Greta Thunberg: False Prophet of the Children's Crusade


TIME’s editor-in-chief, Edward Felsenthal, unveiled this year’s winner on NBC’s Today Show, describing Thunberg as the “biggest voice on the biggest issue facing the planet.” :whistle:
Trump tells Greta Thunberg to work on ‘anger management’ and ‘chill’
American President Donald Trump mocked 16-year-old Greta Thunberg on Twitter Thursday after she was named Time magazine’s Person of the Year.

“So ridiculous,” Trump tweeted. “Greta must work on her Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Greta, Chill!”
Trump, was previously Time’s Person of the Year in 2016 and a finalist for the 2019 nomination.
In response, Thunberg updated her Twitter bio, noting that she was working on her anger management problems and watching a movie with a friend.

Trump’s son also commented on the selection of Thunberg, arguing that individuals like the Hong Kong protestors deserved the honour far more.
“Time leaves out the Hong Kong Protesters fighting for their lives and freedoms to push a teen being used as a marketing gimmick,” he wrote. “How dare you?”
Trump tells Greta Thunberg to work on ‘anger management’ and ‘chill’
American President Donald Trump mocked 16-year-old Greta Thunberg on Twitter Thursday after she was named Time magazine’s Person of the Year.

“So ridiculous,” Trump tweeted. “Greta must work on her Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Greta, Chill!”

Trump, was previously Time’s Person of the Year in 2016 and a finalist for the 2019 nomination.
In response, Thunberg updated her Twitter bio, noting that she was working on her anger management problems and watching a movie with a friend.

Trump’s son also commented on the selection of Thunberg, arguing that individuals like the Hong Kong protestors deserved the honour far more.
“Time leaves out the Hong Kong Protesters fighting for their lives and freedoms to push a teen being used as a marketing gimmick,” he wrote. “How dare you?”

Wow! There's a man not willing to "Bend the Knee". It's easy to see why people both like and hate him.

I'd really like to know the numbers of, not Democrat v Republican, but rather, "True Believer" v "Disillusioned".

"Disillusioned" sounds like a bad thing, but just look at the word! It's an achievement!
Meanwhile a few threads have popped up on several friends’ Facebook pages calling Trump’s tweet “bullying a teen”, complete with cartoons of Melania showing “Don’t bully”...”Exceptions: Greta”. Oh the outrage!! The “chill chill” remark might have been snide, but if that was bullying, what the hell do you call what kids actually suffer? What baffles me is that the people posting this are roughly my age (53), went to the same schools I did, grew up in the same county...When were they taught this nonsense? What magnetic field of stupid did they walk through and did I just sleep in that day?
Meanwhile a few threads have popped up on several friends’ Facebook pages calling Trump’s tweet “bullying a teen”, complete with cartoons of Melania showing “Don’t bully”...”Exceptions: Greta”. Oh the outrage!! The “chill chill” remark might have been snide, but if that was bullying, what the hell do you call what kids actually suffer? What baffles me is that the people posting this are roughly my age (53), went to the same schools I did, grew up in the same county...When were they taught this nonsense? What magnetic field of stupid did they walk through and did I just sleep in that day?
I have been noticing this "outrage" coming from a lot of people as well.

It IS so frustrating to watch normally intelligent adults suddenly start foaming at the mouth in defense of Greta, someone they have never even MET!

BUT, here is what I am seeing, for what it's worth.

First tho' I must write this:
What I am posting is Research for Entertainment Purposes Only.
I have no authority nor license to give any medical, psychological, or life skills advice, I just have information to share, for entertainment purposes only.

What if you try looking at it as evidence of a hardwired deep program in the brain?

An instinctive response, triggered by the Psyche.
It starts out non-emotional, because it is deep primal, FEELING response.

Intelligently Designed, by the Designers, so that we will protect the babies, the children, the defenseless "littles" who must live, so that WE, we Humans can survive.

The so called "Higher" emotions, from the "conscious" brain get mixed up in this, and then you get the crap that's going on.
The freaking out, virtue signalling crap, from people who have "issues".
The trigger events(seeing or reading negative things about Greta, for instance) instantaneously "click" them into the out of control senselessness and "foaming at the mouth" stuff.

