Gregg Braden

Thanks for the post Buddy; great job - others too!

After reading here I happened to pull out a Braden book from the basement, ‘The God Code’, which now sits in front of me. Was going to toss it out but for some reason kept it, for one, my late dog partially devoured it and he has only ever eaten a few other books and there were many opportunities. Just what was he trying to tell me?

Pretty sure I made some notes with part of this book before it entered the jaws of my dog. Did a search of my files entering the name Braden, and this gets wired, because entering the name, what comes up was notes on Laura's chapter 22 - Maynard Most, how did that happen? Also, Drunvalo Melchizedek and David Wilcock came up in the search from a saved email received from someone in the family.

Having no luck looking for the notes here, then entered “code” and what comes up but;

Faith of consciousness is freedom
Faith of feeling is weakness
Faith of body is stupidity.
Love of consciousness evokes the same in response
Love of feeling evokes the opposite
Love of the body depends only on type and polarity.
Hope of consciousness is strength
Hope of feeling is slavery
Hope of body is disease.


- Cassiopaeans, 09-28-02
Disasters involve cycles in the human experiential cycle [...] Human cycle mirrors cycle of catastrophe. Earth benefits in form of periodic cleansing. Time to start paying attention to the signs. They are escalating. They can even be 'felt' by you and others, if you pay attention.
Life is religion. Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the worlds will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the 'past.' People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the 'Future.'

Not until I put in DNA did a file come up relating to these notes directly on part of his not eaten book.

Initially, picked the book off of a store shelf because it was dealing with old scrip's (Braden had picked up on Eliyahu Rips’s stuff) and DNA. There are 14 pages of notes, so not sure if I should bother unless someone wants a snapshot up until the book met its demise? However as a side note, the book was Praised by Chopera, Dyer and Wesselman and as for Braden he says of the book/himself;

In the spring of 1990, I left a successful career as a senior computer systems designer in the aerospace and defence industry to dedicate myself, full time, to developing and presenting such principles of unity.

Anyway, this is about all I know of GB and will review what's left of the book and notes to see if anything stands out.

Gregg Braden is also in involved with World Puja, underscore goes before this link for sure :)


"Hang out with JJ Hurtak, Deepak Chopra, Gregg Braden, Tom Kenyon, Dr. Gabriel Cousens, Lynne McTaggart, Dan Millman, Arun Gandhi, Michael Tamura, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Jean Houston, Dr. Steven Greer, James Gilliland, Andrew Cohen, Alan Cohen, Solara, Freddy Silva, Dr. Bruce Lipton, JZ Knight, Neale Donald Walsch, Rev. Michael Beckwith, Rabbi Michael Lerner, Sonia Choquette, James Ray, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Deva Premal and Miten"

He was also involved in AXIOM some years ago.


This ties in with ex military spooks, UFO disinfo, remote viewing, big money from old established names etc etc. Interesting to see some new money being poured in on this one.

Bob Proctors rankings have increased after The Secret too!

I always cringe when I see Tony Robbins, the guy's positive thinking somehow didn't work on his first marriage. Their "visions & values' didn't quite match up... that makes it sound so bloody corporate.

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