lies or illusions. But people do believe in things that are incorrect (isn’t that why you try and correct people?) So we can get false information. We all can only access what we are able, and each person has access to different things. That’s why it is important to listen to what others have to say, just as everyone here is listening to you and trying to see whether what you say matches up with what wither have accessed, and with what other people they trust have accessed. It is possible to believe you are accessing truth, where in fact you are accessing false information.

that’s why there is a ladder and variability in awareness. You must learn from others further ahead of you, if you want to avoid the suffering that comes with trying to learn everything by yourself with no input from others.

btw, are you familiar with the concepts of intentional suffering, the machine, the predator mind, and personal bankruptcy? I read your posts and I see a lot of negative emotions, all of which distort our thinking and limit our ability to access information. Are you aware that I cannot see myself as others see me, and that you cannot see yourself the way others see you? We all have this blind spot, and that’s why feedback from people you trust is important.

I’m not saying you have to listen to what we say if you don’t trust the experience and intentions of people on here, who have learned from Laura and the C’s and collectively accessed and manifested their wisdom into reality as much as they are capable. If you do not trust and have faith in the good of others here then there’s no point in trying to get through to you.
So you do think you can get knowledge from outside sources even though you said that doing that gives away your power? It's difficult for me to follow what you are saying.

Furthermore, since you are trying to persuade him that what you’re thinking is true, you’re asking him to give away his power and just believe you. But you’re not trying to take his power are you? You’re trying to help him see a reality that (you think) he doesn’t have access to yet.

That is the situation I and others are in, trying to share with you information about reality you do not have access to. You’re not giving away your power by listening, any more then Renaissance would be giving away his by listening to you.
So you do think you can get knowledge from outside sources even though you said that doing that gives away your power? It's difficult for me to follow what you are saying.

I dont need outside sources to get to know myself.
Like i said, everything is within you.
That is also contradictory.
How can someone else teach you who you are.
Jasophoria, it looks to me like your cup is full of word salad. You're in the wrong place if that's how you feel.

It's not just that. Reading Jasophoria's history here: Wire wrapt my own bridal jewelry. Made my own bridal bouquet and more.

I am acutely aware that this forum is not the right fit for her. As Gurdjieff said, you cannot begin The Work at a level lower than an Obyvatel and you cannot do the work without a completely healthy and robust mind, spirit and nervous system. Jasophoria has revealed in that other thread - and this one - that she is not a good candidate for doing The Work. And that is, after all, what this forum is geared for.

Thus, sadly, I think I will have to ask Jasophoria to please consider her own mental health as well as the energy output of the forum owners and members in dealing with an individual who is not a good fit, not on the same page, not even in the same reality, and find another place to interact with others. It's not that we don't want to help people when we can, but they have to actually think they need help and ask for it. Jasophoria is doing neither. And in any case, I don't think that there's anything any of us can do other than beat our heads against a brick wall.

Say your goodbyes, Jasophoria and we wish you a good journey on your path; it just isn't ours.
Say your goodbyes, Jasophoria and we wish you a good journey on your path; it just isn't ours.

Did Jasophoria get banned?

I'm asking because it's not clear to me. If she did get banned I'll be agreeable, but I'd like to discuss.
Did Jasophoria get banned?

I'm asking because it's not clear to me. If she did get banned I'll be agreeable, but I'd like to discuss.

It is our policy to exercise protective prevention when necessary. The Work we do here isn't easy even for the robust and healthy. Those with vulnerabilities not only cannot do it, it is unfair to others to expect them to spend time and energy on hopeless situations. Jasophoria's vulnerabilities and needs are not up for discussion.
It is our policy to exercise protective prevention when necessary. The Work we do here isn't easy even for the robust and healthy. Those with vulnerabilities not only cannot do it, it is unfair to others to expect them to spend time and energy on hopeless situations. Jasophoria's vulnerabilities and needs are not up for discussion.

Fair enough. Can we discuss perspectives and motivations?
Thank You whitecoast, Zzartemis, primeaddict, Bluegazer, lainey, Renaissance and others voicing their belief about "I don't think this is useful at all".

As Laura said:
Cs have said that the important thing to do in this reality is to concentrate on karmic and simple understandings in order to be ready to graduate. That is, we have to learn the lessons we came to learn. Looks to me like we don't have a lot of time left to do that so I don't think I'd be wasting it on this sort of activity.

Jasophoria performed an essential part here: showing what happens with people 'of this world' without having training in The Work.

This thread is not about proudly developing and showing off anything, - rather dealing with it. If anything PK-related starts to rear its ugly head. Especially the worst: telekinesis and teleportation. Will there be physiological symptoms? Can it be video-documented?

What lessons you learned from making mistakes in the process of getting it under control. How you finally decided it is the worst idea to use any telekinesis or teleportation, if any. Why is it not safe. How did you perceive it. What were your impressions, your thinking process, while experiencing the above two in relation to how it endangered others. How you successfully turned it off. Because, I think, in real life the uncontrolled use of the above two leads to karmic consequences. Nobody in The Work training wants more negative karma.

Growing UP, becoming responsible. Feeling the pain of others. Then feeling the pain of the world.

Then.. after we did all the above, we'll see what to do about the other side of the coin.
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