From my observations, using what I have learned so far, these people have unhealed wounding that is re triggered, referred to as a "constellation" in other studies.
But, it starts out as a PURE, instinctive response, at least that's how I am seeing it.

In the psychology stuff I studied, I learned about "Babyfaceness".

"A sense that baby-faced individuals should be protected from those who are more mature-faced is revealed in the finding that more baby-faced plaintiffs in small claims court are awarded more compensation from mature-faced than baby-faced perpetrators. Other evidence of stronger protective responses to baby-faced individuals is provided by the finding that people who find a lost letter with a resume enclosed are more likely to return it when the photo on the resume shows a baby-faced than a mature-faced person.”

I learned the term "puppy licence" when I studied other methodologies, and this quote is kinda neat:
"In the wolf pack the “puppy license” grants the young wolves permission for inappropriate behavior. The role of the “constellated” adult wolves is to play with the young wolves, and Protect them."

If anything, using this as a working Theory helps keep me in a more compassionate space when I am around the 2 people that still talk to me..... :cool2: :shock:
Well right now I'm feeling confused about what the heck is going on! These are such very strange times we're living in. Today, I inadvertently and against my better judgement got pulled into a political debate with liberal, long time democrats. This is the second encounter in the last 6 weeks or so and I find these situations to be very unpleasant to say the least. I think I'm seeing things quite clearly, the deceptions by the media about Trump, the impeachment scam, big business promotion behind Thunberg etc, etc. And these people don't see/know any of that... they believe whole heartedly with all the lies. They are convinced they're right and I'm also as convinced of my correctness in analyzing the situation.

They are hoping the impeachment will be successful. So there is some truth in Pelosi's stance that she is representing her Democratic base, unfortunately. I don't think these political differences would be disturbing to me if they didn't have such an emotional charge and I'm likely to be on the receiving end of angry aggression, depending on the people involved. A contributing factor to my anxiety is that both encounters involved my employers! I suspect that naively letting a few of my political views slip may have contributed to me being fired from a recent job. As I was cast on the side of Trump, I was seen as one who supports despicable acts, one who is as despicable as he is.
I became one of the deplorables.

Very fortunately, my present employers are intelligent enough to be able to tolerate differences in view points and be able to see I'm a decent person. In fact I was asked, would I decide to quit the job because of these differences and they implied they wished that wasn't the case. Phew! I didn't lose the job and I can continue to buy food! There can be serious consequences to this whole mind f--- and loosing a job is on the minor side, I'd say.

To come back to the subject of this topic, my employer was outraged that Trump would tweet such horrible comments about a 16 yr. old. I was silent.

So today, when my immune system is a bit low, I may be experiencing some cognitive dissonance(if I' m understanding that correctly). A strongish influence to accept a view point that goes against my usual understanding of truth, and wonder if I'm wrong...... I'll recover.

Another thought. I have people in my family who think Trump is a jerk and more or less follow the msm spiel, but love me anyway and shrug off these differences. Its not a big deal to them. To me, this is whats important. We have differing views but our common humanity is what's important.
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All people around me think Trump is a psychopath, a crazy, a fool, etc. I used to react but it is not avail. It is like to talk to the wind, people don't listen to you, anyway, they are not interested in exchange ideas and if they listen is for denigrating you. I close my mouth and while I smile like I am listening I think about the book I am reading or other things, sometimes I say to my self: God please, give me patience to endure these crazy people in front of me. ;-D Same with Santa Greta, I don't read anything about her, just good articles that try to understand and analyse with inteligente this situation. Every thing is there to make you angry or make you react, that's their purpose. To divide.To make you fight. Sometimes it is important to give your point of vue, other times is better to say nothing at all.
All people around me think Trump is a psychopath, a crazy, a fool, etc. I used to react but it is not avail. It is like to talk to the wind, people don't listen to you, anyway, they are not interested in exchange ideas and if they listen is for denigrating you. I close my mouth and while I smile like I am listening I think about the book I am reading or other things, sometimes I say to my self: God please, give me patience to endure these crazy people in front of me. ;-D Same with Santa Greta, I don't read anything about her, just good articles that try to understand and analyse with inteligente this situation. Every thing is there to make you angry or make you react, that's their purpose. To divide.To make you fight. Sometimes it is important to give your point of vue, other times is better to say nothing at all.

I struggle with this quite a bit. My issues is that I tend to migrate from observing events like the climate change extravaganza and sharing alternative positions, to becoming an advocate for the sceptical position and engaging people who are making outrageous claims about global warming. If you have an open mind, the evidence for a need to be sceptical is overwhelming. I have learned to temper my positionand remember that the passionate, angry alarmists are NOT asking for help, they are NOT asking me or anybody else to help them find the truth. No, they are being true authoritarian followers and vigorously defending the beliefs they have been fed and attacking anybody who deviates from official doctrine. Trying to force my views on them is as STS as it comes so I am learning to walk away.
Just saw this article today. It seems Greta's handlers are upping the ante to see what they can get away with when it comes from the mouth of a damaged teenager. There is no doubt they are pushing for societal change and top down control, big time.
It is hard not to think of what the C's said about the wave being hyperkinetic sensate, thus making ourselves and all other human beings a lot more vulnerable to go get triggered in an instant and act very emotionally. In the past differences were accepted and things could be discussed without involving the emotional center, but now the lower emotional center in some people gets from 0 to 10 before hardly having said anything. Wearing a MAGA hat can be enough for some to loose it.
Meanwhile a few threads have popped up on several friends’ Facebook pages calling Trump’s tweet “bullying a teen”, complete with cartoons of Melania showing “Don’t bully”...”Exceptions: Greta”. Oh the outrage!! The “chill chill” remark might have been snide, but if that was bullying, what the hell do you call what kids actually suffer? What baffles me is that the people posting this are roughly my age (53), went to the same schools I did, grew up in the same county...When were they taught this nonsense? What magnetic field of stupid did they walk through and did I just sleep in that day?
Maybe these people of around 53 have kids or grandchildren and are influenced by them concerning: Saint-Greta and Climate Change. "They" used the young to brainwashing the adults around. Like a domino or a Black Death virus, the young are tools to infect everyone. Saint Greta being the "Queen" of the hive.
Back at the United Nations Climate Summit in September Greta and "The Don" had a casual encounter...


On September 23rd, 2019, climate activist Greta Thunberg delivered a speech before the U.N. climate summit.
During the event, President Trump passed through the summit on his way to a U.N. summit on religious freedom.
As he passed Thunberg, cameras captured Thunberg glaring at Trump...

I have learned to temper my position and remember that the passionate, angry alarmists are NOT asking for help, they are NOT asking me or anybody else to help them find the truth. No, they are being true authoritarian followers and vigorously defending the beliefs they have been fed and attacking anybody who deviates from official doctrine. Trying to force my views on them is as STS as it comes so I am learning to walk away.

Well said, fgv!

Every now and then I had to make some sarcastic remarks about climate change, "dwindling" polar bears (pop. approx. 30-50,000) being a plague in Northern Canada, "peak oil" that didn't emerge, wind turbines killing birds and insects, usually all in vain. Or may be I was so vain to believe that I was called to turn people around and "set them free..." ;-)

Even my favorite remark: "CO2 is a religion" hasn't won me many friends. None at all to be honest.

Here in Germany most people are falling for the CO2 catastrophy narrative hook, line and sinker.
But I think they are tiring of the "Greta" story, her self-righteous invocations, her image of a troubled child (easy to look away from) that is inducing them to feel even more guilt in their lives.

Will I have to pay a fine for having incurred three 👎 just because of Greta?
What baffles me is that the people posting this are roughly my age (53), went to the same schools I did, grew up in the same county...When were they taught this nonsense? What magnetic field of stupid did they walk through and did I just sleep in that day?

It seems that, at the core of it, this is what can happen if you don't critically think. You will follow the Pied Piper to wherever he wishes to lead you.

Most people are buried in their cell phones, etc, and do not want to challenge anything. They leave it up to others to shape their destiny.

Critical thinking and challenging sacred cows seems to one of the fundamental lessons in this density. And you can see the disastrous results when this is not done. :-O JMHO.
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